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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK Lithocolletis scopariella, Fisch, Merton, St. Faiths, Lynn — ulicicolella, Vaugh. Lynn ; abundant at Norwich among furze — heegeriella, Z. Merton, Denton — sylvella, Haw. Norwich, Merton, Denton ; among maple — emberizaepennella, Bou. Wormegay, Mintlyn, Denton ; among honeysuckle — frolichiella, Z. Merton, Lynn ; common among alder — kleemannella, Fab. Lynn ; taken by Mr. Atmore — stettinensis, Nic. Merton, Ranworth, Lynn ; among alder — schreberella, Fab. Norwich, Merton, Denton ; among elm — tristrigella, Haw. Merton, Lynn ; among elm Lyonetia clerckella, Linn. Norwich, Merton, Denton, St. Faiths ; not scarce Phyllocnistis sufFusella, Z. Norwich, Merton, Lynn ; among poplar — saligna, Z. Merton ; among sallow Cemiostoma spartifoliella, Hb. Among broom ; C. laburnella, Heyd., among laburnum ; C. scitella, Z., among hawthorn ; all generally distributed — lotella, Stn. Merton ; among Lotus major Opostega salaciella, Tr. Norwich, Brandon, scarce ; abundant at Roydon, near Lynn, and at Merton. Its probable variety, reliquella, found with it at Merton by Lord Walsingham — auritella, Hb. Ranworth Fen ; rare — crepusculella, Fisch. Common in all the fens ; also in marshes Bucculatrix aurimaculella, Stn. Norwich, Lynn, Merton ; common among ox-eye daisy — cidarella, Fisch. ; B. ulmella, Mann. ; B. cratEegi, Dup. ; all three generally distributed ; among alder, oak and haw- thorn respectively — maritima, Stn. In the salt marshes of the coast among Aster tripolium — demaryella, Dup. Near Lynn ; among birch — boyerella, Dup. Norwich, Lynn, Denton ; among elm — frangulella, Gn. Ranworth Fen, and marshy heaths near Lynn ; among Rhamnus frangula Bucculatrix cristatella, Fisch. Norwich, Merton ; among yarrow Nepticula atricapitella, Haw. ; N. ruficapi- tella. Haw. ; N. pygmaella, Haw. ; all near Norwich and Merton, among oak and hawthorn — septembrella, Stn. Among Hypericum ; N. oxyacanthella, Stn. ; N. ainetella, Stn., among alder ; N. basalella, H.S. ; N. turicella, H.S. ; N. confusella, WIsm. ; N. fletcheri, Tt. ; and N. acetosje, Stn. ; all found at Merton by Lord Walsingham and Mr. Dur- rant — cryptella, Frey. ; N. gratiosella, Stn. ; N. plagicolella, Stn. ; N. prunetorum, Stn. ; N. continuella, Stn. ; N. lap- ponica, Wk. ; N. sorbiella, Stn. ; N. aucuparise, Stn. ; N. desperatella, Frey. ; N. ulmivora, Stn. ; and N. sertella, Stn. ; all taken in the Lynn district by Mr. Atmore — catharticella, Stn. Taken at Croxton by the Rev. H. Williams, and at Merton by Mr. Durrant — trimaculella. Haw. Denton ; among poplar — microtheriella, Stn. Horstead ; among hazel — ignobilella Stn. ; N. malella, Stn. ; and N. atricoUis, Stn. ; all found near Norwich Trifurcula pulverosella, Stn. Norwich ; among wild apple Bohemannia quadrimaculella. Boh. Ranworth, and near Lynn ; not rare Eriocephala calthella, Linn. Merton — aruncella, Scop. Brooke woods ; not scarce — seppella, Fab. Norwich, Merton ; on Veronica chamsedrys — mansuetella, Z. Merton, common ; Ranworth, scarce — thunbergella, Steph. Merton Micropteryx purpurella, Steph. ; M. semi- purpurella, Steph. ; M. unimaculella, Z. ; all abundant among birch at Merton and near Lynn — sangii, Stn. Found by Mr. Atmore near Lynn — sparmannella, Bosc. Merton, among birch ; also not uncommonly near Lynn HEMIPTERA The order Hemiptera or Bugs consists of insects of small or medium size which are for the most part readily recognizable by the possession of 162