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A HISTORY OF SUSSEX Heene. — British uninscribed coin [ibid. 435]- High Down. — See Ferring. Horsham. — Flint arrow-heads (? neolithic) [Evans, Stone Imp. 389]. Neolithic flint saw, and perforated stone hammer [ibid. 229, 295]. Hove. — Important Bronze Age interment [Evans, Bronze Imp. 243, 453, 486 ; Suss. Arch. Coll. ix. 120; Arch. Journ. xiii. 184]. Bronze palstave, 7 J inches long, now in Brighton Museum. HuRSTPiERPOiNT. — Ncolithic implements now in Lewes Museum. Iford. — Bronze palstave with a central rib on the blade [Suss. Arch. Coll. xxix. 134 ; Evans, Bronze Imp. 81]. Lancing. — Bronze Age ' incense cup ' and three other small urns found in a barrow, now in Brit. Mus. Neolithic implements and bronze palstave 6 inches with loop, now in Brighton Museum. Numerous ancient British coins [Evans, Coins, no, 169, 183]. Lewes. — Numerous neolithic implements all over the Lewes district. A bronze dagger with handle found at Lewes is now in Brit. Mus. Three Bronze Age palstaves (each with one loop) found at The Wallands, Lewes, in 1871, now in Lewes Museum. Maresfield. — Neolithic implements in Lewes Museum. Mayfield. — Neolithic celt (ground) in Jermyn Street Museum. Midhurst. — Paleolithic implement found at Hill Top, Midhurst, in 1893 [Proc. Soc. Antiq. ser. 2, vol. XX. pt. ii.] Mountfield. — Important discovery of gold ornaments of Late Celtic types [ibid. ii. 247-8 ; Arch, xxxix. 507]. Newhaven. — Neolithic flint flake and saw [Evans, Stone Imp. 278, 295]. Neolithic hoe found near [ibid. 71]. Some of these are now in the Lewes Museum. In a kitchen midden found here were many neolithic chips, flakes, etc. OviNG. — Neolithic hoe [ibid. 69]. Pagham. — British coins of Verica and uninscribed [Evans, Coins, 65, 95, 172]. Pallingham. — Perforated hammer-head (Neolithic or Bronze Age) [Evans, Stone Imp. 229 ; Suss. Arch. Coll.ix. 118]. Pevensey. — Neolithic factory under walls of Roman castrum. British silver coin [Evans, Coins, 109]. PiDDiNGHOE. — Numerous arrow-heads and neolithic implements found here, and now in Brighton Museum. Plumpton. — Neolithic chipped celt in Lewes Museum. Bronze flanged celt and socketed celt of interesting form [Evans, Bronze Imp. 52, no]. Looped bronze palstave in Lewes Museum. PoLEGATE. — Uninscribed British coin [Evans, Coins, 433]- Poling. — Uninscribed British coin [ibid. 435]. PoRTSLADE. — Neolithic implements found here, and now in Brighton Museum. PoYNiNGS. — Neolithic implements in Brighton Museum. Pulborough. — Pestle of grey granite (? neolithic) [Evans, Stone Imp. 254]. Bronze palstave (looped) [Proc. Soc. Antiq. ser. 2, iv. 442 ; Evans, Bronze Imp. 87]. Socketed celt with traces of vertical ribs [ibid. 119]. Pyecombe. — Neolithic flint celt with expanding edge [Evans, Stone Imp. 93]. Bronze leaf- shaped spear-head [Evans, Bronze Imp. 318]. Rottxngdean. — Numerous neolithic implements found here. A well chipped flint celt nearly 8 in. long is in Brighton Museum. St. Leonards Forest. — Neolithic implements [Suss. Arch. Coll. xxvii. 177]. St. Leonards-on-Sea. — Bronze palstaves, whole and broken, found here. They are now in the possession of Mr. Charles Dawson, F.S.A., and are exhibited in the museum at the Brassey Institute at Hastings. Seaford. — Numerous neolithic implements, some of them obtained from sepulchral barrows [Evans, Stone Imp. ji, 149, 249, 295, 309]. Some neolithic implements from Seaford are now in the Lewes Museum, and others are in the Brighton Museum. Three sepulchral urns showing late Celtic influence, now in the Museum at Eastbourne. Un- inscribed British coin [Evans, Coins, 432]. Selsey. — Numerous British coins [ibid. 66, 90, etc.]. Shipley. — Uninscribed British coin [ibid. 435]. Shoreham. — British coin of Verica [ibid. 173]. Slaugham Handcross. — Bronze object known as a bracelet [Evans, Bronze Imp. 385]. See p. 319. 330