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INSECTS Coleophora tricolor, Wlsm. Merton, 1899; taken by Lord Walsingham ; not yet detected elsewhere — paripennella, Fisch. Lynn a ™, , •1 1 Yi I r IX iiGsc 1 our — potentulEe, rJankes. Lynn I , , — wilkinsoni, Stn. Lynn Ik/ a , ,. ' u ry-' r Mr. Atmore — pyrrhulipennella, Z.. Lynn) — ibipennella, Heyd. Merton, Ranworth — currucipennella, Fisch. Ranworth, Den- ton ; rare — niveicostella, Fisch. Merton — genistae, Stn. Merton, St. Faiths, Lynn ; among Genista anglica — leucapennella, Hb. The only known British specimen of this rather distinct species was taken by the Rev. C. T. Cruttwell, near Denton, in 1890 — saturatella, Stn. Merton — inflatae, Stn. Merton, Croxton, Brandon ; among Silene inflata — graminicolella, Heine. Lynn, Ranworth ; rare — siccifolia, Stn. Taken at Merton by Lord Walsingham — glaucicolella, Wood. Lynn ; among Juncus — alticolella, Z. Hunstanton, Merton ; among Juncus lamprocarpus — murinipennella, Dup. Merton, Norwich — maeniacella, Fab. In salt marshes on the coast near Lynn — salinella, Stn. (?) Hunstanton ; among Salsola kali — tripoliella, Hm. Most abundant in salt marshes at Lynn — artemisiella, Scott. Norwich ; scarce — juncicolella, Stn. St. Faiths, Lynn ; on heaths — gryphipennella, Bouch6. Merton, Denton, Lynn ; among rose — olivaceella, Stn. Merton ; taken by Mr. Durrant — chalcogrammella, Z. Merton formerly ; Brandon, Croxton, near Lynn Stathmepoda pedella, Linn. Lynn ; local Cosmopteryx orichalcea, Stn. Merton, Ran- worth, Barton Turf, Lynn. — druryella, Z. Lynn ; taken by Mr. Atmore — lienigiella, Z. Ranworth, Horning, Wormegay ; among reed and reed-grass Batrachedra pinicolella, Z. Norwich, St. Faiths, Merton, Brandon, Wootton ; among Scotch fir Oinophila v-flava, Haw. Norwich, Merton ; in cellars Chauliodus illigerellus, Hb. Merton, Ran- worth, Brundall, Lynn ; in fens — chjerophyllellus, Goed. Norwich, Merton ; scarce I 16 Laverna propinquella, Stn. Norwich, Sur- lingham ; in fens — lacteella, Stn. Denton — miscella, Sch. Ringstead — ochraceella, Curt. Merton, Denton — phragmitella, Bent. Brundall, Merton, Ranworth, Horning ; always about Typha latifolia — epilobiella, Roem. (langiella, Hb.). Den- ton ; scarce — decorella, Steph. Merton, Denton — subbistrigella, Haw. Merton, Denton — vinolentella, H.S. Norwich, Lynn ; among apple and Siberian crab — rhamniella, Z. Ranworth, Merton, Lynn Chrysoclista schrankella, Hb. Merton ; taken by Lord Walsingham Asychna aeratella, Z. Swaffham ; rare Antispila pfeifFerella, Fab. Merton ; among Cornus sanguinea Stephensia brunnichella, Linn. Norwich ; among Clinopodium vulgare Elachista gleichenella, Fab. Merton, Denton, Ranworth — magnificella, Tengs. Merton ; a beautiful buff variety of this handsome little species has also been taken here by Mr. Durrant — apicipunctella, Stn. Wormegay, Denton, Bawsey ; scarce — poae, Dgl. Merton ; among Poa aquatica — bedellella, Sire. Taken at Ringstead by Mr. Atmore — kilmunella, Stn. Norwich, St. Faiths, Ranworth, Merton ; in fens — cinereopunctella, Stn. Merton — subnigrella, Dgl. Merton, Denton — cerussella, Hb. Common in the fens — paludum, Frey. Surlingham, Ranworth, Denton, Lynn ; among Carex — megerlella, Z. Denton — triatomea, Haw. Merton ; in chalk-pits — ochreella, Stn. Wormegay, Lynn ; in marshes Lithocolletis hortella, Fab. Merton, Denton, Middleton — quinqueguttella, Stn. Merton, Ranworth ; among dwarf sallow — lautella, Z. Norwich, Hor stead, Merton ; the pretty var. irradiella has also been found by Lord Walsingham at Merton — carpinicolella, Stn. Merton, Horstead ; among hornbeam — sorbi, Frey. Denton ; probably widely distributed. — oxyacantha, Frey. Merton — concomitella, Bankes. Merton — spinolella, Dup. Merton, Denton — viminetorum, Stn. Lynn [ M Norwich, Plumstead,