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A HISTORY OF STAFFORDSHIRE Eurhynchium murale, Milde. y. julaceum, Schp. 1-3 confertum, Milde. 13 megapolitana, Bland. 3 Plagiothecium depressum, Dixon. ; - Borrerianum, Spruce. 2, 3 denticulatum, B. & S. 1-3 ft. aptychus, L. Cat. 2, 3 t. laxum. 3 sylvaticum, B. & S. 1-3 undulatum, B. & S. 1-3 Amblestegium confervoides, B. & S. - serpens, B. & S. 1-3 ft. majus, Brid. 3 - varium, Ldb. 2 - irriguum, B. & S. fluviatile, B. & S. filicinum, De Not. 1-3 Hypnum riparium, Linn. 1-3 ft. longifolium, Schp. 2, y. splendens, De Not. 3 - polygamum, Schp. 2, 3 ft. stagnatum. 3 - stellatum, Schrcb. 2 ft. protensum, B. & S. 2 - chrysophyllum, Brid. 2, ^ ft. erectum, Bagnall. 2 - Sommerfeltii, Myr. 2 - aduncum, Hedw. 2, 3 ft. Knieffii, Schp. 2, 3 fluitans, Linn. 1-3 ft. submersum, Schpr. 2 exannulatum, Gtimb. 2 2 2 Hypnum uncinatum, Hedw. I, 2 vernicosum, Ldb. 2 revolvens, Sw. 13 ft. Cossonii, Ren. I, 2 commutatum, Hedw. 2, 3 fulcatum, Brid. 2 ft. gracilescens, Schp. 2 cupressiforme, Linn. 13 ft. resupinatum, Schp. 1-3 y. filiforme, Brid. 2, 3 8. minus, Wils. 2 f. ericetorum, B. & S. z, 3 r/. tectorum, Brid. 2, 3 0. elatum, B. & S. 2, 3 - Patienti*, Ldb. 2, 3 - molluscum, Hedw. 1-3 y. fastigiatum, Bosw. I, 3 palustre, Linn. 1-3 ft. hamulosum, B. & S. 2, 3 y. subsphaericarpon, B. & S. 2 - ochraceum, Turn. I, 2 stramineum, Dicks, i, 2 - cordifolium, Hedw. 2, 3 - giganteum, Schp. 2 - cuspidatum, Linn. 1-3 - Schreberi, Willd. 1-3 Hylocomium splendens, B. & S. 1-3 - loreum, B. & S. 2, 3 - squarrosum, B. & S. 1-3 ft. calvescens, Hobk. 2, 3 - triquetrum, B. & S. I -3 rugosum, De Not. 2 THE LIVERWORTS (Hefatica) The following list of the liverworts of Staffordshire is incomplete, for this interesting group of plants has been only studied incidentally. The natural features of the county are such as promise a much richer record ; the wide moorlands of the northern portion of the county will probably yield many species not recorded below, and the valleys of the Dove, the Manyfold and the Churnet have been only partially examined; these districts alone if fully explored should very materially increase the record. The total number here recorded is only 82 species and varieties, being little more than one-third of those recorded for Great Britain. The more rare of these are Lejeunia Mackaii, Kantia arguta, Scapania curia, Cephalozia lunulcefolia, Jungermania cordifolia and Fossombronia cristata. So little has been done in the study of this group of plants in the neighbouring counties as to render any attempt at a comparison of little real value. Frullania Tamarisci, L. 1-3 dilatata, L. 1-3 Lejeunea Mackaii, Hook. 2 serpyllifolia, Dicks. 2, 3 Radula complanata, L. 1-3 Porella Izvigata, Schrad. 2 platyphylla, L. 2, 3 Blepharozia ciliaris, L. 2 Trichocolea tomentella, Ehrh. 2, 3 Blepharostoma trichophyllum, Dill. 3 Lepidozia reptans, L. 2, 3 setacea, Web. 2 Bazzania trilobata, L. 2 Kantia trichomanis, L. 2, 3 64