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INSECTS Capsid.^ {continued) Orthotylus adenocarpi, Perr. Plumstead (BiUups) — rubidus, Fieb. & Put. Pegwell Bay, WhiUtable, Sivaledife (Butler), Heme Bay (Saunders) — ericetorum, Fall. Plumstead, West Wickham Wood (West), Tolehurst (Chitty) Hypsitylus, Fieb. — bicolor, D. & S. Blackheath, Charlton (Douglas and Scott) Loxops, Fieb. — coccinea, Mey. Abbey Wood (West), Sevenoaks (Butler) Heterotoma, Latr. — merioptera, Scop. Eltham, Bexley, Dar- enth (Douglas and Scott), Dover (Hall), Kidbrook (West), Huntingfield (Chitty) Heterocordylus, Fieb. — tibialis, Hahn. Dartford Heath, Birch Wood (Douglas and Scott), Plumstead (West) Malacocoris, Fieb. — chlorizans, Fall. Bexley (Douglas and Scott), Lee, Lewisham (West) Onychumenus, Reut. — decolor. Fall. Eltham, Dartford Brent (Douglas and Scott), Tunhridge Wells, Deal (Butler), Dover (Hall), Hunting- field (Chitty) Oncotylus, Fieb. — viridiflavus, Goeze. Hurst Wood, Tun- bridge Wells (Douglas and Scott), Sevenoaks (Butler) Macrotylus, Fieb. — paykulli. Fall. Folkestone (Douglas and Scott), Dover (Hall) Conostethus, Fieb. — salinus, J. Sahib. Gravesend (Power) — roseus, Fall. Eltham (Douglas and Scott) Hoplomachus, Fieb. — thunbergi, Fall. Birch Wood (Power), Darenth Wood (Billups), Boxley Hills (Marshall) Macrocoleus, Fieb. — hortulanus, Mey. Darenth Wood — molliculus. Fall. Folkestone, Lee (Doug- las and Scott), Dover (Hall), Sivale- dife (Butler) Amblytylus, Fieb. — affinis, Fieb. Eltham (Douglas and Scott), Tunhridge Wells (Saunders), Lee (Billups), Dover (Newbery), Dodington (Chitty) — brevicollis, Fieb. 'Shooters Hilt (West) Harpocera, Curt. Capsid.^ [continued) Harpocera thoracica. Fall. Lewisham, Eltham, Bexley (Douglas and Scott), Grove Park, Lee (West), Bromley (Saunders), Dodington (Chitty) Byrsoptera, Spin. — rufifrons, Fall. Blackheath, Tunhridge Wells (Douglas and Scott), Abbey Wood (West), Deal (Newbery), Dodington (Chitty) Phylus, Hahn. — palliceps, Fieb. Darenth Wood {Doug- hs and Scott), Shooters Hill (West), Bromley {Sounders), Dodington (Chitty) — melanocephalus, Lin. Darenth Wood (Douglas and Scott), Dover (Hall), Shooters Hill (West), Bromley, Tun- bridge Wells (Saunders) — coryli, Lin. Darenth Wood (Douglas and Scott), Dover (Hall), Shooters Hill (West), Tunbridge Wells (Saunders) Atractotomus, Fieb. — mali, Mey. Catford (West) — magnicornis. Fall. West Wickham, Bromley (Saunders), Bostol Wood, Plumstead (West) Psallus, Fieb. — ambiguus. Fall. Eltham (Douglas and Scott), Tunbridge Wells (Saunders), Kidbrook (West) — betuleti. Fall. Darenth (Douglas and Scott), Shooters Hill, West Wickham Wood (West) — obscurellus. Fall. Dartford Heath (Douglas and Scott), Bostol Wood, West Wickham Wood (West), Brom- ley (Saunders) — variabilis. Fall. Darenth (Douglas and Scott), Shooters Hill, West Wickham Wood (West), Tunbridge Wells (Saun- ders) — querctis, Kb. Darenth (Douglas and Scott), Bromley (Saunders), Shooters Hill, West Wickham Wood (West) — lepidus, Fieb. Dartford (Douglas and Scott), Abbey Wood (West), Bromley (Saunders) — alnicola, D. & S. Catford (West) — fallenii, Reut. Lnuisham (West) — varians, H.S. Dover (Hall), Shooters Hill (West), Bromley, Tunbridge Wells (Saunders) — albicinctus, Kb. West WickhamQ) (Chaney) — sanguineus. Fab. Deal, Lewisham (Douglas and Scott), Lewisham, Folke- stone (West) — salicellus, Mey. Wickham, Darenth, Tunbridge Wells (Douglas and Scott), Lee (West), Tolehurst (Chitty)