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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS hides. In (the) demesne are 4 ploughs ; and (there are) 36 villeins and 18 bordars and 4 ' radmans ' and a church with 2 priests ; between (them) all they have 41^ ploughs. There are 8 serfs and 2 bondwomen. Of this land Roger the huntsman ^ holds of the earl i^ hides, and has there i plough ; and (there are) 6 villeins and 5 bordars with 5 ploughs. It is worth 25 shillings. This manor was worth 24 pounds T.R.E. ; now 15 pounds. Olwine held (it) and had in (Droit)wich a saltpan worth {de) 4 shil- lings, and in Wirecester [Worcester] i house worth {de) 12 pence. The same Earl holds Salewarpe [Salwarpe], and Urse (holds it) of him. Olwine cilt held (it). There are 5 hides. In (the) demesne is I plough, and (there are) 6 villeins and 5 bordars with 7 ploughs. There are 3 serfs and 3 bondwomen, and a mill worth {de) 10 shillings, and 5 saltpans, worth {de) 60 shil- lings. (There is) half a ' lewa ' of wood and a park is there. It was worth 100 shillings T.R.E. , now 6 pounds. Two ploughs more can be (employed) there. ^

  • Of this ' Roger the huntsman ' Mr. Eyton

wrote : ' He was brother, and probably younger brother, to Norman Venator, the ancestor of the Pichfords ; and the two brothers attested earl Roger's foundation- charter of Quatford church, probably in that very year when Domesday was compiled. . . . The Representative of Roger Venator in 1 135 is stated on good evidence to have borne the name of Roger, and to have been ancestor, through females, of several Shrop- shire families. ... It would seem clear that Roger Venator had a representative in the male line as late as the reign of Henry II. This was Reginald de Pulverbatch, who left a daughter and sole heir Emma. She carried the barony of Pulverbatch to her husband, Herbert de Castello.' {Antiquities of Shropshire^ VI. 189-190.)

  • The story told in Heming's Cartulary

(ed. Hearne, p. 253) is that this estate was restored to the monastery of Worcester, by Godwine, brother of earl Leofric, on his deathbed, St. Wulfstan, then dean and after- wards bishop, exhorting him to make this restitution. After his death, his son ^thelwine {Agelwinus) ' who had his hands cut off by the Danes when a hostage,' repu- diated his father's will {testamentum), and, by the help of his uncle, the Earl, obtained possession of the land. But not long after- wards, the monks continued, he lost both land THE LAND OF RALF DE TODENI In Dodintreu Hund[ret] XV. Ralf de Todeni holds Wermeslai [Worsley farm].^ Eadwig and jEthelnoth {Edwi et Mlnod) held it as 2 manors. There are 2 hides that (pay) geld. In (the) demesne are 3 ploughs, and (there are) 2 ' radmans ' and 8 bordars with 7 ploughs. There are 6 serfs. It was worth 40 shillings, T.R.E., and 20 shillings afterwards ; now 4 pounds. The same Ralf holds Linde [Lindridge]. jEthelward {Mlward) a thegn of earl jElfgar {Algari) held (it). There are 2 hides that (pay) geld. In (the) demesne are 4 ploughs, and (there are) 1 6 bordars and 6 oxmen {iovarii) with 4 ploughs. There are 2 serfs. It was worth 40 shillings, T.R.E., and 20 shillings afterwards; now 16 shillings. The same Ralf holds Halac [ ]. Wulfmar {Vlmer) a thegn of king Edward held (it). There is i hide that (pays) geld. There are 5 bordars who render 5 shillings. It was worth 4 shillings. Two ploughs can be (employed) there. The same Ralph holds Alvintune [Alton in Rock] Godric a thegn of earl iElfgar {Algari) held it, and could betake himself {ire) where he would.* There are 2 hides that (pay) geld. In (the) demesne are 4 ploughs, and (there are) a priest and 2 bordars and 2 ' radmans,' with 4 ploughs. There are 6 serfs. The wood(land) is 4 leagues {levuis) long and 2 leagues in width. It was worth 40 shillings T.R.E., and 20 shillings afterwards ; now 52 shillings. The same Ralf holds More [Moor]. Grim held (it), and could betake himself {ire) where he would. There is i hide that (pays) geld. There are 2 bordars with i plough, and i free man with i plough. It was and is worth 20 shillings. There is a little wood(land). The same Ralf holds Betune [Bayton]. Eadric and Leofwig {Edric et Lewi) held it for 2 manors, and could betake themselves {ire) where they would. There are 3^ hides that and life, dying wretchedly in the cottage of his oxman {iovarii). He was clearly the .ffilwin[us] ' cilt ' of the Domesday Survey. ^ Near Abberley. I have identified it by a 1 2th century survey (see p. 329 below).

  • i.e. could ' commend ' himself to what

lord he would. 309