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I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. formed the G. táto-s; from van-us- 'desiring', as if vanu-s in N., the A. sing. vanú-m and pl. vanin; from dy-us- 'life' occurs not only the L. sing. ayu-n-i, but several compound forms, V. dirghãyo 'long-lived', adabdhāyo (VS.) ‘having unimpaired vigour', A. vyddhúyu-m 'full of vigour', n. visváyu 'all-quickening', A. m. visváyu-m, D. visváyave, G. viśváyo-s¹. - 2. There are also some transition forms from three masculines in -us, by extension of the stem, to the a- declension: from náh-us- ‘neighbour', starting perhaps from the G. náhuş-as taken as a N. sing. náhusa-s, are made the G. náhuşa-sya and the L. náhuse; from mán-us- 'man', starting from the N. pl. mánuș-as taken as a N. sing. mánuşa-s, come the D. mánuşaya and the G. mánuşa-sya; from váp-us- 'beauty', once D. vápuṣāya beside the frequent vápus-e. 3. On the other hand, there are a few transitions from the declension of i- and u- stems to that of stems in -is and -us. Beside su-rabhí- 'fragrant', the superlative form su-rabhis-famam 2 occurs once; and beside numerous compounds formed with tuvi- appear the stems túvis-mant- 'powerful' and tuviş-tama- 'strongest'3. Beside the G. dhakso-s and dákso-s4 'burning', there appears once the form daksúş-as 5, which is doubtless due to the false analogy of forms like tasthúsas. Though mán-us- 'man' may be an independent formation beside mán-u-, the probability is rather in favour of regarding it as secondary (starting from a N. mánu-s), because mánu- shows eight case-forms, but mánus- only three 6. The stem á-prayus-, occurring only once beside the less rare á-prayu-, probably represents a transition from the latter stem. 222 — Inflexion. 342. The final s becomes before vowel endings, and before bh. The inflexion of the n. is the same as that of the m. except in the A. sing., N. A. du. and pl. The only f. forms occurring are in the N. or A. They are the following: N. sing. svá-socis ‘self-radiant'; cákṣus 'seeing', á-ghora-cakṣus 'not having an evil eye, hradé-cakṣus ‘reflected in a lake'; citráyus 'possessed of wonderful vitality'; A. du. tápusa 'hot'; A. pl. gi-vapusas 'having the form of cows'. The actual forms occurring, if made from socis- 'glow' in the n., and from focis in the m. (when it differs from the n.), and from cáksus- 'eye' as n. and 'seeing' as m., would be as follows: 1. Sing. N. socís. A. śocís; m. -śocişam. I. śociṣā. D. sociṣe. Ab. śocíșas. G. focisas. L. socísi. V. socis. Fl. N. A. socímsi; m. -socisas. I. śocírbhis. D. m. -socírbhyas. G. sociṣām. L. focissu. 2. Sing. N. cáksus. A. cáksus; m. cákṣuşam. I. cákṣuṣā. D. cáksuse. Ab. G. cáksusas. L. cákṣusí. - Du. N. A. cákṣusī; m. cákṣuṣā. D. cákṣurbhyam (VS.). - - Pl. N. A. cákṣūmṣi; m. cákṣusas. I. cákṣurbhis. D. cáksurbhyas (VS.). G. cákṣuṣām. The forms which actually occur are the following: Sing. N. m. 1. á-havis 'not offering oblations', krsná-vyathis 'whose path is black'; citrá-jyotis (VS. xvII. 80) ‘shining brilliantly', śukrá-jyotis (VS.xII.15) 'brightly shining', satyá-jyotis (VS. xvII. 80) 'truly brilliant', su-jyótis (VS. XXXVII. 21) 'shining well'; citrá-socis ‘shining brilliantly', duróka-socis 'glowing unpleasantly', sukrá-socis 'bright-rayed'; jīvá-barhis (AV.) 'having a fresh litter', su-barhís (VS. XXI. 15) ‘having a goodly litter', stīrṇá-barhis ‘who has strewn the litter'; svá-rocis 'self-shining'; sv-arcís? 'flashing beautifully'. -2. cáksus 'seeing', vápus 'beautyful, vidus 'attentive'9; á-dabdha-cakṣus (AV.) 'having undamaged sight', kşitáyus 'whose life goes to an end', dirgháyus long-lived', duḥ-śáśus ‘malignant', vi-parus (AV.) ‘jointless', viśvátaś-cakṣus ‘having eyes on all sides', sárva-parus (AV.) 'having all joints', sahásrayus (AV.) 'living a thousand years'. There is probably insufficient reason to assume a primary independently formed stem -ay-u- beside áy-us-; cp. LANMAN 569 (bottom). 2 Retaining the s of the N. like indras- vant-. 3 tuv-is- as an independent formation would be irregular, since the radical vowel otherwise shows Guna before the suffix ∙is (134). 4 Desiderative adj. from dah- ‘burn'. 5 The Pada text has dhakşúşas. 6 Cp. LANMAN 570. (bottom). 7 There are also the transition forms arci-s and soci-s, the neuters becoming mas- culines of the declension. 8 Also the transition forms cákṣu-s, tapú-s. 9 This may be an u-stem: vidú-s.