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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS 92 Robert the son of W(illiam) the usher (hostiarit) holds of the king in HOWES [Hose] 2 carucates of land. There he has I plough in demesne and 3 serfs ; and 8 villeins with i bor- dar have 2 ploughs. There are 7 acres of meadow. It was and is worth 20 shillings. Turstin holds of Robert in HOWES [Hose] 2 carucates of land. There he has I plough and 2 serfs ; and 6 villeins and 2 bordars with I ploughs. There (are) 9 acres of meadow. It was and is worth 20 shillings. The same Turstin holds of Robert in CLACHE- STONE [Long Clawson] 4 carucates of land and Tetbald (holds) 2 carucates of land. There is i plough in demesne ; and (there are) 3 soch- men and 5 villeins and 4 bordars with 3 ploughs and i serf. There (are) 14 acres of meadow. The whole was and is worth 20 shillings. In King Edward's time Outi and Arnui held these lands with sac and soc. 4 villeins with 4 bordars have 6 ploughs. There (is) a mill rendering (de) 2 shillings and 30 acres of meadow. It was worth 30 shillings ; now (it is worth) 50 shillings. Bricmar and Ulf held it. Ralf holds of the count WESTHAM [Whet- stone]. There (is) half a hide and i carucate of land ; 6 ploughs were there. Now in demesne (there are) 2 ploughs and 2 serfs; and 24 soch- men and n villeins with 5 bordars have 5 ploughs. There is i knight and a mill ren- dering (de) 2 shillings and 1 6 acres of meadow. It was worth 25 shillings ; now (it is worth) 60 shillings. Robert holds of the count 4^ carucates of land in PETXINGE [Peatling Magna]. One plough was there. There 3 sochmen have half a plough. There (are) 10 acres of meadow. It was worth 4 shillings ; now (it is worth) 5 shil- lings. Osmar held it freely. XLIIII. THE LAND OF THE MEN OF THE COUNT OF MELLENT IN GuTLACISTAN [GuTHLAXTON] WAPENTAKE OF THE COUNT OF MELLENT Turald holds the land of 4 villeins, and has there in demesne the land of I plough ; and he has 5 sochmen with i villein and 2 bordars who have 2 ploughs. There (are) 5 acres of meadow. It is worth 20 shillings. This land belongs (iacet) to AILESTON [Aylestone]. Ulnod holds of the count 4 carucates of land belonging (pertinentes) to AILESTONE [Aylestone]. In demesne he has I plough ; and 2 villeins with 3 bordars have i plough. There (are) 2 acres of brushwood (brocae) of which William Pevrel has the soc (which renders) 2 pence yearly. The whole is worth 20 shillings. Lewin held it in King Edward's time. William holds of the count half a hide and i carucates of land in BLADI [Blaby]. Nine ploughs were there. Now in demesne (there is) i plough with i serf ; and 28 sochmen and 9> These three entries duplicate the account of the lands of William the Usher on p. 327. The chief differences are that the holders before the Conquest are given here, and that the two entries relating to Long Clawson on p. 327 are here made into one ; the details in the two former entries being added together in the total given. In the case of the bordars this is done incorrectly ; their total number should be 3 not 4. See Feud. Engl. 27. The same holds of the count BRANDINESTOR [Bromkinsthorpe]. There are 2 parts of i hide, that is 12 carucates of land ; 6 ploughs were there. Now (there are) 2 ploughs in demesne and 2 serfs ; and 9 sochmen and 3 villeins with 6 bordars have 3 ploughs. There (are) 16 acres of meadow. Of this land Osbern holds 3 caru- cates of land and has there I plough. It was worth 30 shillings ; now (it is worth) 40 shil- lings. Bovi held it freely. Fulc holds of the count 8 carucates of land in CLAIBROC [Claybrooke]. 9 ploughs were there. Now in demesne (there is) i plough and 2 serfs ; and 9 sochmen and 9 villeins and 2 knights with 6 bordars have 5 ploughs. It was worth 10 shillings ; now (it is worth) 55 shillings. Robert holds of the count SA WELLE [Shawell]. There are 9 carucates of land. 7 ploughs were there, and (there are) 6 serfs ; and 23 villeins with 1 1 bordars have 6 ploughs. There (is) a mill rendering (de) 2 shillings and 60 acres of meadow. It was worth 40 shillings ; now (it is worth) 60 shillings. Saxi held it freely in King Edward's time. Robert holds of the count in PLOTELEI SS [ ] 4 carucates of land. 4 ploughs were there. Now in demesne (there are) 2 ploughs and 2 serfs ; and 4 villeins with I bordar have I plough. There (are) 2 acres of meadow. It was worth 10 shillings ; now (it is worth) 30 shillings. Levric held it. 93 ' In Plotelei ' is interlined. 337 43