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112 I. Allgemeines und Sprache. 4. Vedic Grammar.

'speeding'; m. I'lr-ana- 'ram' {vr- 'cover'), kir-dna- m. 'dust' ('scattering'), vfs-ana- (VS.) 'testicle'.

-ana : action and agent.

121. With this suffix (accented on the first or the last syllable) are formed some feminine action nouns (like the neuters in -and) which sometimes have a concrete meaning: as-and- 'missile', jar-and- 'old age', dyot-and- 'brilliance', ma7i-and- 'devotion', rodh-and- ('obstruction') 'dam', svet-and- 'daybreak', has-ana- ^laughter'. kap-and- 'caterpillar' and ras-and- 'rein' have the appearance of being formed with this suffix, though the radical parts are not found in independent use. Accented on the penultimate syllable: arh-dna- 'merit', jar-ana- 'dry wood'(?), bark-ana- 'might', bhand-dna- 'brilliance', mamh-dna- ^readiness', meh-dna- 'abundance', vaks-dna- 'belly', vadh-dna- 'slaughter', van- ana- 'desire'. The formation of yos-dnd- (RV'.), usually yos-ana-, 'woman' is obscure '. With the suffix -ana- is also formed (though irregularly accented on the radical syllable) /.r/-a«3- ' 'fight' from a root not found in independent use^. The suffix -ana also forms feminine agent nouns (adjectives) corresponding to masculines in accented -ana-; thus tur-dna-'- 'speeding', tvar-ana- (AV.) ■"hasting', spand-and- (AV.) 'kicking'.

a. Derivatives in -ana with verbal prefixes, if compounded with other -v^ordsj^ form their f. in -ana- ; thus an-apa-vac-ana- (AV.) 'not to be ordered away', siifa-vanc-ana- and siipa-sM-f-ana- 5 [K^J .) 'easy of approach', sad-vi-dhaiia- 'forming an ox&^x {vi-dhana-^ of six'.

-a/7/ : action and agent.

122. This suffix, accented either on the first or the last syllable, is added to either the strong or the weak form of the root.

1. It forms feminine action nouns, sometimes with concrete sense; thus as-dni- 'missile', is-dni- 'impulse', ksip-ani- 'blow', dyot-ani- 'brilliance', dham-dni- 'piping', vart-ani- 'tra.cY , sar-dni- 'va]vLxy' ; also /izra«z'- 'noise' (?) in the compound jarani-prd- 'moving with noise' (?).

2. It forms agent nouns, both m. f. substantives and adjectives; thus ar-diii- f. 'fire-stick', caks-dni- m. 'enlightener', car-dni- 'movable', 'active', tar-dni- 'swift', dhvas-dni- 'sprinkling', vaks-dni- m. 'strengthener'; also in the compounds dn-ars-ani-, N. of a demon, dj-ani- (AV.) f. 'stick for driving' {a-aj-) and tidani-mdt- 'abounding in waves' (ud-ani- 'undulating' from ud- %e wet').

a. From the reduplicated root: papt-ani- {pat- 'fly') in su-papt-ani- f. 'swift flight'. From aorist stems: cars-ant- 'active' {car- 'move'), f. pi. 'men', /fln--a'«2- 'crossing' (//--'cross'), j'iZ/5j-(z';z2- 'overcoming' ( "iAj^/^-). From desiderative stems: ruruks-dni- 'willing to destroy' {ruj- 'break'), sisas-dni- 'eager to win' ( Ysa-), a-suhiks-dni- 'gleaming forth' {sue- 'shine').

-am : action and agent.

123. This suffix is the feminine form corresponding to the action and agent nouns formed with -ana firom the strengthened or unreduced root*, with or without verbal prefix; thus -cdd-ani- 'vagiug^ {cod-ana-), pes-ani- (AV.) 'well-formed' {pes-ana-), proks-ani- (VS. AV.) f. 'sprinkling water', pra-jndni-

1 Other stems with the same meaning are : yos-an-, ySs-a-,yds4i-. The rootis probably yu- 'unite'.

2 The suffix -and never otherwise occurs ■when the root is accented.

3 Only as a nominal stem prt- 'fight'.

4 This is the only example of such accentuation.

5 That is, su--upa-vahc-ana- and su-ufa- sarp-and'.

6 See -ana, 12.0, I — 3.

7 In brahma-codani- 'stimulating devotion'.