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I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. V. This case is formed, by shortening the final, from 38 stems (all f.) in the RV. Examples are: devi (23), sarasvati (16), pṛthivi (11), maghoni (9), vibhāvari 'radiant' (8), mahi (6). From the TS.: ámbali (vII. 4.19¹) 'mother', kámpila- vasini (VII. 4. 19¹; VS.) 'living in Kampīla', darvi (1.8.4') ‘ladle', patni (1v. 4. 124), mánduki (Iv. 6. 12; VS.) 'frog', deva-yajani (VS.) 'whereon gods are adored'. Du. N. A. V. This form in the RV. ends in -ī exclusively, being made probably with the ending - (like the f. du. of the derivative -a stems), which coalesces with the 7 of the stem '. There is only one m. form, the V. mādhvī 'fond of sweetness', an epithet of the Asvins. The f. is very frequent, being made from 76 stems in the RV. and from over 20 in the VS. The commonest forms in the RV. are: rýdasī (87) ‘the two worlds', dyávā-prthivi (65) 'heaven and earth', mahi (27), urví (20), prthiví (20), deví (13), samīcí (11) ‘uniteď, bṛhatí (10), yahví (6) 'active', aksi (6) ‘eyes', prthví (5). From the TS.: N. chándasvati 'desiring' and súrya-patnī (IV.3.11¹) ‘having the sun as husband', V. úrvi, rodasī, patnī (Iv. 7. 15°). 276 a, The is twice metrically shortened in prthivi (11. 315; 111. 544) and in máhi (IV. 569; X. 93¹). b. In the AV. three stems of this declension form transition duals 2 according to the radical - declension: aksyàu, āṇḍyàu, phálgunyau ³; in other texts: gavinyàu (TS. III. 3. 10¹) 'the groins', pátnyau (VS. XXXI. 22), rébhatyau and su-párṇyau (Kh. 1. 37). I. akṣibhyam (AV.), kumbhíbhyām (VS. XIX. 27), jóstrībhyām (VS. XXI. 51) 'cherishing', madhucībhyam (VS.) 'sweetness-loving', madhvibhyam (VS.). D. rodasībhyam. - Ab. akṣíbhyām, dyávāpṛthivíbhyam (VS. xxxvII. 18). G. aksyós4 (AV.; TS. III. 2.55), ártniyos (TS. IV. 5. 2³) ‘ends of the bow', ártnyos (VS.XVI. 9), divas-prthivyós 5, ninyós 'secret', pari-nŕtantyos (AV.) 'dancing round', ródasyos7.-L. aksyós (AV.), arányos, árjunyos, dyávāpṛthivyós (VS. XX.10), pátantyos, ródasyos, samīcyós. Pl. N. V. The ending seems to be simply -s, but it is doubtless the normal ending -as, which originally coalesced with the suffix -yā to -yās, the latter then contracting to -ïs. In the m. the only example is siris. But the f. is very frequent, being tormed from 166 stems in the RV., and occurring in the independent parts of the TS. at least 25 and of the VS. at least 40 times. The commonest forms are: devis (43), pūrvís (36) ‘many', óṣadhīs (27), váņīs (12) 'songs', pátnīs (11), mahis (11), bhātís (8) ‘shining, yahvís (7), devayántīs (6) ‘serving the gods', vásvīs³ (6). In the Khilas occur the 7 forms a-lakṣmís (11.66), anís (Iv.85), devis (111.10²), pāvamānis (III.10¹) N. of certain hymns, bahvís (II. 84 etc.) ‘many', svastyáyanīs (III. 10'), hiraṇyáyīs (v. 15¹¹). a. Transitions from this to the radical i declension are almost unknown to the RV.: striyas is the only certain example, and prsanyàs and suparnyàs are probably such; the tendency to use such transition forms is only incipient even in the AV.9, where urvyàs ¹0 (once) and rudatyàs (once) occur ¹¹. In the Khilas also, occur the three forms ghrtácyas 10 from the radical - declension: śriyám (AV.) and dutyám; five from the i declension: púramdhyam, bhúmyam, bhrtyám, yuvat- yam, sámgatyām; besides at least 10 addi- tional ones from the AV.: ávyām, ákūtyām, cittyäm, devá-hutyām, nábhyām (+VS. XXIV. 1), prstyám, bhutyam, yónyām (+VS.), védyām, sámityām. ¹ Cp. BRUGMANN, Grundriss 2, 287 (p. 644). 2 There are also the transition forms from the radical - declension ksoni and once nadi. 3 This form in -yau becomes universal in the post-Vedic language. 4 The Mss. in AV. V. 410 read aksós; see WHITNEY'S note. 5 With the first member of the Dvandva inflected in the sing. G. 6 Either the G. of nini- (m. ninyá-) or shortened for ninyáyos. 7 Once (VI. 24³) used in the sense of an Ab. 8 éka-patnis (AV. x. 839) 'having one hus- band' is N. pl. f., not N. sing. m. 9 There seem to be no such transitions in the TS.; but there are at least 3 to the i declension: óşadhayas (1V. I. 44), revátayas (IV. 2. 11¹), pátnayas (V. 2. 11²). 10 Beside urvis which occurs 9 times. ¹1 And yet this form is the only one in the post-Vedic language.