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IV. Nominal Stem Formation. Primary Nominal Derivation.

The only action nouns are the following neuters: /«a/«-a'^- ' 'greatness', raj-dn- (RV.) 'guidance', gdmbh-an- (VS'.) 'depth'. The infinitives in -s-dn-i (588c) are, however, probably locatives of action nouns formed with -an from aorist stems.

Agent nouns are: uks-dn- m. 'ox', cdks-an- (AV.) n. 'eye', tdks-an- m. ^carpenter', pus-dn- la.., N. of a god, flih-dn- (VS. AV.) m. 'spleen', tnajj-dn- m. 'marrow', murdh-dn- m. 'head', raj-an- m. 'king', ifs-an- adj. 'virile', m. 'bull', sdgh-an- (TS. in. 2. i^) 'vulture'.

a. There are also several words formed with -an the root and original meaning of which are mostly doubtful: 1. yu-v-an- m. 'youth', yds- an- f. 'maiden', sz/-dn- m. 'dog'; 2. defective neuternouns; ah-an- 'eye', as-an- 'blood', asth-dn- 'bone', dh-an- 'day', ds-an- 'face', tid-dn-^ 'water', udh-an- udder', dadh-dn- 'sour milk', dos-dn- (AV.) 'arm', yak-dn- 'liver', idk-an- (AV. VS.) 'dung', sakih-dn- 'thigh' ; 3. stems occurring at the end ot compounds only: -gm-an- and -jm-dn- (also used independently) 'course', -div-an-^ 'playing'; ■bhv-an-', 'being', -hi-an-S 'growing' (?) 6.

-ana : action and agent.

120. With the suffix -ana are formed a large number of derivatives with both types of meaning. The root generally shows Guna, sometimes Vrddhi, occasionally no change, rarely a weakened vowel. These derivatives very often appear with a preposition, such verbal compounds coming next in frequency to those formed with the suffix -a.

1. With Guna are formed neuter action nouns; e. g. kdr-ana- 'deed", cdy-ana-{hN .) 'piling', dh-ana- 'play', bhoj-ana- 'enjoyment', vdrdh-ana- 'increase', ved-ana- 'possession', hdv-ana- 'invocation', adhi-vi-kdrt-ana- 'cutting off'; also agent nouns; e. g. the adjectives kar-and- 'active', cet-ana- 'visible', cod-ana- (AV.)' 'impelling', vi-mSc-ana- 'releasing'; from a dupHcated (intensive) stem: mgar-and- (VS.) 'waking' ( Yi^')-

2. With Vrddhi^ or lengthened medial a are formed neuter action nouns, sometimes with a concrete sense; e. g. ut-pAr-ana- (AV.) 'transporting', upa-vds- ana- {AY.) 'clothing', '6j:q5s' , pra-vac-ana- 'proclamation', sad-ana- 'stsX'; also agent nouns; e.g. sain-srav-ana- (AV.) 'flowing together'; -iriz-a/za- 'driving away', msd-ana- 'gladdening', -vah-ana- 'conveying', -spas-ana-'^ (AV.) 'spying'; svdd-ana- m. 'sweetener'.

3. With unchanged vowel (final -a and medial a) are formed neuter action nouns; e. g. ddna- 'giving', ud-ydna- (AV.) 'going out', ni-dhdna- 'receptacle', rdks-ana- 'protection', sad-ana- 'seat', ava-pra-bhrdms-ana- ^° (AV. XIX. 39^) 'slipping down', prSn- ana- 'breathing' {Yan-); anomalously formed directly from a preposition, sdm-ana- 'meeting'; also agent nouns; &. g. tdp- a?ia- 'burning', a-krdm-ana- (VS.) 'stepping upon', sam-gdm-ana- 'assembling'.

4. With weak vowel are formed very few derivatives: either neuter action nouns partly with concrete meaning: krp-dna- 'misery', pfs-ana- 'tenderness', bhi'tv-ana- 'being', vrj-dna- and (once) vfj-ana- 'enclosure', -si'iv- a«ia:- (A V.) 'procreation'; or agent nouns: krp-and- {ASf .) 'miserable', tur-dna-

1 Used in the instrumental only.

2 From ud- 'be wet'.

3 From dlv- 'play' in pratl-dlv-an- 'adver- sary at play'.

+ From bhu- 'be' in vi-bhvan- and vi-b/ivdn- 'far-reaching'.

5 In the Proper Names matari-sv-an- and rji-iv-an-, cp. Wackernagel 21, p. 125, bottom, and above, p. 95, u. ".

o -kaman- in ni-kaman- 'desirous' is a transition form for the «-stem ni-kdma-.

7 In the RV. only as final member of compounds, rsi-codana- etc.

8 In this type the only vowel appearing in the radical syllable is a.


prati-spasana- (AV. viu. J")- 

10 See Whitney's note on navaprabhrdiu- iana- in his translation of AV. XIX.398 and Weber's erroneous interpretation of this as- 'descent of the ship'.