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INSECTS scarcely more than noticed in passing, but five species of Chrysididae are mentioned. As Mr. Brown's collections have been dispersed and the specimens are not available for examina- tion, the synonomy presents many difficulties and a good deal of uncertainty is attached to the identification of several species. The area included is also somewhat vaguely defined, embracing parts of Derbyshire and Leicestershire, and only in a few cases is the exact locality given. ACULEATA Of late years Mr. E. D. Bostock has contributed a list of nineteen species taken near Stone in 1888 to the Report of the N. Staffs. Field Club for 1889, p. 17, and a brief list of twelve species from near Tittensor by the Rev. F. A. Walker appeared in the same publication in 1896 (p. 63). Mr. J. R. B. Masefield took thirty-four species of Aculeata near Cheadle in 1896, which were determined by Mr. E. Saunders (Report N.S.F.C., 1897, p. 59), and nas since supplemented this list by several fresh records. Mr. A. H. Martineau has also furnished me with a list of twenty-seven species which he has taken at Colwich and has kindly contri- buted some notes on the Heterogyna. Most of these records are incorporated in a paper by the writer in the Report of the N. Staffs, Field Club for 1902-3, pp. 81-7, in which 1 13 species are recorded. From the above it will be seen that the only recent work is that which has been done in the Aculeata ; with the exception of a few notes by Mr. Brett on the gall-makers, the Phytophaga have been unworked for forty years past, and the Entomophaga have up to the present received no attention whatever. The following abbreviations have been used : R. G. = R. Garner (Nat. Hist, of the County of Stafford) E. B. = E. Brown (Burton) F. D. M. = the Rev. F. D. Morice J. R. B. M. = J. R. B. Masefield (Cheadle) E. D. B. = E. D. Bostock (Tixall) A. H. M. = A. H. Martineau (Colwich) R. C. B. = R. C. Bradley (Cannock Chase) F. A. W. = the Rev. F. A. Walker (Tittensor) C. B. = Cyril Brett (Alton) F. J. = the Rev. F. C. R. Jourdain (Mayfield, &c.) An asterisk (*) prefixed to the name of any species signifies that specimens have been determined by Mr. E. Saunders. Where Burton is given as the locality, without authority, the record is taken from Mr. E. Brown's list. HYMENOPTERA ACULEATA (Ants, Wasps, and Bees) HETEROGYNA HETEROGYNA (continued) FORMICIDAE MVRMICIDAE (continued') Formica rufa, L. Common in most large woods Leptotliorax acervorum, Fb. Rare, usually found fusca, Latr. Very common generally, in under bark in old stumps, Cohvich (A. H. M.) banks and hedgerows Myrmica rubra, L. Common, nesting in ground Lasius fuliginosus, Latr. Outwood Hills (E. B.) ; (A. H. M.) ; race scabrinodis, Nyl. Near not common, generally nests in decayed Burton. stumps, &c. (A. H. M.) [Crematogaster scutellaris, Oliv. Recorded by umbratus, Nyl. Colwich, but not common as Dr. Mason from a fernery at Burton ; prob- a rule ; near roots of decayed stumps ably imported with cork (EMM., xxv, (A. H. M.) 330; Ent. 1889, p. 191.)] flavus, De G. Very common on eastern slope of Qutvuod Hills (E. B.) ; generally common FOSSORES in fields where soil is light (A. H. M.) SAPYGIDAE niger, L. Common, Burton ; very common, Sapyga quinquepunctata, Fb. Burton often in gardens (A. H. M.) clavicornis, L. Burton, not common ('one in P. B. Mason's collection, without data, MYRMICIDAE E. Saunders '). Mr. A. H. Martineau in- Myrmecina latreillii, Curt. Cannock (Ent. 1901, forms me that Dr. Mason has also taken this p. 232) ; Colwich in dead tree stumps, not species on several occasions at Burton since common (A. H. M.) the publication of Saunders' monograph 83