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ANCIENT EARTHWORKS HOMESTEAD MOATS (CLASS ^continued Ordnance Number Parish Name Form Dimensiont (Outside Measurement) Alti- tude Situation, Notes, &<:. Ft. XVII, 9 Madely Manor ruins Square, with moat 3 40 ft. by 340 ft. 379 North-east of ruins (figured in and four shallow angle moat and within J mile of Plot) trenches, and angle 2 80 ft. by 140 ft. Madeley Road sta- moat ; part wet tion, on North Staf- fordshire Railway XXXII, 15 Marchington Moat Springs Square ; on skew ; 240 ft. by 240 ft. 300 ^ mile north-west Woodlands wet Marchington Wood- lands, mile south- east of Gorsty Hill XX, 4, & Mayfield Old Hall . Irregular ; dry Indefinite 600 North of Old Hall and XXI, i and road adjoining XX, 8 99 Harlow Oval 100 ft. by 85 ft. 600 West of Middle Mayfield XXXI, i Milwich Garshall Square ; mound 260 ft. by 250 ft. 500 Near Oulton House, within arc, oval in off road from Stone to form ; about 3 ft. Milwich high ; dry XXXI, 5 99 Milwich Hall Fragment ; wet 30 ft. by 25 ft. 424 South-east of Mil- wich Hall on road from Sandon to Ut- toxeter XXXI, 5 99 Manor Farm Fragment ; wet 132 ft. by 30 ft. 424 Off Sandon Road XVI, 12 Mucklestone Lea Head . Rectangular ; wet 1 90 ft. by 139 ft. 400 ij miles north-east Pipe Gate station, North Staffordshire Railway XXXIX, 8 Newborough The Hall . Square, varied by 340 ft. by 340 ft. 374 At Newborough alterations ; wet XXXIX, 1 2 99 Moat Hall . Rectangular, with 3 80 ft. by 260 ft. 400 99 99 second bank and ditch on south side ; part wet XXX VI, 10 Norbury Norbury Rectangular ; wet 260 ft. by 220 ft. 326 On lane to Manor Manor House (figured in Plot) LXI, i Patshull Burnhill Three sides of a 115 ft. by 141 ft. 275 i mile west of the Green square ; part wet Hall LVII, 1 1 Pelsall Moat Farm . Irregular ; wet 1 68 ft. by 80 ft. 494 At Pelsall L, 7 Penkridge Rodbaston Rectangular ; 340 ft. by 290 ft. 302 East of road from Old Hall mound within site ; Penkridge to Wol- wet verhampton, ij miles south of Penkridge XLIV, 10 Hay House . Rectangular ; one 2 30 ft. by 200 ft. 300 On road between side house destroyed; Bradley and Penk- on site ; wet ridge, two miles north west of latter 365