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A HISTORY OF STAFFORDSHIRE NOCTUAE (continued) CARADRINIDAB (continued') Caradrina morpheus, Hufn. Common alsines, Brahm. Local ; very plentiful some years at Rugeley taraxaci, Hb. Rugeley ; Madeley ; Market Drayton - quadripunctata, Fb. Very common Rusina tenebrosa, Hb. Common in woods, coming to sugar NOCTUIDAE Agrotis suffusa, Hb. Rare. Madeley ; Burnt Woods; Rugeley ; Burton (B. L.) saucia, Hb. Rare. Stvynnerton ; Chorlton Moss ; Clayton ; Burnt Woods ; Rugeley ; Burton (B. L.) - segetum, SchifF. Very common, and larvae destructive to farm crops - exclamationis, L. Very abundant - corticea, Hb. Rare. Sviynnerton - nigricans, L. Local ; Rugeley ; common some years - tritici, L. Not common. Market Drayton ; Rugeley - aquilina, Hb. The Lawns, Burton (E. B.) - strigula, Thnb. Common some years. Szvyn- nerton ; Burnt Woods ; C hartley Moss ; Can- nock Chase - obscura, Brahm. One Burnt Woods; Burton, rare (E. B.) - simulans, Hufn. Reported from Staffordshire (see Newman's British Moths, p. 336) Noctua glareosa, Esp. Common some years, Madeley ; Cheadle ; Burnt Woods ; Cannock Chase ; Rugeley augur, Fb. Common throughout the county - P| eCU ' L ' . I General C-mgrum, L. J - triangulum, Hufn. Madeley ; Burnt Woods ; Rugeley ; Henhurst, nr. Burton (B. L.) brunnea, Fb. Common festiva, Hb. Very abundant - dahlii, Hb. Fairly common, but uncertain. Cheadle ; Burnt Woods, very abundant Aug., 1905 ; Cannock Chase rubi, View. General umbrosa, Hb. ) - baia, Fb. j castanea, Esp. Often plentiful on heaths ; Stvynnerton ; Burnt Woods. Very variable in colouration. A striking yellow variety (var. xanthe) has been taken by Mr. Woodforde in the Burnt Woods several years in August, and is not known to occur elsewhere (see Rep. North Staffs. Field Club 1900-1, p. 64, for a paper and coloured plate of this in- teresting variety) xanthographa, Fb. Common generally with many red and dark varieties Triphaena ianthina, Esp. Fairly common. Made- ley ; Craddock'j Moss ; Cheadle ; Stone ; Ruge- ley ; Henhurst; Burton (B. L.) Common NOCTUAE (continued) NOCTUIDAE (continued) Triphaena fimbria, L. Uncertain in appearance, but common some years. Stvynnerton ; Stone ; Cheadle ; Burnt Woods, in all its varieties. Rugeley ; Henhurst; Burton (B. L.) interjecta, Hb. Rare. Rugeley ; Burton (B. L.) comes, Hb. Common some years pronuba, L. Very abundant everywhere. A hermaphrodite variety was taken by Mr. E. W. H. Blagg and Mr. F. C. Woodforde in Dovedale in 1893 with left forewing, var. inuba, and right forewing mottled as in the type AMPHIPYRIDAE Amphipyra pyramidea, L. Rare. Stvynnerton ; Burton (B. L.) tragopogonis, L. Very common Mania typica, L. Very common maura, L. Common ORTHOSIIDAE Panolis piniperda, Panz. Common at sallow bloom and in pine woods Pachnobia rubricosa, Fb. Common at sallow bloom Taeniocampa gothica, L. ) ,, r ,_, c [ Very common mcerta, Hufn. opima, Hb. Two specimens taken at Cannock Chase by Mr. Burnett populeti, Fb. Not common. Madeley ; Leek ; Cheadle ; Burnt Woods ; Henkurst, nr. Bur- ton (B. L.) stabilis, View. Very abundant gracilis, Fb. Rare. Madeiey ; Rugeley ; Bur- ton ; Branston (B. L.). Not reported in the north of the county miniosa, Fb. Rare. Stvynnerton ; Burnt Woods munda, Esp. Not common. Madeley ; Burnt Woods pulverulenta, Esp. Common at sallows in south of the county, rare in the north Orthosia suspecta, Hb. Common locally and vari- able in colour upsilon, Bork. Not common. Chorlton, larva ; Cheadle ; larvae common, Burton (B. L.) lota, Clerck j macilenta, Hb. J Anchocelis rufina, L. Common some years pistacina, Fb. Not uncommon. Burnt Woods ; Market Drayton ; Rugeley ; Burton (B. L.) litura, L. Common Cerastis vaccinii, L. "j spadicea, Hb. Very common Scopelosoma satellitia, L. J Xanthia citrago, L. Not uncommon. Cheadle; Rugeley ; Market Drayton fulvago, L. Common, var. flavescens, Esp. Madeley flavago, Fb. Common some years. Rugeley ; Cheadle ; Burnt Woods ; Burton (B. L.) gilvago, Esp. Not common. Burnt Woods ; Rugeley ; Oakamoor ; Burton (E. B.) circellaris, Hufn. Common Common 102