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BIRDS Cygnus muitcus, Bech- 132. 130. Whooper Swan stein Nine of these swans visited Gailey Pools on 13 March, 1891 (Rep. N. Stafs. Field Club, 1906, p. 50). J3OA. Bewick's Swan. Cygnus bnv icki, Yarrell The Rev. F. C. R. Jourdain saw a herd of forty flying down the Dove Valley near Mayfield on 27 February, 1904 (Rep. N. Stafs. Field Club, 1904). Common Sheld Duck. Tadorna cornuta (S. G. Gmelin) A flock of these birds was observed on Gailey Pools on 30 December, 1904, and one was shot at Cheadle 2 January, 1906 (Rep. N. Stafs. Field Club, 1906, pp. 48, 52). 135. Shoveler. Spatula clypeata (Linn.) Visits Gailey Pools most years. 140. Pochard. Fuligula ferina (Linn.) Breeds at Gailey Pools. 142. Scaup-Duck. Fuligula marila (Linn.) This duck also visits Gailey Pools in winter. I43A. Long-tailed Duck. Hare/da glacialis (Linn.) One was shot at Weston by Lord Newport on 6 November, 1871 (Rep. N. Staffs. Field Club, 1905). 144. Common Scoter. Oedemia nigra (Linn.) Small flocks were seen on Gailey Pools in August, 1887, October, 1890, and Novem- ber, 1891-2 (Rep. N. Stafs. Field CM, 1906, pp. 42-52). 148. Smew. Afergus albellus, Linn. An annual winter visitor to Gailey Pools. 1 60. Spotted Crake. Porzana maruetta (Leach) One was shot at Gnosall in August, 1904, and being a young bird may have been bred in the county. 1 66. Ringed Plover. Aegialitis hiaticula (Linn.) Two at Gailey Pools 24 September, 1896 (Rep. N. Staffs. Field Club, 1906, p. 51). 172. Grey Phalarope. Phalaropus fulicarius (Linn.) One shot near Anslow in November, 1904 (Rep. N. Stafs. Field Club, 1905). Gallinago major (J. F. 175. Great Snipe. Gmelin) One was shot at Stafford some years ago, and is now in the collection of Mr. Conway Morgan, of Stafford. i82A. Wood Sandpiper. Tetanus glareola (J. F. Gmelin) One was shot at Barr, near Birmingham, on 26 August, 1858 (Zool. 1858, p. 6266). 1 86. Greenshank. Totanus canescens (J. F. Gmelin) Three were seen at Gailey Pools on 10 August, 1896 (Rep. N. Stafs. Field CM, 1906, p. 51). 190. Black Tern. Hydrochelidon nigra (Linn.) Forty visited Gailey Pools in August, 1887, and stayed several days (Rep. N. Stafs. Field Club, 1906, p. 49). 192. Common Tern. Sterna JJuviatilis, Nau- mann Occurred at Gailey Pools in 1896. 206. Guillemot. Uria troile (Linn.) One was shot on Gailey Pools 20 April, 1889, and another at the same place in June, 1901 (Rep. N. Staffs. Field Club, 1906, pp. 49> 5 2 )- 208. Great Northern Diver. Colymbus glacialis, Linn. One shot at Gailey Pools 4 January, 1898, and another seen there 4 January, 1899 (Rep. N. Stafs. Field Club, p. 51). 2o8A. Black-throated Diver. Colymbus arcticus, Linn. One was shot at Gailey Pools, near Penk- ridge, II December, 1896 (Rep. N. Stafs. Field Club, 1906, p. 51). 2 1 6. Manx Shearwater. Puffinus anglorum (Temminck) In June, 1904, one at Gailey Pools, and one at King's Bromley, 7 September, 1905 (Rep. N. Stafs. Field Club, 1906, p. 47, 50). 217. Fulmar. Fulmarus glacialis (Linn.) A specimen of this bird was captured in a field at Perry Barr in January, 1863 (Zool. 1863, p. 8448). 161 21