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A HISTORY OF STAFFORDSHIRE PLANIPENNIA (Snake FKes, Laceviing Flies, and Scorfion Fiiei) SIALIDAE Sialis lutaria, L. Common on the banks of ponds and rivers ; banks of Dove and Treat (E.B.) fuliginos.i, Pict. Near Mapleton (A.E.E.) HEMEROBIIDAE Osmylus fulvicephalus, Scop, (chrysops, auct.). Near Mapleton (A.E.E.) Sisyra fuscata, Fb. Common (A.E.E.) Micromus variegatus, Fb. Common (A.E.E.) Hcmerobius [the Staffordshire species have not been worked out] CONIOPTERYGIDAE Goniopteryx tineiformis, Curt. Common (A.E.E.) CHRYSOPIDAE Chrysopa vittata, Wesm. ' Common in our wooJs,' Burton district (E.B.) perla, L. 'Also common in woods,' Burton district (E.B.) PANORPIDAE Panorpa communis, L. Common (R.G.) ; very common, Burton district (E.B.) TRICHOPTERA (Caddis Flies) The few species of Staffordshire Caddis flies here mentioned are mostly recorded from this county in the monographs of Robert McLachlan, F.R.S., published in 1865 and from 1874 to 1884, and in the pages of the Entomologist? Monthly Magazine. E. M. M. = Entom. Monthly Magazine. McL. = R. McLachlan. A. E. E. = A. E. Eaton. ] C. = Joseph Chappell. INA QUIPALPIA PHRYGANEIDAE Neuronia clathrata, Kol. First recorded from Britain by J. Chappell in the EMM., 1868, i, vol. iv, p. 204, as taken in Bishop's Wood LlMNOPHIUDAE Limnophilus vittatus, Fab. Burnt and Bishop's Woods (}. C. in EMM., 1868, I, vol. v, p. 48) - auricula, Curt. Burnt and Bishop's Woods (J. C. ibid.) luridus, Curt. In a greenhouse at Willough- bridge (J. C. ibid.) - fuscicornis, Ramb. (fumigatus, Hag.). Burton- on-Trent (McL.) Stenophylax alpestris, Kol. Recorded for the first time in Great Britain by R. McLachlan in the EMM., 1868, I, vol. iv, p. 205, as taken in Burnt H'oods by J. Chappell. (In Dale's mus.) Metanaea (Halesus) flavipennis, Pict. (guttatipen- nis, McL.). Probably taken by Edwin Brown near Burton-on-Trent (McL.) INAEQUIPALPIA (continued} SERICOSTOMATIDAE Lasiocephala (Mormonia) basalis, Kol. Dovedale (A. E. E.) AEQUIPALPIA LEPTOCERIDAE Leptocerus alboguttatus, Hag. (bimaculatus, Steph.). Burton-on- Trent (McL.) annulicornis, Steph. Burton-on-Trent ;McL.) Triaenodes commutatus, McL. Dovedale (McL.) conspersa, Ramb. Dovedale (B. Cooke in Dale's mus.) RHYACOPHILIDAE Glossoma boltoni, Curt. Near Ashburne (A. E. E.) HYDROPTILIDAE Hydroptila (Phrixocoma, Eaton) sparsa, Curt. Burton-on-Trent, abundant (A. E. E.) forcipata, Eaton. Oakamoor and the R. Dove, near Nortury and Ashburne (A. E. E.) occulta, Eaton. The R. Dove, near Mapleton (A. E. E.) femoralis, Eaton (longispina, McL., 1884). The R. Dove, near Mapleton (A.E.E.) HYMENOPTERA (Ants, Wasps, Bees, Saw/lies, &c.) The following list has been compiled from various sources which may be summarized as follows : The earliest county list is that of R. Garner (History of the County of Stafford, 1 844), a brief list of some nineteen species of no particular value. In 1863 was published Edwin Brown's ' Fauna of Burton ' (Natural History of Tutbury), which contains lists of sixty-eight species of Phytophagous and eighty-one Aculeate Hymenoptera. The Entomophaga are 82