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INSECTS Cyclica Lamprosoma concolor, Sturm. Hastings, Abbots /Food, Hellingly, Barcomhe Timarcha tenebricosa, F. (laevigata, Duft.) — violaceo-nigra, De G. Chrysomela marginalis, Duft. Coivfo/d near Horsham — marginata, L. Rare ; Lewes — banksi, F. Scarce ; Hastings and Brighton districts — staphyisa, L. — polita, L. — varians, Schall. Guestling, Holm Bush near Brighton, Lewes — fastuosa, Scop. Rare ; Guestling — didymata, Scriba. Hastings district — hyperici, Forst. Hastings district, Ab- bots Wood, Tilgate, Leives Melasoma populi, L. Hastings district — longicoUe, Suffr. St. Leonards, Nether- field, Abbots JVood Phytodecta rufipes, De G. Scarce ; Battle, Laughton, Abbots JVood — viminalis, L. Laughton, Abbots Wood — olivacea, Forst. Hastings and Brighton districts, Abbots Wood — pallida, L. Tilgate Forest Gastroidea polygoni, L. Phasdon tumidulus, Germ. — armoracise, L. (betul^, Kust.) — cochlearia?, F. Phyllodecta vulgatissima, L. Abbots JVood, apparently rare — cavifrons, Thoms. Hastings, Barcomhe, Laughton — vitelline, L. Hydrothassa aucta, F. Hastings, Leives and Brighton districts — marginella, L. Brighton, Lewes Prasocuris junci, Brahm. Barcomhe, JVin- terhourne, Leives ; not recorded from the Hastings district — phellandrii, L. Common ; Hastings and Lewes districts Luperus nigrofasciatus, Goeze. Hastings district, scarce — rufipes. Scop. Hastings district, rare Lochmasa capreas, L. Peppering, Abbots JVood, Laughton — suturalis, Thoms. Hastings district, Laughton — crataegi, Forst. Generally distributed Galerucella viburni, Payk. Hastings dis- trict — nymphaese, L. Peppering, Barcomhe, Lewes — sagittaria, Gyll. Lewes — lineola, F. Peppering, Abbots JVood — calmariensis, L. Guestling, Etchingham, Abbots Wood, Lewes Cyclica [continued) Galerucella tenella, L. Hastings district, Abbots JVood Adimonia tanaccti, L. Fairlight, Leives Sermyla halensis, L. Lewes, common Longitarsus pulex, Schrank. Battle — anchusas, Payk. Bognor — holsaticus, L. DalUngton Forest — luridus. Scop. — brunneus, Duft. Lnvcs — fusculus, Kuts. Very rare ; Littling- ton (Power) — agilis. Rye. Rare ; Hollington near Hastings — suturellus, Duft., var. fuscicollis, Steph. Hastings, Lewes — atricillus, L. Hastings district, Littling- ton, Leives — patruelis, All. Hastings district — melanocephalus, All. — suturalis. Marsh. Lewes — nasturtii, F. Coivfold near Horsham ■ — piciceps, Steph. „ „ — lycopi, Foudr. Hastings, Lewes — membranaceus, Foudr. (teucrii, All.) Hastings district — flavicornis, Steph. Fairlight, Bopeep — exoletus, L. Rye, Eastbourne, Brighton, Lewes — pusillus, Gyll. - — reichei, All. Littlington (Power) — tabidus, F. (verbasci, Panz.) Amherky — jacobaeje, Wat. — rutilus. 111. Hastings district, common' — ochroleucus. Marsh. Hastings district — gracilis, Kuts. „ „ — laevis, Duft. Hastings, St. Leonards Forest, Eastbourne, Lewes Haltica ericeti. All. Hastings district — oleracea, L. (pusilia. All.) Leives — pusilia, Duft. (helianthemi, All.) Hol- lington, Peppering ^ Hermasophaga mercurialis, F. Hastings district, JVarrcngore JVood nezr Lewes Phyllotreta nodicornis. Marsh. Hastings, Bexhill — nigripes, F. (lepidii, Koch) Hastings, Bexhill, Barcomhe, Lewes — consobrina. Curt, (melaena, 111.) Hast- ings, Hollington — punctulata, Marsh. Rare ; Brightling — atraj Payk. Hastings, Battle, Lewes — cruciferae, Goeze. Rjt', Bishopstone ' I am inclined to think that there may be some mistake as to this record. The true L. rutilus is very scarce. 2 H. coryli is recorded from Sedlescombc, Hast- ings, but I have not seen the specimens and cannot tell to which of our British species they should be referred (v. Brit. Col. iv. 358). 157