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IV. Nominal Stem Formation. Secondary Nominal Derivation. 141

'relating to Prajapati'; adhipat-ya- 'lordship' {ddhi-pati- 'lord'), jdnaraj-ya- (VS.) 'kingship' (Jana-rajan- 'king of the people'), vaimanas-yd- (AV.) 'de- jection' {vi-manas-), samgramajit-ya- (AV.) 'victory in battle' {samgrama-jH- KSr^ 'conquering in battle'), sduvasv-ya- 'wealth in horses' {sv-dsva-).

b. Derivatives formed without Vrddhi are mostly ordinary adjectives, being about four times as numerous as those formed with Vrddhi. They are made from stems with all kinds of finals. The following are examples: dh-ya- 'relating to horses' {dsva-); urvar-ya- (VS.) 'belonging to cultivated land'

svaraj-ya- 'autocracy' {sva-rSj- 'sovereign') ; karman-ya- 'skilful in work' {kdrtnan-), vfsn-ya-^ 'virile' {vfsan- 'male'); sat-yd-'* 'true' isdnt-), prac-ya- (AV.) 'eastern' {prMc-); ayus-ya- (VS. AV.) 'length of life' {dyus^.

a. The final -a is retained before the suffix in hiranyd-ya- 'made of gold' [kiranya-), while -an is dropped before it in aryam-ya- 'intimate' {arya-man- 'companion'). The suffix is added pleonastically in avyd-ya- and dvya-ya- 'belonging to sheep' (beside dv-ya-) and gavyd-ya- 'derived from cows' (beside gdv-ya-); also in forming a few possessive com- pounds, as su-hdst-ya- 'skilful-handed' (beside su-hdsia-)S. It is also used in forming a few governing compounds, as ddhi-gart-ya- 'being on the driver's seat' [gdria-), abhi- naih-yd-m, adv. 'near the clouds' {ndbhas-)^.

(S. In some adjectives and substantives, the suffix has a primary appearance; e. g. pus-ya- 'flower', yuj-ya- 'related', niddh-ya- 'middle', mdr-ya- 'young man', sur-ya- 'sun', f. sur-ya- 7 (svar- 'light').

)*. Though as a gerundive suffix -ya must be regarded as primary, it is manifestly secondary in certain adjectives which have a gerundive sense; thus a-vi-mok-yd- (AV.) 'not to be loosened', pari-varg-yd-^ (AV.) 'to be avoided'.

S. Akin to the gerundives are a few abstract feminines in -yd; e. g. k^-i-ya- 'action', 'enchantment', md-ya-9 (AV.) 'knowledge', deva-yaj-yi- 'worship of the gods'.

22g. The rare suffix -y'ln^ like -in, forms a few possessive adjec- tives, all of which except one occur in the VS. They are atata-yin- (VS.) 'having one's bow drawn' {d-tata-), dhanva-yin- (VS.) 'bearing a bow' {dkdnvan-), mara-yin-^° (RV'.), N. of a man, srka-yin- (VS.) 'having a spear' {srkd-), svadka-yin-^^ (VS.) 'owning the Svadha'.

230. The suffix -ra forms four superlatives from prepositions and about a dozen ordinary nouns, most of which are adjectives. The superlatives are ddha-ra- 'lower', dpa-ra- 'later', dva-ra- 'lower', upa-ra- '^ 'lower'. The ordinary adjectives formed with the suffix have the sense of 'belonging to' or 'connected with'. It is usually added direct; e. g. dhutn-rd- 'grey' {dhumd- 'smoke'), asrt-rd- 'ugly', pamsu-rd- 'dusty' {pamsi'i- 'dust', AV.), and with initial Vrddhi igriidh-ra- 'belonging to the fire-kindler' {agnidk-). It is added with connecting i in medh-i-rA- 'wise' {medkd- 'wisdom') and rath-i-rd- 'riding in a car'. It also occurs in a few substantives, some of which are of

1 As if from suvasva- ; like vaiyasv-d- 'descendant of VyaSva'; cp. Whitney 1204 b, c.

2 With Guna of final -u as usual before secondary suffixes (190); prdiav-yd- 'to be partaken of (pra-as-) and iirjav-yd- 'rich in nourishment' (urj-) are formed without any primitives praiu- and urju-.

3 With syncope in the suffix of the pri- mitive; cp. 190.

4 From the weak stem of the primitive; cp. 190.

5 Cp. Whitney 1212 c.

6 Cp. Whitney 1212 m.

7 Cp. Whitney 1213 e; and Roots, under svar- 'sound'.

8 Here the guttural shows that these words are derived from nominal stems -moka- and -varga-.

9 In the RV. only in the compound /aiii- vidyd- 'knowledge of creatures'.

'° Perhaps meaning 'brilliant' or, according to Sayana, 'destroying' enemies.

11 The TS. IV. 4. 114 has svadha-vin:

12 For dnta-ra cp. above p. 90, 39 and note I.