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IV. NOMINAL STEM FORMATION. PRIMARY NOMINAL DERIVATION. 125 -tri : agent. 153. This very rare suffix occurs in only three or four derivatives: á-tri-¹ 'devouring', śá-tri- m., N. of a man2; with connecting -a in arc-á-tri- 'roaring'; also in the f. form with 7 in rắ-trī-³ night'. -tru : agent. 154. This suffix is found only in šátru- 'enemy' for *śát-tru-, perhaps from sad 'prevail'. -tva : agent. 155. This suffix probably arose by the addition of the secondary suffix -a to action nouns in tu, which turned them into adjectives used in a gerundive sense. It occurs in about a dozen such derivatives which are almost restricted to the RV.; e. g. kár-tva- 'to be made'4. -tha : action. 156. This suffix is almost exclusively used to form action nouns (some of which have acquired a concrete meaning) in all genders 5. The root generally appears in a weak form, as the suffix is mostly accented. The suffix is attached to the root either directly or more commonly with a connecting vowel5. 1. Attached directly to the root: m. ár-tha-¹ 'goal', gã-thá- ‘song', pak-thá-, N. of a man, bhr-thá- 'offering', rá-tha-8 'car', há-tha-9 'slaughter'; in composition with prepositions: sam-i-thá- 'conflict', nir-r-thá- 'destruction', sam-ga-thá- 'union' (gam- 'go'), ud-gí-thá-¹ (AV.) 'singing of chants'; in com- position with nouns: putra-kr-thá- 'procreation of sons', dirgha-ya-thá- 'long course', go-pi-thá-" 'protection' (pa- 'protect') and 'draught' (pā- 'drink') of milk'. f. kás-tha- 'course', gá-tha- 'song', ní-tha- 'trick'.-n. uk-thá- 'saying' (Vzac-), tir-thả- ‘ford’ (tr- ‘cross’), n-thả- ‘song, yũ-thủ-xz ‘herd’, rik-thả- 'inheritance' ¹3. 2. With connecting vowel -á-: ay-á-tha- n. ‘foot', uc-á-tha- n. "praise' (√vac-), car-á-tha- n. ‘mobility', tveș-á-tha- m. ‘fury', proth-á-tha- n. 'snorting', yaj-á-tha-¹4 ‘worship', rav-á-tha- m. ‘roar', vakṣ-á-tha- m. 'growth’, vid-á-tha-¹5 n. 'assembly', sap-á-tha- m. 'curse', śay-á-tha- n. ‘lair', śvas-á-tha- m. 'snorting', sac-á-tha- m. 'aid', stan-á-tha- m. 'thunder', stav-á-tha- m. 'praise', srav-á-tha- m. or n. 'flow'; with prefix: à-vas-a-thá- (AV.) 'abode', pra-vas-a-thá- n. 'absence', prāṇ-á-tha-16 (VS.) 'respiration'. a. With -ū: jár-u-tha-, m. a kind of demon ('wearing out', jr-), vár-u-tha- n. 'protection'; with -u: mat-i-tha-¹7 m. 'sage'. I For át-tri- from ad- 'eat'. Cp. p. 124, note 5. 2 For sat-tri- from sat- 'cut in pieces'. 3 In AV. rá-tri- also. 4 See below, Future Passive Participles, 581. 5 The fem. form of the suffix is -tha. 6 This vowel for the most part belongs in reality to a present stem. 7 With accented strong root. 8 The root is uncertain. 9 With root accented though weakened by loss of nasal (han- 'slay'). 10 With ga- 'sing' weakened to gì-. ¹1 Both pa protect' and pā- ‘drink' are weakened to pī. Cp. above 27. 12 The root in this word is uncertain. 13 prsthá- 'back' probably contains the root stha- 'stand', *pra-sthá- 'prominent'. 14 The gender is uncertain, as the word occurs in the dat. sing. only. 15 Probably from vidh- 'worship': OLDEN- BERG, ZDMG. 54, 608—611; cp. above p. 23, note 10. - 16 When there is a prefix the accent is thrown on the suffix; but prāṇ- (=pra-an-) is treated like a root. 17 Perhaps from man- with double suffix (-tu, -tha).