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140 I. Allgemeines und Sprache. 4. Vedic Grammar.

upa-md- 'highest', dnta-ma-'^ 'nearest', cara-md- 'last', para-md- 'remotest', madhya-md- 'middlemost'. The ordinals are: panca-md- (A.V. VS.) 'fifth', sapta-md- (VS.) 'seventh', asta-md- 'eighth', nava-md- 'ninth', dasa-md- 'tenth'.

224. The suffix -mant forms in the Sainhitas between 80 and 90 possessive adjectives, like the parallel suffix -vant', with which it is to some extent interchangeable. Unlike -vant, however, it never forms derivatives from stems ending in -a except kdnva-mant- (RV'.) 'prepared by the Kanvas' and ydva-mant- 'rich in barley'. Examples are : asdni-mant- 'possessing the thunder- bolt', dsadki-mant- (AV.) 'rich in herbs', krdtu-mant- 'having power', vadhti-mant- 'drawn by mares'(?), hotr-mant- 'provided with a sacrificer', go-mant- 'rich in kine', ?/m^/J-OTa«^ 'gleaming', garut-mant- 'winged' (?), kakud-mant-^ 'provided with a hump', cdksus-mant- 'possessed of eyes', vidyim-mant-'- 'containing hghtning'.

a. A final -i is sometimes lengthened : tvisT-mant- 'vehement' (Ivisi- 'vehemence'), dhraji-mant- 'gliding' [dhrdji- = dhraji- 'gliding motion'), hin-mant- 'tawny-horsed' (hiri- = hdri- 'bay steed'); -'i- is inserted Kn jyotis-i-mant- (AV.)5 'full of light' (beside jy/oV/j-- mant-), and s in iuci-s-mant-^ 'shining'. In the derivative susu-mdnt- (RV'.) 'very stimu- lating' the suffix seems to have primary value?. The adverb dsu-mdt (AVi), formed from the neuter of this suffix, seems to follow the analogy of adverbs in -vat from derivatives in -vant,

225. The suffix -maya (f. -t) forms fewer than a dozen adjectives with the sense of 'consisting of, 'derived from', 'abounding in'. The suffix -as remains unchanged before the m, but d is assimilated as in external Sandhi. Derivatives thus formed are: ayas-mdya- 'made of metal', asman-mdya- 'made of stone', kim-mdya- 'consisting of what?', go-mdya- 'consisting of cattle', nabhas-mdya- 'vaporous', manas-mdya- 'spiritual', mrn-mdya- 'made of clay' {mrd-), saka-mdya- 'arising from dung', su-mdya-^ 'well-fashioned'.

226. The suffix -min was most probably due to the derivatives in -in from nouns in -ma, like dhum-in- 'smoking' (dhumd- 'smoke') which are fairly common. It has an independent character, however, in is-min- 'impetuous' and rg-min-'^ 'jubilant with praise' {fc-).

227. The rare suffix -mna forms a few neuter abstracts from nouns or par- ticles. It seems to be an extension with -a of -man syncopated hke -tna for -tana. The derivatives formed with it are: dyu-m?id- 'brightness' {dyu- 'sky'), nr-miid- 'manliness' {nr- 'man'), ni-mnd- 'depth' {ni 'down'), su-mnd- 'welfare' {su- 'well').

228. The very common suffix -ya'^° forms a large number of adjectives of relation, including a good many patronymics, and abstract substantives. It is pronounced -ia nearly four times as often as -ya. The feminine is usually -ya, both in adjectives and abstract substantives; but in the former it is some- times -r, as ar-i- and dr-ya- 'Aryan', ddiv-T-'^^ and ddiv-ya- 'divine'.

a. All the patronymics besides a good many general adjectives, and most of the abstract substantives are formed with initial Vrddhi; e. g. adit-yd- 'Son of Aditi', sahadev-yd- 'descendant of Sahadeva'; grdiv-ya- (AV.) 'relating to the neck' (grivd-), ddiv-ya- 'divine' (devd-god'), prajapat-yd- (AV.)

1 Once (l. 1655) anta-md-; cp. p. 89, note 3.

2 Which is, however, about three times as common.

3 The VS. has kakun-mant- as in external Sandhi.

+ With assimilated t as in external Sandhi.

5 Following the analogy of tdvisT-mant-


7 The word is analysed in the Pada text as susu-mdn.

8 This derivative seems to preserve the originally nominal character of this suffix.

9 In this derivative the original guttural appears, though it has become sonant as in external Sandhi.

1° See Whitney 1 210 — 1213 (p. 459 — 466) and Lindner 36 (p. 138—144).

6 Occurring only once in the vocative " These are evident instances of the re- sucis-mas. |duction of unaccented yd to 2; cp. 24 a.