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INSECTS NOCTUAE (continued) ORTHOSIIDAE (continued) Cirrhoedia xerampelina, Hb. Common some years. Madeley ; Stone ; Tixall ; Chead/e ; Leek, nr. Mow Cop ; Dovedale ; Burton (B. L.) CoSMIIDAE Tethea subtusa, Och. Larvae, Stoke-on-Trent ; Madeley ; Henburst, nr. Burton (E. B.) ; Handsworth (C. J. W.) retusa, L. Larvae on sallow, Wrinehill Cosmia paleacea, Esp. Very local and not com- mon. Cannock Chase Calymnia traperina, L. Common diffinis, L. Burton (E. B.) affinis, L. Rare. Burnt Woods ; Burton (B. L.) HADENIDAE Dianthoecia nana, Rott. Rare. Market Drayton capsincola, Hb. Common cucubali, Fues. Not common. Madeley ; Rugeley ; Burton, common (B. L.) carpophaga, Bork. Rare. Rugeley ; Shobnall ; Burton (B. L.) Hccatera serena, Fb. Not common. Stuynnerton ; Leek; Rugeley Polia chi, L. Generally common, especially in the north of the county Dasypolia templi, Thnb. One at Cheadle ; Wan- low (Hugo H. Crewe) ; Cauldon, nr. Cheadle, 1906 Cleoceris viminalis, Fb. Rudyard; Madeley ; Chart- ley ; Leek ; Rugeley ; Burnt Woods ; Hen- hurst, nr. Burton (B. L.) Miselia oxyacanthae, L. Very common, and var. capucina frequent Agriopis aprilina, L. ~ Euplexia lucipara, L. > Common Phlogophora meticulosa, L. J Aplecta prasina, Fb. Fairly common. Swynner- ton ; Madelcy ; Burnt Woods ; Cheadle ; Dove- dale occulta, L. One taken in Bagofs Park (C. A. E. Rodgers, Ent. 1895, p. 284.) nebulosa, Hufm. Common in woods tincta, Brahm. Common at sugar. Burnt Woods ; Cannock Chase Hadena adusta, Esp. Not common. Burnt Woods ; Cannock Chase ; Henhurst ; Burton (B. L.) protea, Bork. Fairly common. Cheadle ; Leek ; Cannock Chase ; Burton (B. L.) glauca, Hb. Not uncommon. Swynnerton ; Cannock Chase; Burnt Woids ; Leek dentina, Esp. Not common. Madeley ; Burnt Woods ; Rugeley ; common Burton (B. L.) trifolii, Rott. Larvae occasionally Rugeley. This county is probably the northern limit for this species ; common Burton (B. L.) dissimilis, Knoch. Not common, Whitmore ; Market Drayton ; Madeley ; scarce at Rugeley ; Henhurst ; and Burton (B. L.) oleracea, L. Common everywhere NOCTUAE (continued) HADENIDAE (continued) Hadena pisi, L. Common some seasons, and larvae on broom and sallow thalassina, Rott. Common contigua, Vill. Fairly common on Cannock Chase genistae, Bork. Rare. Burnt Woods XYLINIDAK Xylocampa areola, Esp. General Calocampa vetusta, Hb. Rare. Swynnerten ; Burnt Woods ; Henhurst ; and Burton (B. L.) exoleta, L. General. Burnt Woods ; Cheadle ; Henhurst, nr. Burton (B. L.) solidaginis, Hb. Common where the bilberry grows. Stvythamley ; Leek ; Cannock Chase ; Burnt Woods Asteroscopus sphinx, Hufn. At lamps on Burton Bridge (E. B.) Cucullia verbasci, L. Larvae taken at Madeley, and at Grindon, June, 1905, in considerable numbers - chamomillae, Schiff. Not common Madeley; Market Drayton; Handsworth (C. J. W.) umbratica, L. Common. Cheadle; Stone; Market Drayton ; Rugeley ; Burton (B. L.) GONOPTERIDAE Gonoptera libatnx, L. Common everywhere PLUSH DAE Habrostola tripartita, Hufn. Local. Cheadle; Rugeley ; Market Drayton ; Burton (B. L.) triplasia, L. Fairly common. Cheadle ; Rugf- ley ; Market Drayton ; Burton (B. L.) ; Hands- Dearth Plusia chrysitis, L. Common fe.'tucae, L. Local. Madeley ; Betton Moss ; Leek ; Cheadle ; Rugeley ; Burton (B. L.) ; common Trent Galley, nr. Lichfield iota, L. "I pulchrina, Haw. > Common gamma, L. J interrogationis, L. Rare. Maer ; Cannock Chase; Leek HELIOTHIDAE Anarta myrtilli, L. Common on heather through- out the county Heliaca tcncbrata, Scop. Not common. Swynner- ton ; Madeley ; Rugeley ; common some years, Burton PoAPHILIDAE. Phytometra viridaria, Clerck. Craddock'i Moss; Cannock Chase EUCLIDIIDAE Euclidia mi, Clerck. Rare. Craddock's Moss; Dovedale ; The Lawns, Burton ; and Chartley (B. L.) glyphica, L. Rare. Madeley I0 3