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A HISTORY OF STAFFORDSHIRE 214. Storm-Petrel. Procellaria pelagica, Linn. Occasionally storm-driven into the county. One was shot about 1885 at Buckmere by Dr. Baddcley, and two have been caught, one near Handsworth in October 1888, and the other between Smethwick and Birmingham on 4 November 1863 (Birds of Staffordshire, p. 139)- 215. Leach's Fork-tailed Petrel. Oceano- droma leucorrhoa (Vieillot). Another occasional straggler. Sir O. Mosley states that both this and the preceding species have been several times picked up exhausted on the banks of the Trent (Nat. Hist, of Tutbury, p. 58). One was found dead at Barton-under-Needwood in March 1890, and another in a similar state was picked up in the grounds of Wootton Lodge on II November 1899 (not 1900 as there stated) (Report North Staffs Field Club, 1901), and Mr. Fitzherbert Brockholes reports another picked up in a turnip field at Swyn- nerton on 18 November, 1901. 2 1 6. Manx Shearwater. Puffinus anglorum (Temminck) Has occurred several times in the county. One recorded from Weston in 1882, another rrom Kingsley on 9 September 1887, a third near Stone in September 1891, and a fourth at Lower Gornal near Dudley, 9 September 1891 (Report North Staffs Field Club and Birds of Staffordshire, p. 140). On 3 Sep- tember 1892, one was caught in an exhausted state in Burton, and another is said to have been taken previously in the same district (Birds of Derbyshire, p. 232). ADDENDA The following records have been received since the above list was written : 12. Nightingale. Daulias luscinia (Linn.) A recent occurrence of this species in the county is noted in Rep. N. Staffs. Field Club for 1905. I&A. Dartford Warbler, Sylvia undata (Boddaert) This species can now be included in the county list, as it is proved to have nested on Cannock Chase in 1870 (Zool. November, 1903, p. 423, and Rep. N. Staffs. Field Club, 1906, p. 46). 57. Tree Sparrow. Passer montanus (Linn.) In 1905 and subsequent years this species has greatly increased in numbers, and nests regularly at Cheadle in boxes put up for tits. 84. Wryneck. lynx torquilla, Linn. Mr. Walter Marchant observed one of these birds near Weston under Lizard on 2O April, 1907. 95A. Little Owl. Athene noctua (Scopoli) A bird of this species was shot in October, 1906, in the county near Newport, Shrops. Probably it had strayed from one of the counties where many of this species have been turned out in recent years, and nest regularly. 98. Hen Harrier. Circus cyaneus (Linn.) One was shot at Enville in December, 1879, and is now in Lord Bradford's collec- tion (Rep. N. Staffs. Field Club, 1905). 1 1 . Golden Eagle. Aquila chrysaetus (Linn.) Mr. Francis Monckton, of Stretton Hall, states that a pair of eagles visited Somerford, near Brewood, in 1856 or 1857, and one was shot. He believes it to have been of this species. O2. White-tailed Eagle. Haliae'tus albicilla (Linn.) A young female was trapped on Cannock Chase on 4 December, 1905, and is now in Lord Lichfield's collection at Shugborough. ii 6. Common Heron. Ardea cinerea, Linn. A new heronry, with about nine nests, was found in a large wood near Cheadle in 1904, and a few pairs have nested every year since (Rep. N. Staffs. Field Club, 1904). 126. White-fronted Goose. Anser albifrons (Scopoli) One shot near Stafford, and another at Stretton, near Stafford (Rep. N. Staffs. Field Club, 1906, p. 47). 1 60