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I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. b. About 10 i- stems in the RV. have also N. pl. forms according to the derivative - declension: avánīs 'streams', ajanis births', ütis, náklis 'nights', nirytis, nişkytis, puramdhis, bhimis, visvá-kystīs 'dwelling among all men', sá-yonis. The AV. also has: angulis, rstis 'spears', dhamánis 'tubes', nábhis, pārsnis, prstis. 286 c. The stems yayi- 'speeding', Subhri- 'shining', karkari- 'lute' form their N. pl. according to the radical 7-declension: yayiyas, subhriyas (AV.), karkaryàs (AV.). d. Some -stems have transfer forms according to the i-declension: ambayas, arunayas, kşonáyas; ósadhayas, śákvarayas (TS. v. 4. 122; VS. XVIII. 22). The TS. has also: garbhinayas (11. 1. 26), pálnayas (v. 2. 112 etc.), revátayas (v. 2. 11¹), várutrayas (IV. 1. 62). N. A. n. I. The normal form, in which the ending i coalesces with the final of the stem to -i, is made from 4 stems in the RV.: a-pratí² irresistible', krúdhmi 'irascible', trí 'three', sicī. The final vowel of this form is further shortened in six stems: apratí, a-sthuri 'not single-horsed', jāmí, bhúri, śámi 3 'work', surabhi. The AV. has also máhi (besides apratí and bhúri). The forms in -ī and -i (which are of about equal frequency) taken together occur about 50 times in the RV. 2. There is a secondary form (following the analogy of the n-stems) in -īni, which is taken by 4 stems having the primary form also: apratini, bhúrīņi, śúcīni, surabhíni. These forms occur about 14 times. The AV. has also áksīni and ásthini; the latter form occurs in the TS. as well (v. 7. 2¹); the VS. has singīni (xxxIx. 8) 'entrails'. A. m. The ending n here (as in the -a and -u declension) represents original -ns, which in one half (42) of the total occurrences (84) of these forms in -īn in the RV. is preserved as -ms or (before vowels) -mr. This A. is made from 31 stems in the RV4. The commonest examples are sūrín (14), vánas-pátīn (11), panín (9), raśmin (6), sákhín (5), girín (4)³. The TS. also has ádhi-patīn (1. 6. 6¹) ‘lords', áhín (Iv. 5. 1²; VS. xv₁. 5); the VS. has tittirin (xXIV. 20) partridges', lájinó (xxIII. 8) parched grain', sácin (XXIII. 8) 'groats'. a. The stem ori- is the only one which does not take -n, but adds the normal ending -as instead, the A. aryás (which occurs 7 times in the RV.) being thus identical with the N. pl. The stem vi- in its only occurrence (1. 104¹) in the A. pl. uses the N. pl. form váyas. f. This form, which is made by adding simple -s (instead of -as), e. g. bhúmis, occurs from 42 stems in the RV. The commonest examples are árātīs (16), kṛṣṭís (16), kṣitís (8), carṣaṇís (7) ‘people', púramdhīs (7), avánīs (6), ášastīs (5)¹. The TS. has abhistís (v.4.14²), ámatīs (111.1.4¹), yónīs (1. 5. 3³), vyustis (1v. 3. 114); and śácis occurs in a Khila (p. 171, 6) 8. a. As in the m., the stem arí has aryás (occurring 4 times). Two N. forms, citrótayas (x. 140³) 'granting wonderful gifts' and súcayas (AV. v. 1³), appear to be used for the A. I. m. This form is made with the regular ending -bhis from 40 stems in the RV. The commonest examples are ádribhis (43), raśmíbhis (36), pathibhis (28) 'paths', háribhis (23), sákhibhis (15), sūríbhis (14), agníbhis (10), anjibhis (10) 'ornaments', sibhis (10), víbhis¹⁰ (9). · - From the VS.: plašibhis (xxv. 8). ¹ Beside avánayas, utáyas, bhúmayas, visvá- kystayas. 2 The Pada text has aprati. 3 BR. set up a n. stem śámi- beside f. šamī-. GRASSMANN recognizes śámi- only, making śámi always the I. sing. with short-RV. are enumerated by LANMAN 3953. ened final vowel. Cp. the I. sing. of śámi- above (p. 274). 8 See SCHEFTELOWITZ' note, p. 171 (bottom). 9 No n. form' occurs. 10 Not accented as a monosyllabic stem. LANMAN 395 enumerates the stems which take this accusative. 5 On the Sandhi of the final -n in this form see LANMAN 394 f. 6 Written with pluti in the text as lájín, śácizn. 7 The stems which take this form in the