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A HISTORY OF SUSSEX Cyclica {continued) Phyllotreta vittula, Redt. — undulata, Kuts. — nemorum, L. — flexuosa, III. Lewes (Morris) — ochripes, Curt. Battle, Lewes — sinuata, Steph. Abbots Wood, Hellingly, Bar combe flood — tetrastigma, Com. Hastings and Lewes districts — exclamationis, Thunb. Hastings dis- trict, scarce ; Lewes, common Aphthona lutescens, Gyll. Holm Bush, Brighton, Offham ; osier beds, Lewes — nigriceps, Redt. Cowfold (Power) — nonstriata, Goeze. — venustula, Kuts. Hastings, Abbots IVood, Laughton, Lewes — atro-coerulea, Steph. Hastings, Bishop- stone, Lewes — virescens, Foudr. Bopeep, Fair light — atratula. All. Mailing, Lewes (Morris) Batophila rubi, Payk. Hastings, Leives — zrata. Marsh. Lewes district ; not re- corded from Hastings Sphsroderma testaceum, F. — cardui, Gyll. Apteropeda orbiculata, Marsh. — globosa, 111. HoUington near Hastings Mniophila muscorum, Koch. Ore^ Bar- combe, Lewes Podagrica fuscipes, L. — fuscicornis, L. Mantura rustica, L. — obtusata, Gyll. Battle, Catsficld — matthewsi, Curt. Leives (Morris) Ochrosis salicarias, Payk. Battle, Laughton, Lewes Crepidodera transversa, Marsh. — ferruginea. Scop. — rufipes, L. Hastings, scarce ; Abbots JVood — ventralis. 111. HoUington — nitidula, L. Littlington (Power), Bar- combe flood (Morris) — helxijies, L. Hastings district, scarce ; Abbots JVood, Laughton — chloris, Foudr. Rye — aurata. Marsh. Hippuriphila modeeri, L. Hastings, Bar- combe, Lewes Epitrix pubesccns, Koch. Extremely local in Britain ; Shipley near Horsham, abundant (Gorham) ; Cowfold, end of May, 1873 (Power) — atrops, Foudr. Very local ; Arundel Park, abundant, September, 1879 (W.W.F.) Chaetocnema subcoerulea, Kuts. Balcombe, Cowfold, Hastings Cyclica {continued) Chaetocnema confusa. Boh. Tilgate Forest, Shipley — hortensis, Fourc. Plectroscelis concinna, Marsh. Psylliodes attenuata, Koch. Guestling, HoUington, Battle, Barcombe, Lewes — chrysocephala, L. — napi, Koch. Hastings district, rare ; Laughton, Barcombe — cuprea, Koch. Scarce ; Hastings, Lewes — affinis, Payk. Scarce ; HoUington, Peppering, Barcombe, Leices — marcida, 111. Camber — dulcamarje, Koch. Hastings, Lewes — chalcomera, 111. Battle, Hurst Green — picina, Marsh. Littlington Cryptostomata Cassida murraea, L. Holm Bush, Brighton (Power) — fastuosa, Schall. Very rare ; Peppering, Rye — vibex, F. Hastings district, Abbots Wood, Laughton — sanguinolenta, F. Hastings district, Leives (Morris) — chloris, SufFr. Very rare ; Shipley, two specimens (Gorham) ■ — nobilis, L. HoUington, Guestling, rare ; Lewes, common — flaveola, Thunb. Hastings district, Abbots Wood, Lewes — equestris, F. Peppering, Guestling, Lewes — viridis, F. — hemisphaerica, Herbst. Hastings dis- trict, HoUington, Fairlight, Dallington Tenebrionid^ Blaps mucronata, Latr. — similis, Latr. Ore, Lewes, Brighton Crypticus quisquilius, L. Camber Opatrum sabulosum, Gyll. Scarce ; Has- tings, Brighton Microzoum tibiale, F. Scarce; Rye Phaleria cadaverina, F. Camber Diaperis boleti, L. 'Near Hastings' (Step- hens) Scaphidema metallicum, F. Guestling, Stoneham, Lewes district Tenebrio molitor, L. — obscurus, F. Hastings, Beddingham near Leives Gnathocerus cornutus, F. Rare ; Hastings Tribolium fcrrugineum, F. — confusum, Duv. Rare ; Hastings Helops coeruleus, L. Hastings — pallidas, Curtis. Camber — striatus, Fourc. D.«  Lagria hirta, L. 158