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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK Stibbard. — Important hoard of bronze objects, comprising seventy palstaves and ten spear- heads [Archaeological Institute, Norwich Volume, p. xxvi. ; Evans B., 84, 328, 457, 464]. Stoke Ferry. — Blade of halberd, said to be formed of copper [Evans B., 270]. Hoard of bronze objects, including swords, leaf-shaped spearheads, and blade of halberd [£z;<7w £., 282, 305, 314, 465]. Stow Bardolph. — Two funereal urns, probably of the prehistoric period [N.A., iii. 426]. SwAFFHAM. — Bronze objects as follows : one palstave, two flanged celts, three socketed celts each with one loop, two spearheads, both socketed and furnished with two loops, and bronze sickle [D. Turner, Add. MS., fos. 206, 207, 213]. SwANNiNGTON. — Ground Neolithic celt, said to have been found on tumulus _Evam S., no]. Tasburgh. — Perforated axe of Neolithic age [Evans S., 200 ; Archaeological Institute, Norwich Volume, p. xxv.]. Camp, probably of the prehistoric period. Thetford. — Palaeolithic implements, found at Redhill [Evans S., 550]. Numerous Neolithic implements. Bronze celt [N.A., vii. 373]. Three Paleolithic imple- ments, found at Whitehill [Quarterly Journal Suffolk Institute of Archeeology, i. 4 ; Evans S., 550, 556]. An uninscribed gold coin, said to have been found with four other British coins ; it is now in the cabinet of Sir John Evans, K.C.B. [Evans C, P- 437> Pl- C. Nos. 5, 6, 7]. Thorpe. — Ground Neolithic celt, now in Norwich Museum [Evans S., 91]. Thurlton. — Flint celts, probably of Neolithic age [N.A., iv. 312]. Trimmingham. — Ground Neolithic celt [Evans S., 100]. Watton. — Neolithic flint celt, ground over the whole surface [D. Turner, Add. MS., 23,061, fo. 147]. Waveney Valley. — Neolithic celts [AT./^., iv. 312]. Weeting. — Palaeolithic implements, found in gravel at Broomhill Pit [Evans S., 560]. Neolithic (or possibly Bronze age) arrowhead, of white flint, found on a tumulus [N.A., 361]. Wereham. — Ground Neolithic celt, of flint, with a small hole drilled through it at the butt-end for the purpose of suspension [Evans S., 142]. West Acre. — Ground Neolithic celt [Evans S., 102]. Weston. — Elongated Neolithic celt, with ground edge [Evans S., 90]. Small ground Neolithic celt, with blunted edge [Evans S., 139]. 'British ' urn, containing 300 coins [N.A., iv. 357]. Neolithic flint celt, finely shaped and ground over the entire surface [D. Turner, Add. MS., 23,061, fo. 159]. Weybourne. — Numerous Neolithic or Bronze age hut-circles [N.A., iii. 232, etc. ; vii. 170]. Two or three bronze celts [N.A., iii. 236]. Wretham Mere. — Lake dwellings [N.A., vii. 355]. Yarmouth. — Stone hammerhead of Neolithic age [Evans S., 229]. Ground flint celt [Evans S., 100.] 278