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EARLY MAN Ingham. — Small lancehead and socketed celts of bronze. LoDDON, Dull's Lane. — Neolithic celt of serpentine, 6^ inches long [Evans S., 125]. LoNGHAM. — Bronze celts [N.A., viii. 1 1]. LoPHAM Ford. — Thin and highly-ground celt of Neolithic age [Evans S., 107]. Marham. — Chisel-shaped celt of flint [Archjeological Institute, Norwich Folume, p. XXV.]. Massingham Heath. — Roughly-hewn flint implements of Neolithic age [Evans S., 83]. Drinking cup of the pre-Roman period [D. Turner, Add. MS., 23,056, fo. 164]. Methwold. — Palaeolithic implement [N.A., ix. 363]. Bronze celt [N.A., viii. 327]. Rapier-blade of bronze [Evans B., 249]. MuNDESLEY. — Bronze celt, found on beach [N.A., ix. 361]. Bronze vessel of Late Celtic period, now in British Museum. See preceding article. Narborough. — Ground Neolithic celt [Evans 5., 100]. Two ground celts and one only chipped [D. Taylor, Add. MS., 23,056, fos. 214, 215]. Narford. — Adze, made of quartzite, of Neolithic age [Evans S., 231]. Necton. — Neolithic perforated axe, made of porphyry, 7 inches long, now in Norwich Museum [Evans S., 202]. Stemmed and barbed arrowhead, now in Norwich Museum [Evans S., 390]. Chisel-shaped celt, of flint [Archseological Institute, Norwich Folume, xxv.]. Needham. — Ground Neolithic celt [N.A.,yn. 357]. North Walsham. — Neolithic pick, of flint [Evans S., 173]. Norwich. — Roughly chipped celt. Neolithic [Evans S., 77]. Ground celts, of flint, said to have been found in association with human skeleton [N.A., viii. 331]. Bronze celt-mould, found in Unthanks Road [Archaeological Institute, Norwich Volume, opposite p. xxvi.]. Hellesdon Hall. — Small hoard of bronze objects found in 1759 [Archaologia, V. 116; Evans B., 424]. An uninscribed gold coin, now in the cabinet of Sir John Evans, K.C.B. [Evans C, p. 437, pi. C. No. 3]. Ormesby. — Flint celt [N.A., vii. 351]. Ouse River, near Thetford. — Bronze sword-blade, 17I inches long [Evans B., 250]. Oxborough. — Ground Neolithic celt [Evans S., 100]. Several stone celts and stone bead [N.A., iii. 421]. Bronze arrow or javelin-head, 2^ inches long [Archaeological Institute, Norwich Volume, p. xxvi.]. Panxworth. — Flint arrowhead [N.A,, viii. 327]. Pentney. — Ground Neolithic celt, with faceted edge [Evans S., 103, 151]. Ground Neolithic celt, found in 1849 E-^- Turner, Add. MS., 23,059, fo. i6]. Redhill. — See Thetford. Reedham. — Bronze celt [N.A., vii. 358]. Reepham. — Bronze hoard, consisting of thirty-one celts and other objects [Archaologia, v. 114; Evans B., 466]. Rockland. — Perforated hammerhead, formed of quartzite and of Neolithic age, now in Norwich Museum [Evans S., 223]. Cinerary urn, of rough clay, and ornamented [AT.^., V. 183]. Rougham. — Bronze celt, with a stop-ridge and broad cutting edge [Evans B., 73]. RouGHTON. — Tumuli, containing jet beads, stone ball, urn of coarse clay, and bronze pin [N.A., iii. 237 ; N.A., v. 266]. RoYDON. — Celt of flint or bronze [N.A., iv. 311]. RuNTON. — Several rude black urns, filled with burnt bones, perhaps Romano-British [N.A., V. 266]. Ovate implement, Palasolithic [Evans S., 572]. Saham Toney. — Late Celtic interment [N.A., ii. 399]. Salthouse. — Tumuli, said to be of Celtic period [N.A., iii. 236 ; v. 263]. ScoLE. — Flint or bronze celts [N.A., iv. 311]. Snettisham. — Bronze palstave [Evans B., 79]. South Wootton. — Palaeolithic implement [Evans S., 572]. Sporle. — Neolithic hammerhead of quartzite [Evans B., 229, 240 ; Archaeological Insti- tute, Norwich Volume, p. xxv.]. Stalham. — Pointed Palaeolithic implement, found in 'The Bloody Field' in 1853 [D. Turner, Add. MS., 23,060, fo. 156]. Stanford. — Long flint celt of Neolithic age [Evans S., 91]. 277