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BOTANY Kantia arguta, Mart. 2 Cephalozia lunulaefolia, Dum. 2 bicuspidata, L. 1-3 Lammersiana, Huben. 2 connivens, Dicks. 2 Sphagni, Dicks. 2 divaricata, Sm. 2, 3 var. byssacea, Roth. 2 stellulifera, Tayl. 2 Scapania resupinata, Dill. ; L. 2 aequiloba, Schw. 2 aspera, Mull. & Bern. 2 nemorosa, L. 2, 3 undulata, L. 2, 3 irrigua, Nees. 2 curta, Mart. 2 umbrosa, Schrad. 2 Diplophyllum albicans, L. 1-3 Lophocolea bidentata, L. 1-3 cuspidata, Limpr. 2 heterophylla, Schrad. 1-3 Chiloscyphus polyanthos, L. 1-3 b. rivularis, Nees. 2 Mylia Taylori, Hook. 2 anomala, Hook. Plagiochila asplenioides, L. 2, 3 c. minor, Carr. 3 Jungermania cordifolia, Hook. 2 pumila, With. 3 riparia, Tayl. 3 - inflata, Huds. 2, 3 - turbinata, Raddi. 3 - sphaerocarpa, Hook. 2 exsecta, Schmid. 2 Jungermania Flcerkii, Web. & Mohr. 2 barbata, Schmid. 2 Lyoni, Tayl. 2 incisa, Schrad. 2 capitata, Hook. 2 bicrenata, Schmid. 2 porphyroleuca, Nees. 2 ventricosa, Dicks. 2, 3 crenulata, Sm. 2 - gracillima, Sm. 3 Eucalyx hyalina, Lyell. 2 Nardia scalaris, Schrad. 2, 3 6. major, Carr. 2 Saccogyna viticulosa, Mich. 3 Fossombronia caespitiformis, De Not. 2 pusilla, L. 2, 3 - cristata, Lindb. 2 Blasia pusilla, L. 2, 3 Pcllia epiphylla, L. 2, 3 calycina, Tayl. 3 Aneura multifidia, L. 2 sinuata, Dicks. 2, 3 pinguis, L. 2, 3 Metzgeria pubescens, Schrank. 2 furcata, L. 2, 3 Marchantia polymorpha, L. 2, 3, Conocephalus conicus, L. 2, 3 Reboulia hemispherica, L. 2 Lunularia cruciata, L. 2, 3 Targionia hypophylla, L. 2 Riccia glauca, L. 2, 3 glaucescens, Carr. 2 Anthoceros punctatus, L. z, 3 THE LICHENS (Licbenes) The lichens are a large tribe of cryptogams intermediate between the alga? and the fungi, approaching the alga? through the gelatinous forms of the Collemacei and the fungi through the Ascomycetes, but they differ from the fungi in not deriving nourishment from the matrix on which they grow but from the atmosphere, in their slow growth, their perennial existence, and in the presence in their structure of the green algae-like bodies, the gonidia. The researches of Schwendener have shown that the lichens are true fungi, parasitical on unicellular alga?, the gonidia, which exist immediately beneath the cortical layer, being alga? forms allied to Nostoc, Chroolepus or Palmella. The lichens are found throughout the county in one or other form from the low-lying heath- lands of the south to the highest points of the north, but are abundant in the normal condition only where the atmospheric conditions are good and wholesome. Over a large portion of the colliery districts and the more smoky surroundings of the Potteries they do not fully develop, but exist in an abnormal state, forming dust-like or filamentous patches, usually greyish white or yellow, on walls, trees or rocks, and in this state will exist for an indefinite time, increasing as do the alga? by the division of their cells ; this condition was known to the older botanists by the pseudo-generic names of Lepraria, Variolaria^ etc. But 1 65 9