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A HISTORY OF SUSSEX Hypenodes costaestrigalis, Stephen. Local ; Ashdown Forest, Fairllght, Shoreham, Tilgate Forest Tholomiges turfosalis, Uck. Very abundant on Hurston Warren ; occurs also at Shoreham Brephos parthenias, Linn. Somewhat com- mon in the forest district among birch ; Abbot i IVood, Battle, Brighton, Cocking, Hastings, Horsham, Plashet Wood, Til- gate Forest — notha, Hb. Sometimes common in Abbots Wood; has also occurred near Brighton and Battle GEOMETRY Urapteryx sambucaria, Linn. Generally com- mon Epione parallelaria, SchifF. The capture of a specimen at Arundel on 29 August, 1879, by himself is recorded by Mr. Sidney Olliff {Ent. xiii. 311). It is difficult to account for the occurrence of this specimen of this extremely local insect in a locality which does not seem to be a station for its food-plant, Salix repens — apiciaria, SchifF. Not uncommon — advenaria, Hb. Local ; Abbots Wood, Battle, Bepton Down, Charlton Forest, Fernhurst, Hastings, near Lewes, St. Leonards Forest, Tortington Woods Rumia luteolata, Linn. Generally abundant Venilia macularia, Linn. Common in woods Angerona prunaria, Linn. Common in woods in East Sussex and in Charlton Forest in the western division. Metrocampa margaritata, Linn. Common in woods Ellopia prosapiaria, Linn. Among Scotch firs ; Brighton, Battle, Fernhurst, Hayward's Heath, Horsham, Midhurst, Stedham, Tilgate Forest Eurymene dolabraria, Linn. In woods; gener- ally distributed Pericallia syringaria, Linn. Generally dis- tributed but not abundant Selenia bilunaria, Esp. Generally common — lunaria, SchifF. Not common ; Abbots Wood, Battle, Brighton, Bury Hill, Guestling, Hayward's Heath, Hor- sham, Tilgate Forest — tetralunaria, Hufn. Not common ; Bog- nor, Brighton, Horsham, Hastings, Hayivard's Heath, Tilgate Forest Odontoptera bidentata, Clerck. Generally Crocallis elinguaria, Linn. J common Eugonia autumnaria, Wernb. Rare ; the first specimen taken in the county was taken at Brighton by Mr. Winter [Ent. Ann. 1856, p. 47) on 15 September, 1855 ; another was taken there in 1862 (Barrett, Brit. Lep. vii. 60). A few specimens have been taken during the last few years at Chichester by Mr. Anderson and eggs obtained, and others at Bognor by Professor Meldola and Messrs. Guermonprezand Fletcher — alniaria, Linn. Widely distributed and not uncommon at street lamps ; Abbots JVood, Bognor, Brighton, Battle, Chiches- ter, Guestling, Horsham, Hayward's Heath, Leives, Tilgate Forest — fuscantaria, Hw. Widely distributed ; Abbots JVood, Battle, Brighton, Bognor, Chichester, Eastbourne, Guestling, Hay- ward's Heath, Horsham, Leives — erosaria, Hb. Abbots JVood, Brighton, Charlton Forest, Guestling, Hayward's Heath, Horsham, Linchmere, Lewes, JVorthing — quercinaria, Hufn. Everywhere common Himera pennaria, Linn. Common and gene- Phigalia pedaria, Fb. J rally distributed Nyssia hispidaria, Fb. Scarce ; Abbots JVood, Horsha/n, Ringmer, Tilgate Biston hirtaria, Clerck. Scarce ; reported from Brighton and Tilgate Forest Amphidasys strataria, Hufn. Not uncommon, especially at street lamps — betularia, Linn. "l ^ , „ .1. • Common and gene- Hemerophila abruptaria, )- ,, ,. ., , rJ:, , '^ ' rally distributed Cleora angularia, Thnb. Very rare if not extinct in the county ; Brighton (Stain- ton, Manual, ii. 24) ; the late Mr. William Tester used to take it in Til- gate Forest, and Mr. Merrifield met with it some years ago at Holm Bush near Henfield — jubata, Thnb. Taken but not commonly in Charlton Forest by the Rev. C. D. Ash — lichenaria, Hufn. Common and generally distributed Boarmia repandata, Linn. Generally com- mon ; the variety conversaria, Hb., has occurred at Battle and Lewes — gemmaria, Brahm. Generally common — ribeata, Clerck. Very local ; Charlton Forest, larvas beaten from young spruce firs by the Rev. C. D. Ash ; occurs also at Stoughton and Tilgate Forest — cinctaria, SchifF. Local and rare ; Brigh- ton, Battle, Tilgate Forest (Barrett, Brit. Lep. vii. 207) — roboraria, SchifF. In oak woods, rare ; Abbots JVood, Charlton Forest, Hayward's Heath, Holm Bush, Laughton, St. Leonards Forest, JJ^estfield 184