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VI. DECLENSION. NOUNS. VOWEL STEMS. I f. The forms occurring in the RV. are: adite, anumate, asu-nīte ‘spirit-world', iste, upa-māte ¹ 'granting (of wealth)', rjīte ‘radiant', bhūme, mate, yuvate, satyatāte* 'truth', sv-angure 'fair-fingered'. The AV. has darve² 'spoon'; the VS. svadhite. a. There is also the ansfer oşadhe from the i- declension. Du. N. A. V. This form ends in -73 and can be used in all genders alike. The m. is very frequent, being made from 72 stems in the RV. The commonest examples are: indrūgní (78) ‘Indra and Agni', hárī (78), pátí (33), śubhás-pátí (21) 'lords of light'. Elsewhere also occur: sa-tátī (TS. III. 2. 2²) 'conti- nuous'; bhúri-raśmi (Kh. iv. 22³) 'many-rayed'; visva-váparī (Kh. II. 22³) ‘extend- ing (?) everywhere. The final vowel is shortened in saksáni (x. 32¹) 'united'. f. The forms occurring in the RV. are: itá-ūti 'extending from hence', atí, jītī, jāmi, dárvi, dyáva-bhúmi 'heaven and earth', dharayát-kavi 'protecting the wise', púramdhi, bhují 'patrons', yuvatí, vásu-dhiti 'treasuries', súci, sá-yoni 'of the same origin', su-práturti 'very victorious', sruti. n. The only two regular forms are súci and tigmá-hetī (AV.) 'having a keen thrust'; also máhi (with shortened final)s. There are besides one or two secondary forms with -nī made under the influence of the n- declension: ákṣiṇī (AV.) ‘eyes' and perhaps hárini (Ix. 707) from háriº. I. m. indragníbhyām, dámpatibhyam (AV.) 'husband and wife', háribhyām.—- f. vartaníbhyām, śrónibhyām (VS.xxv.6) 'hips'. n. sákthibhyam 'thighs'. D. m. indragnibhyām, índrā-bŕhaspátibhyām (VS. VII. 23) 'Indra and Brhas- pati', háribhyam¹. Ab. m. kukşibhyām (AV. VS.) pāṇibhyām (AV.). f. pársnibhyām, śróṇibhyām. - G. m. indragnyós, háryos. f. yuvatyós. 285 - L. m. kuksyós, gábhastyos, háryos. - f. jämyós; gavīnyós (AV.) 'groins', pársnyos (AV.). - n. sákthyos (VS. xxiv. 1). Pl. N. V. This form gunates the final vowel of the stem, adding the normal ending -as in the m. and f; e. g. agnáy-as, utáy-as. It is of very frequent occurrence, but is nearly twice as common in the m. as the f. m. This form is made from 109 stems in the RV. and occurs 523 times. The commonest examples are: kaváyas (45), váyas (38), sūráyas (36), hárayas (31), agnáyas (27), ádrayas (26), ṣayas (26), śúcayas (18), pátayas (16), raśmáyas (16), váhnayas (15) 'conveyers'. In the VS. also occur: ajaváyas 'goats and sheep' (. 43), výsa-pāṇayas (xxIx. 44) 'strong-hoofed', vriháyas (XVIIL 12) 'rice-plants'. d. The stem arí-, being the only i- stem that does not take Guņa, forms its N. pl. like the B group of the radical - stems (except the accent); ary-ás, which occurs 16 times in the RV. b. The form á-hrayas 'shameless' is a transfer from the radical - declension, and sóbharayas 'descendants of Sobhari' from the derivative i- declension. f. This form is made from 66 stems and occurs 290 times in the RV. The commonest examples are: utáyas (42), dhītáyas (21), matáyas (20), árātayas (18), rātáyas (18), kṛṣṭáyas (17), kṣitáyas (13) 'races', jánayas (12), vrstáyas (12). ¹ Agreeing with agne. 2 The VS. (11. 49) has darvi from dárvi- dárvi. The VS. (vIII. 43) also has vi-śruti which seems to be an irregular V. for vi- śrute; cp. pw. s. v. 3 The derivative -i, - and - stems are the only ones which do not take -ā or -au in the dual. a. The stem arí- has the same anomalous form as in the m.: ary-ás, which occurs 4 times in the RV. 4 Occurring in x.8512 and possibly Iv. 565. 5 Occurring X. 9754 and perhaps also 1v. 565. 6 BR. and GRASSMANN place this form under hárita-. 7 No n, forms occur in the D. Ab. dual, This word may be f. also.