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VI. DECLENSION. NOUNS. NOUNS. VOWEL STEMS. Samhitās: 1. arvácyai (VS. XXII. 24) ‘hitherward', ávacyai (VS. XXII. 24) 'downward', á-vyatyai 'not desiring', iyatyai 'so great', údīcyai (VS. xxII. 24) 'northern', jágatyai (VS.xxIv. 12), jāryái (TS. III. 2. 2²) ‘mistress', júryantyai ‘aging', jyáyasyai ‘elder', dhenumátyai ‘yielding milk', parjánya-patnyai' 'having Parjanya for a husband, pašumátyai 'consisting of cattle', praticyai (VS.xxII. 24) 'western', prácyai (VS. XXII. 24) 'eastern', yaso-bhaginyai (VS.11. 20) 'rich in glory', rátryai (VS.xxIv. 25) 'night', vájavatyai, vis-pátnyai, sahá-patnyai¹ (AV.) 'united with the husband'. -- 2. Oxytones: indrānyái (VS.xxxvIII. 3), urvyái (VS. XXII.27), kalyanyái² (AV.) 'good', gãyatryái (VS.xIII. 54), devyái, prthivyái, bṛhatyái, mahyái, rājāsandyái (VS. XIX. 16) 'Soma stand', sinīvālyái, striyái³ (AV.), hiranya-keśyái← (AV.) 'gold-haired'. Ab. The ending looks like -as, e. g. prthivy-ás; but it is doubtless the normal ending -as fused with the suffix -yā, i. e. -yās -ya-ass. Only five forms occur in the RV., besides a few others in the later Samhitās: avadyávatyas (AV.) 'disgraceful', urvásyas N. of a nymph, jágatyas (VS. XIIL 56), jívantyäss 'living', dur-admanyás (VS. II. 20) 'bad food', pátantyas 'flying', prthivyás, brhatyás (AV.), mahyás. G. The ending is the same as in the Ab. and of similar origin. m. tiraścyás, pŕthyas, sóbharyas. - f. The forms occurring in the RV.8 are: I. amśu-mátyās9 N. of a river, amhu-bhédyās (VS.XXIII. 28) 'having a narrow slit', uśīnárāṇyās N. of a people, ūrjáyantyäs 'vigorous', ésadhyas (VS.1. 25) ‘plant', távisyas, dánumatyäs 'rich in drops', mams-pácanyas 'flesh-cooking', rátryas, vivásvatyās ‘shining', sámyas, sósucatyas 'shining', súsyantyās 'about to bear'. 2. urvyás 'earth', devyás, prthivyás, mahatyás 'great', yatyás, yatyás 'going', vadhrimatyás N. of a woman, striyas 0. 12 L. This case seems to be formed with the ending -am, e. g. devy-am; but it may be due to the fusion of a particle *-am with the suffix -yä. It is formed from 15 stems in the RV., where the pronunciation -iam is con- siderably less than half as common as -yam. Forms occurring are: I. ásiknyām, ucchántyam, údicyām (TS. II. 4. 14¹), jágatyām (VS. xxxvIII. 18), jahnávyām 'race of Jahnu', drsádvatyam N. of a river, náryām (Kh. IV. 13³). 'woman', párusnyām N. of a river, prácyam (TS.II.4.14¹), yavyávatyām 'rich in streams', rátryām, varanávatyām (AV.) N. of a river, vasávyam 'treasury', sácyam, sárasvatyam N. of a river, soma-kráyaṇyam (VS. VIII. 54) 'serving as the price of Soma'. 2. araṇyānyắm, āṣṭryám 'fire-place', asandyam (AV.) 'stool', gavīnyám (Kh.1v.13³) ‘groin', gāyatryám (VS. AV.), catvāriņšyám 'fortieth', jyesthaghnyám (AV.) N. of an asterism, devyám, narācyám (AV.) N. of a river, prthivyám, striyám (AV.) ¹³. 275 I To be pronounced -iai. 2 This is an emendation for the reading kalyānyai of the edition; cp. Lanman 383². 3 With split 7 as in the radical - stems. 4 There are also the transition forms bhiyái, śriyái (VS. XIX. 94), hriyái (VS. XIV. 35) from the radical - declension, and from the i declension devá-hutyai, turyái, nirrtyai, pustyái, bhujyái, bhṛtyái, śrútyai. 5-yas is read as 4 times out of 25 in the RV. : prthivias 3 times and jivantias once, always for metrical reasons, cp. LANMAN 384 (top). 6 There are also the transition forms from the declension, nábhyās, bhúmyās, hetyás; and from the AV. á-bhūtyās, á-rāṭyās, á-šastyās, (and here the iis preceded by two con- | áhutyās, kṛṣyás, deva-hetyás, rátryas, śīrşaktyás; sonants). probably also yenyas (VI. 1214), Pada yónya. 7 Pronounced tiraściás. But cp. ROTH, ZDMG. 48, 115 (bottom). 8 This case is formed from more steins in the AV. than in the RV.; cp. LANMAN 355. 9 In about 15 per cent of the following genitives the ending is pronounced -iās. 10 There are also half a dozen transition forms from the declension in the RV.: anumatyās, árātyās, nirṛtyās, pŕśnyās, bhúmyās (once with crasis in bhúmyopári X. 753', yuvatyds; there are many others in the AV.; as jāmyas (also Kh. v. 5¹9); see LANMAN 3852. 11 Cp. BRUGMANN, Grundriss 2, 265 (p. 619). 12 It is much less common than this is the AV. in 13 There are also two transition forms 18*