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VI. DECLENSION. NOUNS. VOWEL STEMS. 255 G. m. a-jásya, atithi-gvásya¹. - n. antári-kṣasya, asthi-jásya (AV.) 'pro- duced in the bones', tanu-jásya (AV.) 'produced from the body', su-mnásya. L. m. dáša-gve, náva-gve, ratha-samgé 'encounter of war-cars', sam-sthé 'presence', sam-gé 'conflict', su-khé, svargé 'going to heaven'. n. antári-kse, khé. karanja-hé 'pernicious to the Karañja tree', dur-gé, bhayá-sthe 'perilous situation', sadhá-sthe, su-mné. V. m. eka-ja, dyu-kşa, patam-ga (AV.), soma-pa (AV.) 'drinking Soma'. 2 Du. N. A. m.² éta-gva 'going swiftly'. - A. n. sadhá-sthe. Pl. N. V. m. ajya-pás (VS. xxI. 40) 'drinking clarified butter', éta-gvās, tanū-jás (AV.), tapojas (AV.) produced by austerity', dása-gvās, náva-gvās, patam-gás, vala-gás (AV.), su-gás. Also four forms with asas: dáśa-gvāsas, dyu-kṣásas, náva-gvāsas, priya-sásas3 'granting desired objects'. N. A.n. 1. ámsa-tra 'armour protecting the shoulder', antárikṣa, durgá, prathama-já4 (AV.), sadhá-stha, su-gá, su-mná. 2. khổng. antári-kṣāni, ararín-danis, durgáni, sadhá-sthani, su-gáni, su-mnáni. A. m. go-pán, tapo-ján, dur-gán (AV.), patam-gán, pūrva-ján (TS.) 'born before', śrta-pan 'drinking boiled milk', saha-ján (TS.) 'born at the same time', su-gán, soma-pán (AV.). I. m. 1. tuvi-grébhis 'swallowing much', mithó-avadya-pebhis 'mutually averting calamities', ratna-dhébhis 'preserving wealth', sāma-gébhis (AV.) 'reciting chants', su-gebhis. 2. á-tais "frames', dása-gvais, náva-gvais, dhana-sáis 'winning wealth', náva-gvais, patam-gáis, su-kháis. n. I. madhu-pébhis, su-gebhis, su-mnébhis. -2. su-mnáis. - D. m. purva-jébhyas. G. m. dvi-jánām (AV.) 'twice-born', sakam- jánām 'being born together'.- L. m. dravino-déşu 'giving wealth', su-khésu. - n. dur-gésu, sadhá-stheṣu, su-géşu, su-mnésu. - 2 a. Derivative stems in -a. BENFEY, Vollständige Grammatik p. 293-317. WHITNEY, Grammar 326-334 (p. 112-116). LANMAN, Noun-Inflection 329-354. - I svajásya in AV. X. 410. 15 is according to WHITNEY 'constrictor', not sva-jásya 'self- born'; cp. p. 254, note 12. 2 Some of the m. duals given under the radical ā-declension ought possibly to be placed here. 3 There is no reason to suppose that any of these are plurals of a stems, since the first three appear as å stems only and priya-sa- does not otherwise occur. The pl. 371. This is the most important of the declensions as it embraces more than one-half of all nominal stems. It is also the most irregular inasmuch as its ending diverge from the normal ones more than is elsewhere the case. This is the only declension in which the N. A. n. has an ending in the singular. Here the I. D. Ab. G. sing. are peculiar; and in the plural, the A., the G., one of the forms of the I. and of the N. A. n. do not take the normal endings. The final vowel of the stem is also modified before the endings with initial consonant in the du. and pl. Three of the peculiar case-endings of the sing. (I. Ab. G.) are borrowed from the pronominal declension, while in the pl. two of the case-endings (G. and N. A. n.) are due to the influence of the stems in -n. This is the only declension in which the Ab. sing., as a result of taking the pronominal ending, is distinguished from the G. As else- where in the vowel declension, the N. sing. ni. here adds the ending -s throughout; but the V. sing. shows the bare stem unmodified. This declension includes pánthāsas, occurring once beside the ordinary panthas formed from the anomalous deri- vative ā- stem pántha-, proves nothing regard- ing radical ä- stems. 4 This is the reading of the Pada text, the Samhita having -jă r- (70 a). 5 A word of uncertain meaning. 6 Two other forms, átās and átāsu are formed from the f. stem of this word, a-tā-, which is probably a radical ā- stem.