Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 2.djvu/3

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3 29. SHERIDAN’S DRAMATIC WORKS AND LIFE. Portrait. 2 30. COXES MEMOIRS OF MARLBOROUGH. VOL. 2 . Portrait of the Duchess. J 31. GOETHE’S AUTOBIOGRAPHY, 13 BOOKS. PORTRAIT. 5 32. RANKE’S HISTORY OF THE POPES. VOL. 2. With Index, and Portrait g of Innocent X. 1 33. LAMARTINE'S HISTORY OF THE GIRONDISTS. VOL. 3 . With a Memoir g of Lamartine, and a Sketch of the last Revolution. 5 34. COXES MEMOIRS OF THE DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH. VOL. 3 . 3 35. WHEATLEY ON THE COMMON PRAYER. FRONTISPIECE. 2 36. RANKE’S POPES. VOL. 3. Portrait of Clement VII. 37. MILTON’S PROSE WORKS. VOL. 1. Portrait. S 38. MENZEL’S HISTORY OF GERMANY. COMPLETE IN 3 VOLS. VOL. 1 . ^ Portrait of Charlemagne. 5 39. MILTON S PROSE WORKS. VOL. 2. Frontispiece. 3 40. MILTONS PROSE WORKS. VOL. 3. Portrait of Laud. 2 41. MENZEL’S HISTORY OF GERMANY. VOL. 2 . Portrait of Charles V. S 42. SCHLEGELS/ESTHETIC AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, CONTAINING Letters on Christian Art, Essay on Gothic Architecture, Remarks on the Roniance- ^ Poetry of the Middle Ages^ on Shakspeare, the Limits of the Beautiful, and on the Language and Wisdom of the Indians. 3) 43. GOETHE’S WORKS. VOL. 2, containing the remainder of his Autobiography, S together with his 'I’ravels in Italy, France, and Switzerland. 1 44. SCHILLER’S WORKS. VOL. 4, CONTAINING “ THE ROBBERS,” " FIESKO," “Love and Intrigue,” and “The Ghost-Seer,” translated by IIekrx G. Boiin. 2 45. MENZEL’S GERMANY. VOL. 3. Portrait ofPrmce Metternich. U 46. SCHLEGELS LECTURES ON MODERN HISTORY. ^ 47. LAMARTINES HISTORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION OF 1848. With Frontispiece, containing 6 Portraits. % 48. JUNIUS’S LETTERS, WITH ALL THE NOTES OF WOODFALL’S EDITION, % and important additions. 2 vols. Vol. 1, containing all the Original Letters. il 49. VASARI’S LIVES OF THE MOST CELEBRATED PAINTERS, SCULPTORS, AND ARCHITECTS. ’Iranslated by Mas. Fostee. Vol. I. Portrait. ^ 50. JUNIUS’S LETTERS. VOL. 2, containing the Private and Miscellaneous Letters, an Essay disclosing the Authorship, and a very elaborate Index. ^ 51. TAYLOR’S (JEREMY) HOLY LIVING AND DYING. Portrait. if 62. GOETHE’S WORKS. VOL. 3, CONTAINING "FAUST,” " IPHIGENIA," “TORQUATO TASSO,” and “EGMONT.” 'rranslated by Miss Swanwick. ^ With “ GOETZ VON BERLICIIINGEN,” by Sik Waltek Scott. Uniform with his Standakd Libkaey, |3ric« 35. 6(/. BOHN’S EXTRA VOLUMES 1. GRAMMONTS MEMOIRS OF THE COURT OF CHARLES II, Boscohel Narratives. Portrait of Fell Gwynne. 2&3. RABELAIS’ WORKS. COMPLETE IN 2 VOLS. 4. COUNT HAMILTON’S FAIRY TALES. PORTRAIT.