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IV. Nominal Stem Formation. Secondary Nominal Derivation. 139

the substantive Up- 'water' to form the two adjectives ap-tyd- and ap-tyd- ' watery'.

217. With the suffix -tva are formed more than thirty abstract substan- tives with the same sense as those in -ta; e. g. amrta-tvd- 'immortahty', aham-uttara-tvd- (AV.) 'assertion of superiority', bhratr-tvd- 'brotherhood', maghavat-tvd- liberahty', raksas-tvd- 'sorcery'. The final syllable of the primitive is lengthened in an-agas-tvd- 'sinlessness'j while it is shortened in sadhani-tvd- ^ 'companionship'. Owing to the influence of the nominative, j is inserted before the suffix in su-praja-s-tvd- 'possession of many children' and with initial Vrddhi in saupraja-s-tvd-^ {KV^.) 'possession of good offspring'.

a. The two suffixes -ta and -tva, identical in meaning, are pleonastically combined in the form of -tva-ta.- in. the two derivatives isita-tvdta- 'excite- ment', and purusa-tvdta- 'human nature'.

218. The suffix -ivana, an extension of -tva with -na, appears in the formation of some eight neuter abstracts occurring almost exclusively in the RV. These are kavi-tvand- '•wisdoia', jani-tvand- 'state of a wife^ ; pati-tvand- 'matrimony', martya-tvand- 'the ways of man', mahi-tvand- 'greatness', vasu- tvand- 'wealth', vrsa-tvand- 'manliness', sakhi-tvand- 'friendship'. All of these except martya-tvand- have beside them the corresponding abstracts formed with -tva^,

219. The suffix -iha forms a few ordinals from cardinals, and adjectives from pronominal stems with a general numerical sense. Thus catur-thd (AV.) 'fourth', sas-thd- (AV. VS.) 'sixth', saptd-tha- 'seventh'; kaii-thd- 'the how manieth?'-

220. The rare secondary suffix -na appears in one adjective derived with initial Vrddhi from a substantive, strdi-na- 'feminine' {stri- 'woman), and in three adjectives derived firom adverbs without any internal change : pura-nd- 'ancient {puri 'before'), visu-na- 'various' i^visu- 'apart'), sama-nd- 'like' {samd- 'equal').

221. The suffix -tiT is used to form the feminine oi pdti- 'lord' and parus-d- 'knotty', as well as of several adjectives in -ta denoting colours. Thus pdt-nT- 'mistress', pdrus-ni-, as N. of a river. The suffix is substituted for -ta in e-ni- 'variegated' e-ta-), rohi-ni- 'red cow' {rohi-ta- 'red'), syS-ni- 'white cow' (Jye-td- 'white'), hdriin- 'fallow' {hdri-ta-). In a few such words -m is substituted for the final a, while k takes the place of the f-: dsik-ni- 'black' (dsi-ta-), pdlik-m- 'grey' {pali-td-), hdrik-ni- in the diminutive form hdrikn-ika- (AV.) 'yellowish' {hdri-ta- 'fallow').

222. The suffix -bha forms half a dozen derivatives, all names of animals except one adjective S: rsa-bhd- and vrsa-bhd- 'bull', garda-bhd- and rssa-bha-^ 'ass', sara-bhd- (AV. VS.) 'fabulous eightlegged animal'. The one adjective is sthula-bhd- {KSl'^^ beside sthuld- 'big'.

223. The suffix -ma forms some eight superlatives, partly from prepo- sitions, and the ordinals from the cardinals for 'five' and 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten'. The former are : adha-md- 'lowest', apa-md- 'farthest', ava-md- 'lowest',

I From sadha-ni- ('one who leads with him') 'companion', which is, however, ana- lysed in "the Pada text as sa-dhani-.

s saubhaga-tva- 'happiness' is formed from

4 See Brugmann, Morphologische Unter- suchungen 2, p. 198, and Grundriss 2,

p. 315- ^ , .

5 See Brugmann, Grundriss 2, p. 203;

soMbhaga- 'welfare' = 'condition- of welfare', cp. p. 89, note 2. , . ,

not from su-bhdga- 'lucky', from which is 6 Formed, with Vrddhi and accented on formed subhaga-iva- 'welfare'. | the initial syllable, from ras- 'roar', 'bray' etc.

3 Cp. Lindner 26 and 28. |