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IV. Nominal Stem Formation. Primary Nominal Derivation. 113

(AV.) 'easily known', spar-ani- (AV.) 'preserving'; abhi-sav-anJ- (AV.) 'pressing implement', vi-dhdr-ani- (AV.) 'preserving'.

a. In some (partly obscure) words the accent here shifts from the radical vowel to the^ final of the suffix : ars-ant- (AV.) 'piercing pain', cet-ard- (AV.) 'visible' {ck-ana-), tap-ant- 'heat' {tap-ana- 'burning'), ted-ani- (AV. VS.) 'blood', pri-ani- 'tender' pfi-ana- 'tenderness'), vrj-ani- 'enclosure' {vrj-dna- and vfj'-ana-).

-an-7ya : gerundive.

124. This is a new compositive suffix beginning to be attached directly to the root in the formation of the gerundive. It is based on the primary suffix -ana of neuter action nouns extended with the secondary adjective suffix -Tya. There are two examples in the AV.: upa-jTv-aniya- 'to be subsisted on', and a-mantr-aniya- 'to be addressed'.

-ar : agent.

125. This suffix is found in a very few words: us-dr- f. 'dawn', dev-ar- m. 'husband's brother', nd-nand-ar- I. 'husband's sister' '-

-as : action and agent.

126. This suffix forms a large class of neuter action nouns (which some- times acquire a concrete sense) accented on the root, and a small class of agent nouns (mostly adjectives) accented on the suffix. Some words belong to one class or the other according to the accent. The root generally takes Guna, and medial a is sometimes lengthened, while the vowel is reduced in a few instances.

I. Examples of action nouns are: with Guna, /roy-aj- 'pleasure' ( l//rr-), srdv-as- 'fame' (lAjra-), kdr-as- 'deed' ( '/'i^r-), cet-as- 'brilliance' (!/'«■/-), tij-as- 'splendour' {Ytij-^, doh-as- 'milking' {Yduh-Y. With medial a unchanged: dv-as- 'aid', tdf-as- 'heat', prdth-as- 'breadth', vdc-as- 'speech'; and with partially or wholly concrete meaning, cdks-as- 'lustre', 'eye', mdn-as- 'thought', 'mind', sdr-as- 'lake'. "With lengthened a: -vac-as-^, vss-as- 'covering', 'garment', vAh-as- 'offering', -svad-as- 'flavour' in prd-svadas- 'agreeable'; and from roots not in independent use: paj-as- 'briUiance' zxiA path-as-'^ 'path'. 'With reduced vowel: ur-as- 'breast', juv-as- 'speed' (beside j'dv-as-), mfdh-as- 'contempt', sir-as- 'head'; also vip-as- 'inspiration' in the compounds vipas-cit- 'inspired' and vipo-dha- 'bestowing inspiration'; iras- 'anger' in the denominative iras-yd- 'be angry'; hur-as- 'deceit' in huras-dt- 'plotting mischief. Perhaps also the adverbs (with shift of accent) tir-ds 'across' and mith-ds 'mutually'.

a. To roots ending in -a the suffix is added direct in bhas-S n. 'light' {bha- 'shine') and -dds-S 'giving' 6 (ydd-). jiias- 'kinsman' and mas- 'moon' are probably also formed with the suffix -as, but being masculines were most likely agent nouns in origin: ma-ds- = 'measurer' (?«a- 'measure'). The suffix seems to be added with an intervening y in -hay-as 'agility' 7 if it is derived from ka- 'leave' 8, while in dhay-as- n. 'enjoyment' and -gdy-as- 'song' 9 the y probably belongs to the root'o.

1 svasar- 'sister' in probably an old com- pound in which -sar represents a root; cp. Brugmann, Grundriss 2, 8, note.

2 The word hes-as- 'missile' is perhaps formed from the aorist stem of hi- 'impel'.

3 In vi-vdcas- (AV.) 'speaking variously' and sa-vdcas- (AV.) 'speaking similarly'.

4 According to Oldenberg, ZDMG. S4. 6°? this word means 'home' and is perhaps formed with a suffix -thas horn pa- 'protect'; accord- ing to SlEG, Gurupujakaumudl 97, it means 'food', and is derived from /a- 'drink'.

Indo-arische Philologie. I. 4.

5 Often to be read as dissyllables, bhaas- and daas:

6 In -das- 'giving' and -dhas- 'placing' an -as has been formed probably by a mis- understanding of the N. sing, -dd-s and -dhd-s.

7 In vi-hdyas- 'vigorous' and sdrva-kdyas- (AV.) 'having all strength'.

8 But it may be a derivative of hi- 'impel'.

9 From dhe- 'suck' and gai- 'sing'; cp. above 27 a.

10 In pT-v-as- n. 'fat' {pi- 'swell') the w m ay