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Capsid^ [continued) Capsus, Fab. — laniarius, Lin. Dover (Hall), Lee, Lewhhiun (West), Maidstone (Elgar) — scutellaris, Fab. Dartford Heath (Douglas and Scott) Bothynotus, Fieb. — pilosus. Boh. Between Heme Bay and Canterbury one _?_ (Butler) Rhopalotomus, Fieb. — ater, Lin. Dover (Hall), Lee, Lewis- ham, Kidhrook (West), Harrietsham, Barming (Elgar), Dodington (Chitty) Pilophorus, Hahn. — cinnamopterus, Kb. Firs between Heme Bay and Canterbury (Butler), Plumstead (Douglas and Scott) — perplexus, Scott. Lewisham (Douglas and Scott), Bromley (Saunders), Deal (Hall), Blackheath (West), Swalecliffe (Butler) — clavatus, Lin. Lee (Douglas and Scott) Systellonotus, Fieb. — triguttatus, Lin. Dover (Hall) AUodapus, Fieb. — rufescens, Burm. Plumstead (Douglas and Scott), Swalecliffe Marsh (Butler) Halticus, Burm. — luteicollis, Panz. Sirood (Douglas and Scott), Bromley (Saunders) — apterus, Lin. Darenth (Douglas and Scott), Heme Bay (Saunders) Orthocephalus, Fieb. — saltator, Hahn. Eltham, Folkestone (Douglas and Scott), Brockley (West), Deal (Newbery), Dodington, etc. (Chitty) Macrolophus, Fieb. — nubilus, H.S. Lewisham (Douglas and Scott), Tunbridge Wells (Saunders), West Wickham Wood (West) Dicyphus, Fieb. — epilobii, Reut. Folkestone, Lewisham (Douglas and Scott), Dover (Hall), Kidbrook (West), Sandwich (New- bery) — errans, Wolff. Lewisham, Eltham, Darenth (Douglas and Scott), Abbey Wood (West) — stachydis, Reut. Dover (Hall), Dod- ington (Chitty) — pallid icornis, Fieb. Plumstead, Darenth, Tunbridge Wells (Douglas and Scott), Abbey Wood (West) — globulifer, Fall. Lewisham, Eltham, Bexley (Douglas and Scott), Abbey Wood (West), Dodington (Chitty) -^ annulatus, Wolff. Deal, Folkestone (Douglas and Scott), Heme Bay (Saunders) A HISTORY OF KENT Capsid^ [continued) Campyloneura, Fieb. — virgula, H.S. JFickham, Bromley, Bex- ley (Douglas and Scott), Dover (Hall), Blackheath, Lee (West), Dodington (Chitty) Cyllocoris, Hahn. — histrionicus, Lin. Darenth Wood (Douglas and Scott), Dover (Hall), Abbey Wood (West) — flavonotatus. Boh. Lewisham (Douglas and Scott), Darenth (Champion), Shooters Hill Wood (West), Dodington (Chitty) /Etorhinus, Fieb. — angulatus. Fab. Lewisham (Douglas and Scott), Dover (Hall), Blackheath, Lee (West), Dodington (Chitty) Globiceps, Latr. — fiavomaculatus, Fab. Eltham (Douglas and Scott), Dover (Hall), Dodington (Chitty) — cruciatus, Reut. Dartford Brent (Douglas and Scott), Deal (Saunders) Mecomma, Fieb. — ambulans, Fall. Plumstead (Douglas and Scott), Abbey Wood, Grove Park, Lee (West) Cyrtorrhinus, Fieb. — caricis. Fall. Tunbridge Wells (Butler) — pygmasus, Zett. Deal (Butler), Sand- wich (Billups) — flaveolus, Reut. Whitstable (Butler) Orthotylus, Fieb. — bilineatus. Fall. Plumstead, Shooters Hill (West) — flavinervis, Kb. Lewisham (Douglas and Scott), Bromley (Saunders), Forest Hill (Champion), Catford (West) — marginalis, Reut. Lewisham (Douglas and Scott), Lee (West), Tolehurst (Chitty) — nassatus. Fab. Eltham (Douglas and Scott), Bromley (Saunders), Blackheath (West) — viridinervis, Kb. Blackheath (West) — prasinus, Fall. Kidbrook (West) — scotti, Reut. Bromley (Saunders) — ochrotrichus, D. & S. Folkestone (Douglas and Scott) — diaphanus, Kb. Lee, Eltham (Douglas and Scott), Bromley (Saunders), Lewis- ham (West) - — flavosparsus. Sahib. Lee (Douglas and Scott), Pegwell Bay, Whitstable, Swalecliffe (Butler), Kidbrook, Lewis- ham (West) — chloropterus, Kb. Plumstead (West) — concolor, Kb. Tunbridge Wells (Doug- las and Scott)