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VI. DECLENSION. NOUNS. VOWEL STEMS. 295 āśúm (20) 'swift', urúm (18), manyúm (18) 'wrath', vāyúm (18), amśúm (17) 'shoot', sunum (17), dásyum (15) 'fiend', paśúm (15), bhanúm (15) 'lustre', bhujyum (15) N. of a man, sátrum (15) ‘enemy'. f. This form is made from 15 stems and occurs 50 times in the RV.: á-dhenum 'yielding no milk', aruná-psum 'of ruddy appearance', işum, krúmum N. of a river, carum, jásum 'resting-place', jigatnúm 'speeding', jīrádanum 'sprinkling abundantly', jīvátum, dhánum 'sandbank', dhenum, bhujyúm 'viper', vasiyúm, śárum, sindhum. I. m. This case is formed in two ways. I. Four stems in the RV. add the normal ending -ā, before which the -u is almost invariably pronounced as v: paraśv-á 'axe', paśv-á; krátv-a', śiśv-ā. - 2. Owing to the influence of the - declension 30 stems in the RV. add -nă instead of the normal -ā: amśúna, aktúna 'light', an-asina 'not swift', a-bandhúna 'kinless', índunā, isuna (Kh. Iv. 73)2, urina, rjúna 'straight', rtina 'fixed time', ketúnā, krátuna ³, cetúna 'heed', jisnúna 'victorious', tri-dhátuna, dhumá-ketuna 'smoke- bannered', dhrsnina 'bold', paśúnā, bhānúna, mánunā, manyúna, ripinā 'deceiver', vagnúna 'roar', vahatuna 'bridal procession', vayúnā, vi-bhindúna 'splitting', vişnunā, výsa-psunā 'of strong appearance', sadhúnā 'straight', su- cetúnā 'benevolence', sétuna (TS. III. 2. 2 ¹) 'bridge', stanayitnúnā 'thunder', snúnā 5 'summit'. f. This form is made from 7 stems in the RV. by adding the normal ending -ā, before which the u is pronounced as a vowel in five stems: cikitvá (AV.), panvá 'praise'; á-dhenva, işvā (AV.; Kh. Iv. 5 3¹), mádhva, mehatnvá N. of a river, rájjvā (AV.) ‘rope', śárvā, su-sártvä N. of a river, hánvā ‘jaw'. a. Six oxytone stems and also mithu- form instrumentals with interposed-y-; they are used adverbially with shift of accent to the ending: anu-şthuyá immediately', amuya 'thus', asuya quickly', dhrsnuyá boldly', raghuyá 'swiftly', sadhuya 'rightly'; milhuya 'falsely'. n. This case is made in two ways. I. The normal ending -ā is added directly to the stem. Of this formation there is only one example: mádhva+ 'honey'. -2. Owing to the influence of the n- declension 15 stems in the RV. add -nā: urúṇā, kṛdhúnā 'defective', ghrtá-snunã 'dripping with ghee', jaráyuna 'after-birth', titauna 'sieve', trsuna 'greedy', tri-dhátuna, dánuna 'fluid', drunas 'wood', dhrsnúni, pururina 'far and wide', prthúna, mádhuna, vásuni, sánuna, svadúna 'sweet'. D. m. This case is formed in two ways. 1. The ending -e is added to the unmodified stem in three words in the RV.: krátve, śiśve, sahásra-bahve? 'having a thousand arms'. 2. The ending e is added to the gunated final vowel in over 60 stems in the RV. The commonest examples are: mánave (36), vāyáve (23), viṣṇare (13), manyáve (12), āyáve (10) ‘living', sūnáve (10), dásyave (9), ripáve (7), mṛtyáve (6) ‘death', pūráve (5)³ ‘man’. f. This case is made in the same way as the second form of the m. from only three stems in the RV.: jívátave, dhenáve, śárave. n. This case is formed in three ways. I. The ending -e is added to the - ¹ Twice out of 59 occurrences prouounced 5 The words snú- and drú- are not accen- krátua. The form krátva occurs VS. XXXIII. tuated as monosyllabic stems because they 72 and twice in the Khilas (111. 16²; v. 6³); are the reduced form of the dissyllables and in Kh. IV.536 kartvá is perhaps meant sanu- and dáru-. for krátvā. 6 krátve also occurs VS. XIV,8; XXXVIII, 28. 7 Pronounced -bahue. 2 For the işvā of AV. v. 54. 3 The form krátuna occurs 12 times, krátva 59 times, in the RV. 4 This form also occurs in VS. xx. 56 etc., TS. IV. 1. 81 (twice) and Kh, v. 64. 8 LANMAN 409 enumerates the stems which take this dative,