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A HISTORY OF NOCTUAE (continued) CATOCALIDAE Catocala fraxini, L. Once at Burton, 2 Oct. 1852 (E.B.) AVENTIIDAE Aventia flexula, SchifF. Chartley Moss HERMINIIDAE Zanclognatha grisealis. Hb. Not uncommon. Rugeley ; Walton's Wood ; Madeley ; Burnt Woods ; Henhurst, nr. Burton (B. L.) / Hands- worth (C. J. W.) tarsipennalis, Tr. One at Tixa/l, and one at Market Drayton Pechypogon barbalis, Clerck. Burnt Woods STAFFORDSHIRE NOCTUAE (continued) HERMINIIDAE (continued) Bomolocha pontis, Thnb. Common but locaL Stuymterton Heath ; Burnt Woods ; Maer ; Cheadle Hypena proboscidalis, L. Common everywhere on nettles Hypenodes costaestrigalis, St. Bunt Woods, very- abundant, Aug. 1905 (E. D. B.) BREPHIDES Brephos parthenias, L. Plentiful in March around birch trees. Swynnerton ; Cheadle ; Burnt Woods ; Chartley ; Cannock Chase GEOMETRAE UROPTERYCIOAE Uropteryx sambucaria, L. Common throughout the county ENNOMIDAE Epione apiciaria, Schiff. Not common. Madeley ; BagofsPark; Cheadle; Handsworth ; Rugcley ; Henhurst ; and Burton (E. B.) Rumia luteolata, L. Common Venilia macularia, L. Rare and local. Dovedale; Dydon Wood (B.L.) Angerona prunaria, L. Local. Swynnerton ; Burnt Woods Metrocampa margaritaria, L. General. Stone ; Cheadle ; Cannock Chase ; Swynnerton ; Burton (B.L.) Ellopia prosapiaria, L. Common in all pine woods Eurymene dolobraria, L. Rare. Sivynnerton ; Burnt Woods ; Madeley ; Henhurst nr. Bur- ton (E. B.) Pericallia syringaria, L. Occasional. Madeley ; Stone ; Ellastone ; Burnt If 'cods ; Rolleston; and Burton (B.L.) ,- Handsworth (C. J. W.) Selenia bilunaria, Esp. ) General in the southern lunaria, SchifF. j half of the county Odontopera bidentata, Clerck. Common Crocallis elinguaria, L. Very generally distributed Eugonia almaria, L. Choriton Moss ; Burnt Woods; Cannock Chase ; Oakedge ; and Burton (B. L.) fuscantaria, Haw. One at Madeley ; Stone, at light ; Stoke-on-Trent, at electric light ; Bur- ton (E. B.) - erosaria, Bork. Swynnerton ; Burnt Woods ; Madeley ; Burton, rare (E. B.) quercinaria, Hum. Fairly common. Burnt Woods ; Burton (B. L.) Himera pennaria, L. Common AMPIIIDASYDAE AMPHIDASYDA-E (continued) Amphidasys strataria, Hufn. General, but not common. Trentham, Madeley, Stone, Cheadle, Rugeley ; Cannock Chase and Burton (B. L.) ; Handsworth (C. J. W.) betularia, L. Fairly common and the variety doubledayaria, Mill, more common than the type of recent years BOARMIIDAE Hemerophila abruptaria, Thnb. Rare. Madeley, Market Drayton ; Burton (B. L.) ; Hands- worth (C. J. W.) Cleora lichenaria, Hufn. Henhurst nr. Burton (B. L.) Boarmia repandata, L. Very common and variable in markings and colour, and given to melanism gemmaria, Brahm. Common everywhere Tephrosia crepuscularia, Hb. ) .-, u- j i T> i r Common biundulana, Bork. J punctularia, Hb. Common on Cannock Chase GEOMETRIDAE Geometra papilionaria, L. Not uncommon. Choriton Moss, Cannock Chase, Burnt Woods, Cheadle ; Oakedge, Burton (B. L.) Phorodesma pustulata, Hufn. Once taken at Stvynnerton ; once Shobnall (B. L.) ; at electric light, Hanley, July, 1905 lodis lactearia, L. Rugeley ; Burton, com- mon (B. L.) Hemithea strigata, Mall. Market Drayton; Hen- hurst nr. Burton (B. L.) EPHYRIDAE Zonosoma porata, Fb. Not common. Swynnerton, Burnt Woods punctaria, L. Burnt Woods; Cannock Chase (B. L.) pendularia, Clerck. Numerous some years in Burnt Woods Phigalia pedaria, Fb. Plentifully distributed ACIDALIIDAE Nyssia hispidaria, Fb. Rare. Bishop's Woods, in Asthena luteata, SchifF. Local. Burnt Woods and March Cannock Chase ; Oakedge (B. L.) Bistonhirtaria,Clerck. Rugeley (Z.L.); Stone, Trentham candidata, SchifF. Fairly common 104