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VI. DECLENSION. NOUNS. CONSONANT STEMS. 2. m. sam-síșas (AV.) 'directions'; vi-srásas¹ (AV.) 'falling apart', su-srásas (AV.) 'falling off easily', svayam-srásas (AV.) 'dropping spontaneously'. mákṣas ‘flies', músas ‘mice'; anṛta-dvişas 'persecuting untruth', V. a-saca-dvisas 'hating non-worshippers', gav-isas, ghrta-prisas, pari-prisas 'sprinkling', byhad-uksas 'shedding copiously', brahma-dvişas, yajña-múşas (TS. III. 5. 4¹) 'sacrifice stealer', vata-tvisas having the impetuosity of the wind'. f. isas, tvisas, pŕksas; án-a-dhṛṣas (AV.) 'not checking', ghrta-prúsas, ni-misas (AV.), nemann-isas² 'following guidance', pati-dvisas "hating her husband', vy-usas (AV.), sam-ișas ‘darts', sākam-üksas, su-pŕkṣas 'abounding with food'. A. I. m. jñāsás 'relatives', pumsás, masás ³; an-ásas 'faceless', án-urdhva- bhāsas 'whose splendour does not rise',, a-yásas, a-śásas, hrtsv-ásas 'throwing into the heart'. f. a-śásas; a-sisas, pra-sisas. - - 2. m. brahma-dvişas. - f. işas and işás, usás, dvísas and dvisás ³, pŕksas; camrișasº, vi-prúsas (AV.). I. I. m. madbhís. 2. f. vi-prúdbhis' (VS.). - D. I. m. madbhyás (AV.). Ab. 1. m. madbhyás (AV.). - G. I. m. pumsám (AV.), masám, vasám³ 'abodes'; a-yásām. - -2. f. işám, dvisám. - L. I. m. pumsú9 (AV.). — — I. b. Stems in derivative -s. a. Stems in -is and -us. 341. The stems formed with the suffixes -is and -us may best be treated together, as their inflexion is identical. The is stems, numbering about a dozen, consist primarily of neuters only 10; these when they are final members of compounds are secondarily inflected as masculines also, but only in a single form (N. sing. svá-socis 'self-radiant') as feminine. The us stems, numbering sixteen (exclusive of compounds) in the RV., include primary masculines (two also as f.) as well as neuters; three of the latter as final members of compounds are also inflected as feminine. Eleven of the us stems are neuter substantives, all but one accented on the radical syllable; four of these are also used as m. adjectives accented in the same way (árus-, cákṣus-, tápus-, vápus-). Three of those us stems which are exclusively m. are adjectives accented on the suffix, while two are substantives accented on the root (náh-us-, mán-us-) ¹² 12 a. The N. A. pl. n. are distinguished as strong forms by lengthening and nasa- lizing the vowel of the suffix (as in the as stems), c. .gjyotimsi and cáksumsi. 1 The Mss. read ví-srasas; see WHITNEY's | note on AV. XIX. 343. b. Among these stems appear a number of transitions to, and a few from, other declensions. 1. The N. sing. n., as in soc-is and cáks-us, having in some passages the appearance of a N. sing. m. soci-s and cáksu-s, led to formations according to the i- and u-declension. Such are N. pl. socáyas (AV.) 'flames', V. sing. pavaka-soce 'shining brightly', bhadra-soce 'shining beautifully', śukra-soce shining brilliantly'; N. pl. arcáyas 'beams', I. pl. arci-bhis. The form of krav-is- ‘raw flesh' in the compound á-kravi-hasta- 'not having bloody hands' is probably due to the same cause. From cáks-us- 'eye' is once formed the Ab. cákso-s and the V. sahasra-cakṣo (AV.) 'thousand-eyed'. From táp-us- 'hot' is once 2 neman- is here probably a locative. 3 There is also the transition form másān. 221 II 4 işas occurs 63 times, įșás 7 times in the RV. 5 dvişas occurs 39 times, duişás 4 times in the RV. 6 The meaning of this word is perhaps ‘libations in ladles'. 7 There is also the transition form iḍabhis as an I. pl. of iş-. 8 This word, occurring in this form only, might be a f. 9 mässu occurs Pañc. Br. IV. 4. 1 and māsú (like pumsú for pums-sú) TS. VII. 5. 2². The f. transition form idasu occurs as the L. pl. of is-. 10 There seems no reason why am-is- occurring in L. s. only, should exceptionally be regarded as m. (BR., LANMAN, GRASS- MANN). 1¹ One of these, tápus- 'hot', has a single f. form, A. du. tápuṣā. 12 See above p. 84, 19.