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A HISTORY OF STAFFORDSHIRE HOMESTEAD MOATS (CLASS ?) continued Ordnance Number Parish Name Form Dimensions (Outside Measurement) Alti- tude Situation, Notes, &c. XLIX, i Gnosall , Chatwcll Angle of square ; 1 60 ft. by 130 ft. Ft. 292 At Chatwell between water pit west ; water pit 1 60 ft. Newport and Blymhill wet by 80 ft. XLIII, 3

Gnosall Rectangular line of 170 ft. & 1 80 ft. 376 | mile from Gnosall intrenchment to on Haughton road north-east ; wet XLIII, 6

Befcote Fragmentary; rect- 3 30 ft. by 1 80 ft. 400 South of road be- Manor angular ; part wet tween Gnosall and Morton, 2 miles from former XXXIII, 9 Hanbury Moat Farm . Fragmentary; rect- 240 ft. by 2 10 ft. 209 2 miles from Han- angular ; dry bury on Sudbury road XL, i

Woodend Rectangular ; part 1 90 ft. by 2 1 o ft. 437 J mile south of Han- wet ; now orchard bury LXVIII, 12 Handsworth . Perry Hall . Rectangular ; with 420 ft. by 240 ft. 343 mile north-east of and length of water Perry Bar LXIX, 9 80 ft. wide down to River Tame ; Hall ii within site ; wet XLVI, 7 Hamstall Near River Rectangular ; dry 230 ft. by 2ioft. 215 At Hamstall Ridware Rid ware Blythe (fi- . guredinShaw) LIII, 1 1 Harlaston Harlaston . Fragmentary; rect- 28oft.east,28oft

  • 33

Adjoining churchyard angular ; one side west,38oft. north missing ; wet XLIII, 4 Haughton Moat Farm . Fragmentary ; wet 270 ft. & 130 ft. 348 West of churchyard XLIII, 4 i Booden Farm Rectangular; much 470 ft. by 340 ft. 353 f mile south of altered ; house on Haughton site; part wet XXIV, 1 6 Hilderstone . The Hall . Rectangular ; al- 400 ft. by 3 20 ft. 600 South-west of Hall tered on south side, with extra bank on north side LVI, 8 & Hilton Hilton Hall Angular; fragment 370 ft. & 240 ft. 500 Park Road from 12 Moat hall on site; wet Shareshill to Bloxwich XIII, 15 Kingsley Glebe Farm . Fragment of a 320 ft. & i oo ft. 657 At back of house, square; partly dry which was vicarage L,5 Lapley Old Manor Irregular remains ; 300 ft. & 200 ft. 374 Lapley House part wet & 320 ft. XXV, 1 1 Leigh . Park Hall Rectangular ; wet 270 ft. by 260 ft. 500

mile north-east of 

Leigh Church on Tean Road LII, 14 Lichfield St. Chad Maple Hayes Rectangular, with rounded corners ; on 1 93 ft. by 1 70 ft. 300 ij- miles west of Lichfield, on Burnt- south side is an an- wood road gular intrenchment 56 yds. in length 364