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VI. DECLENSION. NOUNS. CONSONANT STEMS. ranya-vácas speaking agreeably', rayi-şácas 'possessing wealth', rāti-sácas, satya-vácas, smád-rati-şacas 'attended by liberal men', hari-şácas 'occupied with the tawny (Soma)'. A. f. rúcas, vacas and (once) vacás, súcas (AV.), sicas (AV.), srúcas and (once) srucás (AV.); dur-vácas (AV.) having a bad voice', mrdhrá-vacas. su-rúcas. m. an-fcas 'hymnless', a-rúcas 'lustreless', mrdhrá-vacas, vádhri- vācas 'talking idly', ví-vacas. I. f. rgbhís. Ab. f. rgbhyás (AV.) D. f. srugbhyás (VS. II. 1). G. f. rcắm, tvacám (AV.); madhu-pŕcām (AV.). 298. Stems in -añc. A considerable number of compounds is formed by adding as final member the root añc- 'bend', which almost assumes the character of a suffix 'expressing the meaning of '-ward'; e. g. práñc- (= prá-añc-) 'for-ward'. Strong and weak forms are regularly distinguished, the nasal which appears in the former being always lost in the latter. If -añc is preceded by a word ending in i or u, the syllables ya and va thus produced are further weakened to ī and u before vowel endings, and if bearing the accent, shift it to those endings2; e. g. Sing. A. m. pratyáñcam, N. n. pratyák, G. praticás. In these compounds -añc is added to words ending in 1, ẵ, with which it coalesces : adharánc- 'tending downward' (ádhara-) 3, ápañc- 'backward' (ápa), arvánc- hitherward' (arvá-), ávāñc- downward' (áva), asmatranc- turned toward us', ghrtánc-4 filled with ghee' (ghrtá-), devánc- 'directed toward the gods' (devá-),, páranc- 'turned away' (pára), pránc- 'forward' (prá), visvánc- 'universal' (visva-)5, satránc- 'going together' (satrá) 6. 2. -i: akudhryàñc-7 'going nowhere' (aku-dhri-), asmadryàñc- turned towards us' (asmad-ri-)1, údañc-8 turned upward' (ud), kadryánc-7 (turned towards what' (kád-), tiryánc- 'going across' (tiri-)9, dadhyánc- 'sprinkling curds' (dádhi-), devadryàñç-7 turned towards the gods' (devá-), nyánc- 'turned down' (ni), pratyáñc- turned towards' (práti), madryàñc-7 'turned towards me' (mad-rí-), vişvadryanc- 'going, everywhere' (vişu-a-dri-), śvityánc- 'whitish’ (śvit-i-), sadhryànc-7 'coming together' (sa-dhri 'the same goal'), samyánc- 'going together' (sam-i-). 3. -u: anváñc- 'going after' (ánu), rjváñc- ‘moving straight forward' (rjú-), visvañc- 'going in all directions' (visu-), svánc- 'going well' (s). The two feminines puruc-i- 'abundant' and urūc- 'far-reaching' presuppose similar stems (*puru-áñc- and *uru-áñc-). Inflexion. 299. These stems are inflected in the m. and n. only, as they form a f. in -ī from the weak or contracted stem, e. g. práñc-, £. prác-í-; pratyáñc-, f. pratic-t. The only cases occurring in the pl. are the N. A. and in the du. the N. A. and L. 181 The forms actually found, if made from pratyánc-, would be as follows: Sing. N. m. pratyán, n. pratyák. A. m. pratyáñcam. I. praticá. D. praticé. Ab. G. praticás. L. pratici. Du. N. A. m. pratyáñca, pratyáñcau (AV.), n. pratici. L. m. praticos. Pl. N. m. pratyáncas. A. m. praticás and praticas (AV.). a. The forms actually occurring are the following: Sing. N. m. adharán (AV.), ápan, arván, ávăn (TS. III. 2. 5³), údań (AV.), 1 Cp. WHITNEY 407; LINDNER, Nominal- | bildung, Addenda p. 167, prefers to treat -añc as a suffix. 2 The accent is similarly shifted to the suffix -ī with which the f. of these stems is formed (cp. 86 B 11, p. 87)). This rule of accentuation applies to the RV. only, not to the later Samhitãs; cp. A. pl. below (p. 182). 3 With shifted accent. 4 In this and some other of these com- pounds only the weak unnasalized form of the stem occurs. 5 With shift of accent. ó The f. narāc-í- (AV.), N. of a plant, is doubtless based on a similar stem formed from nára- 'man', with shift of accent. 7 The suffix -ri- in these compounds perhaps spread from sadhri-añc- (the dh also to akudhryāñc-), while the d of deva-dryàñc- and visvadryàñc- may be due to the pro- nominal forms mád- and asmád-. 8 The weak stem udic- being formed as if from *úd-i-anc-. 9 tiri appearing instead of tirás- 'across' from which the weak stem tiráśc- (— tirás-ac-) is formed.