Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 2.djvu/402

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lives of the artists.



[born 1478.— died 1511.]

At the same time when Florence was acquiring so much renown from the works of Leonardo, the city of Venice obtained no small glory from the talents and excellence of one of her citizens, by whom the Bellini, then held in so much esteem, were very far surpassed, as were all others who had practised painting up to that time in that city.

    means, whereby any fortress may be destroyed, provided it be not founded on stone.
    “4. I have also most convenient and portable bombs, proper for throwing showers of small missiles, and with the smoke thereof causing great terror to the enemy, to his imminent loss and confusion.
    ‘‘ 5. By means of excavations made without noise, and forming tortuous and narrow ways, I have means of reaching any given.(point!), even though it be necessary to pass beneath ditches or under a river.
    “6. I can also construct covered waggons, secure and indestructible, which, entering among the enemy, will break the strongest bodies of men; and behind these the infantry can follow in safety and without impediment.
    “7. I can, if needful, also make bombs, mortars, and field-pieces of beautiful and useful shape, entirely different from those in common use.
    “8. Where the use of bombs is not practicable, I can make crossbows, mangonels, balistse, and other machines of extraordinary efficiency and quite out of the common way. In fine, as the circumstances of the case sliall demand, I can prejiare engines of offence for all purposes.
    “9. In case of the conflict having to be maintained at sea, I have methods for making numerous instruments, offensive and defensive, with vessels that shall resist the force of the most powerful bombs. I can also make powders or vapours for the offence of the enemy.
    10. In time of peace, I believe that I could equal any other, as regards works in architecture. I can prepare designs for buildings, whether public or private, and also conduct water from one place to another.
    “Furthermore, I can execute works in sculpture, marble, bronze, or terra-cotta. In painting also I can do what may be done, as well as any other, be he who he may.
    “I can likewise undertake the execution of the bronze horse, which is a monument that will be to the perpetual glory and immortal honour of my lord your father of happy memory, and of the illustrious house of Sforza.
    “And if any of the above-named things shall seem to any man to be impossible and impracticable, I am perfectly ready to make trial of them in your F.xcellency’s park, or in whatever other place you shall be pleased to command, commending myself to you with all possible humility.”