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I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. unmodified stem in one word: páśv-e¹. - 2. The ending -e is added to the gunated stem in two words: uráve, visvayave. 3. Owing to the influence of the n- declension -ne is added to the stem in one word in the RV.: mádhune. The AV. also has kasipune 'mat'. Ab. m. This case is formed in two ways. I. The normal ending -as is added to the unmodified stem in one word only: pitv-ás 'draught'. 2. The ending -s is added to the gunated stem in 20 words in the RV.: amhós 'distress', adhvaryós 'officiating priest', rtis, krśános N. of a divine archer, ksipanós 'archer', gántos 'course', tanayitnós 'thundering', tanyatos 'thunder', devayós, ninitsós 'wishing to blame', purós, babhrós (Kh. v. 15¹¹) 'brown', manyós, mṛtyós, ririksós 'wishing to injure', vanisthós 'intestine', vāyós, visnos, sátros, síndhos, snós. 296 f. This case is made in the same way as the second form of the m. The only two examples are: dhános and vástos 'dawn'. There is also one transition form due to the influence of the - declension: isv-as. n. This case is made in three ways. 1. The ending -as is added to the unmodified stem in one word only: mádhvas. 2. The ending -s is added to the gunated stem: urós, drís², mádhos (Kh. Iv. 12¹; TS. IV. 4. 12¹), sános, svadós. 3. Under the influence of the n- declension -nas is added to the stem: mádhunas, sánunas. G. m. This case is made in two ways. I. The ending -as is added to the unmodified stem in six words: paśvás, pitvás; krátvas, mádhvas, vásvas, śíśvas ³. 2. The prevailing form is made by adding -s to the gunated stem, and appears in 70 words. The commonest examples are: āyós (22), visnos (14), sindhos (13), aktós (11), vāyis (10), dásyos (8), mános (8), śátros (5), kūrós (4) ‘singer'. — a. There is a single transition form according to the n- declension carunas, which occurs only once (VIII. 5¹4). — f. This case is formed in one way only, like the second form of the m., from 5 stems: aktós, dhenós, vástos, saráyos N. of a river, sindhos. n. This case is made like the Ab. n. I. mádhvas5, vásvas. 2. The commonest form, made from 8 stems in the RV.: urós, kşós 'food', gúggulos (AV.) 'bdellium', cáros, mádhos(+AV.), vásos (+ AV.), vástos(+ AV.) 'dwelling', sādhós, svadós. — 3. cắrunas, dánunas, drunas, mádhunas, vásunas8 —— L. m. This case is formed in two ways. I. The normal ending - is added to the gunated final vowel in 7 stems: ánavi 'non-Aryan man', trasádasyavi N. of a king, dásyavi, druhyávi N. of a man, pávīravi N. of a man, vísnavi, sunávi. dropped, leaving the final stem This form of the L. is taken by ayáu, uráu, krátau, caráu 'poť', occurrences. - 2. More usually the ending is vowel with Vṛddhi instead of Guna. 19 stems in the RV.: aktáu ‘at night', druhyáu, párśau N. of a man, pasáu, The stem pásu- occurs once in the N. as a neuter, and pátve must owing to the accent be taken as the D. of that stem; the m. stem is pašú-, D. paśáve. 2 The form drós also occurs in Kh, IV. 5¹¹, 3 Possibly 4 other words written with -os, should be pronounced with -uas : dhrṣṇúas (X. 22³), ripúas (IV. 3¹3), pípruas (V1, 227), vişnuas (VIII. 31⁰⁰), 4 LANMAN 410 gives a list of the stems taking this form of the genitive. 5 Pronounced mádhuas twice out of 67 6 There is no certain evidence as to the gender of drú- 'wood', but, as it is a reduced form of daru- which is n., it may be assumed to be n. There is also the form drós. 7 mádhvas occurs 67 times, mádhos 13 times, mádhunas 9 times in the RV. The VS. has all three forms in independent passages, 8 vásvas occurs 38 times, vásos 8 times, vásunas 11 times in the RV,