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INSECTS PSEUDO-NEUROPTERA (Psocids, Stone Flies, and May Flies) PSOCIDAE Atropos divinatoria, Mull. ' In great numbers in our houses' (E.B.) Lachesilla fatidica, Westw. Not nearly so plenti- ful (E.B.) PERLIDAE Dictyopteryx microcephala, Pictet (bicaudata, Steph.). The Dove (coll. E.B.) Pcrla marginata, Panz. The Dove, near Mapleton (A.E.E.) ; Dovedale (G.P.) cephalotes, Curt. The Dove, Mafleton, plenti- ful (A.E.E.) Chloroperla grammatica, Poda (virescens, Pict.). Not uncommon near the Dove (E.B.) ; Uapleton (A.E.E.) Isopteryx tripunctau, Scop. Generally distributed in the Dove Valley Taeniopteryx nebulosa, L. Occurs in March on a bridge over the Trent (coll. E.B. ; A.E.E.) Leuctra geniculata, Steph. The slower parts of the Dove, near Mapleton, common (A.E.E.) Nemoura variegata, Oliv. ? Morton. Burton dis- trict (E.B.) ; common near Ashburne (A.E.E.) EPHEMERIDAE Ephemera vulgata, L. Common on the Trent near Burton (coll. E.B.) danica, Mull. The mayfly of the Dove (A.E.E.) EPHEMERIDAE (continued) Leptophlebia submarginata, Steph. (helvipes, Steph. ; geerii, Pict.). Dovedale (A.E.E.) cincta, Retz. Trout streams in the lower parts of the county (A.E.E.) Ephemerella ignita, Poda. The Dove and smaller streams (A.E.E.) Caenis dimidiata, Steph. On the Trent (A.E.E.) rivulorum, Eaton. The Dove, near Mayfeld. Abundant in June (A.E.E.) halterata, Fb. Trent and lower parts of the Dove Valley (A.E.E.) Baetis scambus, Eaton. The Dove, near Hanging Bridge and Nortury (A.E.E.) vernus, Curt. Streams and brook;, common (A.E.E.) rhodani, Pict. The Dove, &c. (A.E.E.) - pumilus, Burmeister. Brooks and trout- streams (A.E.E.) Centroptilum luteolum, Moll. Common (A.E.E.) pennulatum, Eaton. The Manifold, Ham (A.E.E.) Rhithrogena semicolorata, Curt. Swift parts of the Doi-e, near Mayfield, &c. (A.E.E.) Heptagenia sulphurea, Mull. Map,eton (A.E.E.) Ecdyurus venosus, Fb. The Dove, near Thoipe (A.E.E.) insignis, Eaton. Near Mafleton : needs con- firmation (A.E.E.) ODONATA (Dragon Flies) ANISOPTERIDES LlBELLULIDAE Leucorrhina dubia, Lind. Cannock Chase (R.C.B. in Ent. 1895, p. 282) Sympetrum striolatum, Charp. Probably the species recorded by E. Brown from Branston as L. flaveola, L. scoticum, Don. Whitmore Moss (R.G.) Libellula depressa, L. Common (R.G.) ; frequent in Burton district (E.B.) ; occasional in Dove Valley (F.J.) ; once Alstonfield (V. H. Purchas) quadrimaculata, L. The Trent, near Burton (FJ.) Cordulia aenea, L. Moist woods (R.G.) F ; Staf- fordshire (W.H.B. in Handbook) AESCHNIDAE Cordulegaster annulatus, Latr. Birmingham dis- trict (A.D.I.) Aeschna juncea, L,. Button Park (R.C.B.) ; Dove Valley, 1903-7 (F.J.) cyanea, Mttll. Very common, Burton (E.B.) ; Sutton Park (R.C.B.) ; a $, Stone, 1904 (E. D. Bostock) ANISOPTERIDES (continued) AESCHNIDAE (Continued) Aeschna grandij.L. Common (R.G.); very common, Burton (E.B.) ; Dove Valley (F.J.) ; Sutton Park (R.C.B.) ; Birmingham district (A.D.I.) ZYGOPTERIDES ACRIONIDAE Calopteryx virgo, L. Common (R.G.) ; near Bretby Mill (E.B.) splendens, Harr. Common on the Trent (E.B.) ; Cannock Chase (W. J. Lucas) Erythromma naias, Hansem. Cannock Chase (R.C.B.) ; Sutton Park (R.C.B.) Pyrrhosoma nymphula, Sulz. (minium, Harr.). Common near the Trent (E.B.) ; Birmingham district, abundant (A.D.I.) ; Mayfield and Dove Valley (F.J.) Ischnura elegans, L'nd. Common near the Trent (E.B. ; F.J.) Agrion puella, L. Common (R.G.) ; common near the Trent (E.B.) ; Birmingham district, common (A.D.I.) Enallagma cyathigerum, Charp. Cannock Chase (R.C.B.) ; Sutton Coldfield (A.D.I.) 81