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A HISTORY OF WORCESTERSHIRE (pay) geld. In (the) demesne are 3 ploughs, and (there are) 4 villeins and 14 bordars and I 'radman,' with 12 ploughs. There is a mill worth {de) 5 shillings. It was worth 60 shillings T.R.E., and 30 shillings afterwards ; now 4 pounds. Rayner holds it of Ralf. The same Ralf holds More [Moor]. Leof- noth (Leuenot) held (it), and could betake himself {ire) where he would. There is i virgate that pays geld. There is i villein with I plough. The wood(land) is i league {/ewa) long and 3 furlongs in width. It was and is worth 2 shillings. The same Ralf holds Edboldelege [Abber- ley]. Wulfmar {Vlmer) held (it), and could betake himself (ire) where he would. There are 2^ hides that (pay) geld. In (the) demesne are 2 ploughs, and (there are) 1 8 villeins and 8 bordars and i Frenchman {francigena) and 3 cottars with 1 7 ploughs. There is a priest and I serf. It was worth 7 pounds T.R.E., and 4 pounds afterwards ; now 10 pounds and 10 shillings. The same Ralf holds Eslei [Astley], and the church of St. Taurin (holds it) of him.^ Ernesi held (it) and could betake himself {ire) where he would. There are 6 hides that (pay) geld. Of these, St. Taurin holds 4 hides quit and freed {solutas) from all due(s) belonging to the King, as was granted by king William himself, when Ralf gave it to the saint. There in (the) demesne are 2 ploughs, and (there are) a church and a priest and 1 1 villeins and 3 bordars and i ' radman ' ; be- tween (them) all they have 11^ ploughs. There are 3 serfs, and 2 mills worth {de) 10 shillings. At Worcester are * 2 bur- gesses worth {de) 2 shillings (a year) ; at (Droit)wich i saltpan, which renders 18

  • mits' {mittas) and 64 pence. There is wood-

(land), (which) renders nothing.* This manor was worth 10 pounds* T.R.E., and 100 shillings afterwards, as now. There Urse holds of Ralph i hide, and has ^ The Benedictine Abbey of St. Taurin at Evreux. See my Calendar of Documents pre- served in France, p. 1 06, where Astley is styled

  • Heseleia.'
  • i.e. appurtenant to the manor.

^ A marginal note adds : — ' The wood- (land) is i league {lewa) long and half a league in width.'

  • The monks of Worcester alleged that

Astley {/Estlage) had been wrongfully taken from them by a certain Dane, Ocea by name, 31" 3 ploughs in (the) demesne, and 3 villeins and 15 bordars and 2 free men with 7 ploughs. There are 4 serfs, and 2 mills worth {de) 20 shillings. It is worth 3 pounds and 10 shillings. This same Ralf holds Ridmerlege [Red- marley].* There are i^ hides that (pay) geld. Wulfmar and Ulfcytel {Vlmar et VlcheteT) held (it) for 2 manors, and could betake themselves (ire) where they would. In (the) demesne is i plough, and (there are) 14 bordars and i smith with 8 ploughs. There are 4 serfs. It was worth 30 shillings T.R.E., and the same amount afterwards ; now 40 shillings. Ralf the knight holds it of Ralf. The same Ralf holds Celdeslai [Shelsley], and Walter (holds it) of him. Wulfmar (Vlmarm) held (it), and could betake himself {jre) where he would. There is i hide. In (the) demesne are 2 ploughs, and (there are) 2 villeins and 13 bordars with 8 ploughs. There are 2 serfs and a fishery worth (de) 2 shillings, and 30 acres of meadow. The wood(land) is half a league (lewa) long and 3 furlongs in width. It was worth 50 shil- lings T.R.E., and 30 shillings afterwards ; now 50 shillings. The same Ralf holds Estham [Eastham] and Bestewde [ ],* and Herbert holds (them) of him. E(a)dric held (them) as 2 manors. There are 3 hides. In (the) demesne are 2 ploughs, and (there are) a priest and 5 villeins and 8 bordars with 5 ploughs. There are 6 serfs, and one tenant (homo) who renders 32 pence, and a mill worth (de) 6 shillings and 8 pence, and 60 acres of meadow. The wood(land) is 2 leagues (lewa) long and I league in width. It was worth 4 pounds and 5 shillings T.R.E., and 45 shillings afterwards ; now 4 pounds. In Cresselau Hund[ret] The same Ralph holds ^Elmeleia [Elmley Lovett], and Walter (holds it) of him. Al- who, in turn, had been despoiled of it by Ralf de Bernai supported by his lord William Fitz Osbern, their house being thus finally deprived of it (Heming's Cartulary, pp. 255-6). 6 In Great Witley.

  • The monks of Worcester claimed that

their house had been despoiled of ' Eastham et Bufawuda' by earl Hakon and his followers in the time of the Danes.