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EARLY MAN Cakeham. — See West Wittering. Chailey. — Part of early Bronze Age celt, now in Lewes Museum. Chichester. — Bronze palstave with central rib [Evans, Bronze Imp. 8i ; Proc. Soc. Antiq. v. 38]. Ancient British coin of Tasciovanus [Evans, Coins, 90]. Pallant. — British coin of Tincommios [ibid. 500]. Chilgrove. — Bronze bracelets (? of the Bronze Age) [Proc. Soc. Antiq. ser. I, vol. i. p. 6]. CissBURY Hill. — Numerous neolithic flint implements and excavations of the Neolithic Age made in the chalk for flint [Evans, Stone Imp. 32-3, 35, 72, 75, 78, 80-2, 248, 277, 281]. See pp. 314-6. Many of these antiquities are now in Brit. Mus. Clayton. — Bronze winged celt with four vertical stripes [Evans, Bronze Imp. 80]. Eight neolithic celts chipped out of flint found together in 1803 [Evans, Stone Imp. 76]. Cliffe. — Perforated hammer found in a barrow [ibid. 229]. Spindle-whorl of clay, now in Brit. Mus. Small Bronze Age urn found in a barrow, now in Brit. Mus. CoATEs. — Palaeolithic implements found in gravel by Mr. R. Garraway Rice, F.S.-A. Proc. Soc. Antiq. ser. 2, vol. xx. pt. ii.] Crawley. — Neolithic celt (ground) in Brit. Mus. Crowborough. — Neolithic flint saw in the Dawson Loan Collection, Hastings. Pick-like bronze palstave in Dawson Loan Collection, Hastings. Cuckmere Haven. — Neolithic scraper [Evans, Stone Imp. 304]. Neolithic implements in Brighton Museum. Dean, East. — Pointed palseolithic implements [ibid. 622]. Chipped neolithic celt in wooden handle found here Suss. Arch. Coll. xxxix. 97-8 ; Evans, Stone Imp. 153]. Ringwood, Grove Farm. — Chipped and ground neolithic celt [ibid. 94]. Didling. — Neolithic celt (ground) 6 -^ inches long. Eastbourne. — Numerous neolithic implements found by Stephen Blackwell [ibid. 76, 87, 126, 179, 357]. Bronze spear-head [Evans, Bronze Imp. 316]. Large urn, perhaps of the Bronze Age, now in Lewes Museum. Ancient British coins (uninscribed) [Evans, Coins, 95, 435, 485]. Bronze socketed spear-head II inches long, now in the Museum at Eastbourne. Beachy Head. — Numerous neolithic implements, in Brit. Mus., also in the museums at Brighton and Lewes. Important hoard of gold and bronze antiquities of the Bronze Age [Arch. xvi. 363, pi. 68 ; Evans, Bronze Imp. 94, 283, 423, 467]. BiRLiNG Gap. — Neolithic scrapers [Evans, Stone Imp. 301, 303, 305]. East Hoathly. — Part of bronze palstave now in Lewes Museum. East Wittering. — Ancient British inscribed and uninscribed coins [Evans, Coins, 162, 176, 435. 457. 500. 5/2]- Edburton. — Neolithic implements, now in Brit. Mus. Falmer. — Neolithic implements in Brighton Museum. Ferring, High Down Hill. — An ancient camp. Numerous worked flints [Arch. xlii. 74- 6]. Bronze knife and chisel, gold ring, and stone mace [Proc. Soc. Antiq. ser. 2, xviii. 387-8]. Findon. — Neolithic implements found at Church Hill, and now in Brighton Museum. Firle. — Bronze pin found in barrow [Evans, Bronze Imp. 369 ; Horsefield, Lezves, i. 48, pi. iii. fig. 12]. Very small flat bronze celt of early type now in Lewes Museum. Fittleworth. — Paleolithic implements found here [Proc. Soc. Antiq. ser. 2, vol. xx. pt. ii.] Friston.— Ovate palaeolithic implements [Evans, Stone Imp. 622]. Neolithic implements in Brighton Museum. Funtington. — Neolithic implements. Goodwood. — Uninscribed British coins [Evans, Coins, 62]. Goring. — Neolithic celt found on beach, now in British Museum. Greath AM. —Palaeolithic flake found here by Mr. R. Garraway Rice, F.S.A. [Proc. Soc. Antiq. ser. 2, vol. XX. pt. ii.] Hangleton Down. — Two looped bronze palstaves and a bronze spear-head with two loops [Suss. Arch. Coll. viii. 269 ; Evans, Bronze Imp. 87, 322]. Hardham. — Numerous neolithic implements [Evans, Stone Imp. 283]. Bronze Age urn found at Hardham, now in Brighton Museum. Harting South. — Neolithic implements in Brighton Museum. Hastings. — Rock shelters (neolithic and later) on Castle Hill, and numerous flint implements. (See pp.3ii-i2)[S«w. Arch. Coll. xix. 53-60; Evans, Stone Imp. 71, 281, 309, 325, 389]. Ancient British coins [Evans, Coins, 433, 451, 450, 462, 499]. I 329 42