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INSECTS thence at the sale of his collection in November, 1893, into that of Mr. C. A. Briggs, and when the latter collection was dispersed in Novem- ber, 1896, into that of Mr. E. R. Bankes. Another specimen was taken by Mr. Rolfe at Eastbourne in 1880 (J. H. A. Jenner, Macro-Lep. of East Sussex, p. 1 4) Erastia venustula, Hb. Very local ; has been taken in some numbers in St. LeonartJs Forest^ — fasciana, L. Not uncommon in woods ; Abbots IFood, Battle, Brighton, near Emsworth, Fernhurst, Hastings, Hay- ward's Heath, Horsham, Plashet IVood Phytometra viridaria, Clerck. Generally common Euclidia mi, Clerck. Generally common, especially on the downs — glyphica, Linn. Rather local but widely distributed. Abbots JFood, Brighton, Charlton Forest, Cocking, Cuchnere, Hayiuard's Heath, Horsham, Laugh- ton, Lewes, Slindon Ophiodes lunaris, SchifF. A great rarity ; one was taken by Mr. M. S. Blaker near Leiues on 1 7 June, 1873, at ' sugar ' (Ent. vi. 458) ; a second was taken near Brighton on 20 June, 1874, by Mr. F. Trangmar, also at 'sugar' (Ent. vii. 164); a third was taken by a friend of the late Mr. W. H. Tugwell while collecting with him in Abbots Wood as it flew up from the undergrowth in May, 1875 [Ent. viii. 164) ; and Mr. Vine states that another specimen was taken at ' sugar ' on Brighton racecourse by Mr. T. Salvage of Arlington Catephia alchymista, Schiff. Very rare and probably an immigrant. A female specimen was taken in Abbots Wood by Mr. W. Borrer when collecting with Mr. H. Goss on 4 June, 1875 [Ent. viii. 164; Bar- rett, Brit. Lep. vi. 232) ; a second specimen was taken by Mr. Saunders, jun., at St. Leonards on 24 June, 1 888 {E.M.M. XXV. 96 and Barrett, Brit. Lep. vi. 232) ; and a third, a male, now in Mr. Fletcher's collection, was taken in Abbots Wood by Mr. T. Salvage on 2 July, i8g8. All these were taken at 'sugar' Catocala fraxini, L. Rare ; specimens have been taken from time to time in 1 Very abundant in St. Leonards Forest in June, 1876, 1877.— H.G. different parts of the county ; Arundel, Brighton, Eastbourne, Hastings, Lewes, JVinchelsea Catocala nupta, L. Common and generally dis- tributed — sponsa, L. Rare ; recorded from Leives (Stainton, Manual, i. 3 1 6), but no recent captures are known to have been made ; taken singly at Ewhurst and Winchelsea (Barrett, Brit. Lep. vi. 262), in St. Leonards Forest, JVest Marden — promissa, Esp. Rare ; Abbots IFood (once), Plashet JFood (formerly), Shoreham (A. C. Vine), West Marden one in 1880 (W. M. Christy) — electa, Bkh. A specimen was taken at ' sugar ' at Shoreham on 24 September, 1875, by Mr. A. C. Vine. The only other specimen known to have been taken in Britain is one taken by Mr. E. Bankes at Corfe Castle, Dorsetshire, on 12 September, 1892 Aventia flexula, Schiff. Widely distributed but not common ; Abbots IVood, Battle, Bognor, Broadivater, Brighton, Chiches- ter, Cocking, Horsham, Leives, Poynings, Ringmer, Uckfield Toxocampa pastinum, Tr. Scarce ; Brighton, Cocking, Hassocks on railway banks, Hastings, Lewes, near Emsworth Rivula sericealis, Sc. Generally common Zanthlognatha grisealis, Hb. Common — tarsipennalis, Tr. „ — emortualis, Schiff. Mr. Henry Cooke records the capture of a specimen at Brighton on 18 June, 1858, by Mr. Pocock {Ent. Intell. v. 123) Herminia cribralis, Hb. Near Brighton (Stain- ton, Manual, ii. 132), in Sussex (Barrett, Brit. Lep. vi. 303) — derivalis, Hb. Oak woods, local but some- times abundant ; Abbots Wood, Battle, Guestling, Leiues, Laughton Pechipogon barbalis, Clerck. Common in woods Madopa salicalis, Schiff. Mr. Barrett says of this species : ' Its range with us seems therefore to be limited to Kent, Surrey, Sussex and possibly Hants ' [Brit. Lep. vi. 286). He records (loc. cit.) its occurrence at Petersfield on the borders of Sussex and Hants, and also his own captures of specimens at Haslemere, Surrey Bomolocha fontis, Thnb. Very rare ; has been taken near Horsham Hypena rostralis, Linn.1 ^ „ ^ , .... f . Generally common — proboscidalis, Lmn.J •' Hypenodes taenialis, Hb. Local ; sometimes abundant in Abbots Wood ; taken also at Brighton, Guestling, Laughton, Lewes '83