Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 2.djvu/2

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f9. BECKMft Meilroir BOHN’S STANDARD LIBRARY. ELEGANTLY PRINTED, AND BOUND IN CLOTH, AT 3s. 6d. PER VOL. I. THE MISCELLANEOUS WORKS AND REMAINS OF THE REV ROBERT HALL, with Memoir by Du. GaEGOfiY, au Essay on his cliaracter by John I'osteh. 2&3. ROSCOES LIFE AND PONTIFICATE OF LEO X. EDITED BY HIS SON With the Copyright Notes, Appendices, and Historical Documents, the Episode on ’ Lucretia Borgia, an Index, and 3 fine Portraits, complete in 2 vols. 4. SCHLEGELS LECTURES ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY TRANS- latcd from the German, with a Memoir of tfe Author, by J. B. lloBEaxsoN, Esq. 5&6. SISMONDI'S HISTORY OF THE LITERATURE OF THE SOUTH OF EUII9PE, translated by Roscoe. Complete i^ 2 vols. Portraits. nur tS LIFE OF LORENZO DE MEDICI, CALLED THE MAGNIFICENT, ing the Copyright Notes and Illustrations,new Memou-by his Sou. EL'S LECTURp ON DRAMATIC LITERATURE, TRANSLATED BY .LAC K, of the Morning Chronicle. New Ehtion, carefully revised from the an Edition by A. J . W . MoaaisoN. Witj Memoir Portrait HISTORY OF INVENTIONS, DISCOVERIES, AND ORIGINS m, carelully revised and enlarged by Das. Ekancis and Geiffttit and Portrait. Complete in 2 Vols. V^il. I. 10. SCHILLER’S HISTORY OF THE THIRTY YEARS WAR AND REVOLT OP THE NETHEllLANDS,translatedby A. J . W . Moaa^soT PwtraiL II. BECKMANN'S HISTORY OF INVENTIONS. VOL. i. Portrait of James Watt. 12. SCHILLER'S WORKS, VOL. 2, CONTAINING, CONTINUATION OF “THE Revolt of the Netherlands;” “ Wallenstein’s Camp,” “The Piccolomini-” “'Hia Death of Wallenstein;” and “ Wilhelm Tell.” With l^ortiait of Walleyistkn. 13. MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF COLONEL HUTCH.NSON. BY HIS WIDOW Lucy; to which is now first added an “Account of th“ bieo-e of Lathoni House ” 14. MEMOIRS OF BENVENUTO CELLINI, WRITTEN BY° HIMSELF NOW first collated with the new Text of Guiseppe MoUni, and enlarged. By Roscoe 16. COXES HISTORY OF THE HOUSE OF AUSTRIA, FROM THE FOUNDA- tion of the Monaixliy by Rodolph of Hapsburgh, to the Death of Leonold II 1218—1792, complete in 3 vols. Vol. I. Portrait of the Emptvor Maximilian ’ 16. LANZIS HISTORY OF PAINTING . A REVISED TRANSLAT'ON BY Thomas Roscoe, complete in 3 vols. Vol. I . With fine Portrait of ’ 17. OCKLEY’S HISTORY OF THE SARACENS, REVISED, ENLARGED, ^4^40 completed. Portrait. 18. COXES HjSTORY OF THE HOUSE OF AUSTRIA. VOL- 2. With Portrait of the Emperor Rodolph. 19. LANZl’S HISTORY OF PAINTING. VOL. 2 . Portrait of Titian. 20. SCHILLER’S WORKS, VOL. 3, CONTAINING “DON CARLOS," “MARY Stuart,” “ Maid of Orleans,” and “ Bride of Messina.” Frontispiece. 21 LAMARTINE’S HISTORY OF THE GIRONDISTS, OR PERSONAL MEMOIRS of the Patriots of the French Revolution, from unpublished sources. Complete <n 3 vols. Vol. I. Portrait of Robespierre. 22. COXES HOUSE OF AUSTRIA. VOL. 3. Portrait of Maria Theresa. 23. LANZI S HISTORY OF PAINTING . VOL. 3. Portrait of Correggio. 24. MACHIAVELLIS HISTORY OF FLORENCE, PRINCE, AND OTHER Works. With Portrait. 25. SCHLEGEL’S LECTURES ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF LAisGUAGE, translated by A. J . W . MoaaisoN. 26. LAMARTINE’S GIRONDISTS. VOL. 2. Portrait of Madame Roland. 27. RANKE’S HISTORY OF THE POPES, TRANSLATED BY E. FOSTER . Complete in 3 vols. Vol. I. Portrait of Julius 11., after Raphael. "'OROUGH, (to form 3 vols.) I’s Campaigns, being all those in one volume, 4to. for IDs. 6d. 22101595644