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300 I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. not even number. Some resemble neuters in form; a few have no apparent case-ending; in two of them the acc. pl. masc. does duty as fem. also. The forms of the first and second person which occur are: 1. Sing. N. ahám². A. mám, mā. I. máyā. D. máhyam, máhya, me³. Ab. mád. G. máma, me. L. máyi5. Du. N. vắm (RV¹).6. A. nau. D.7 nau. Ab. āvád (TS.). G.³ nau. Pl. N. vayám. A. asmán, nas ³. I. asmábhis. D. asmábhyam, asmé (RV.), nas. Ab. asmád. G. asmákam¹º, asmáka“¹¹ (RV¹.), nas. L. asmé, asmásu³ 12 2. Sing. N. tvám ¹³. A. tvám, tvā. I. tváyā, tvá (RV.). D. túbhyam, túbhya, te ¹4. Ab. tvád. G. táva, te. L. tvé ¹5 (RV. VS.), tváyi (AV. VS. TS.). Du. N. yuvám. A. yuvám, vām. I. yuvábhyām, yuvábhyām. D. vām. Ab. yuvád (RV¹.). G. yuvós (RV. and Kh.1.12¹), yuváyos (TS.111.5.4¹), vām. Pl. yuyam¹6. A. yuşmán ¹7, f. yuşmás (VS².), vas ¹8. D. yuşmábhyam, yüyám vas. Ab. yuşmád. G. yuşmakamo, yuşmáka (RV².), vas. L. yuşmé. a, The usual stems representing these personal pronouns in derivation or as first member of a compound are ma-, asma-; tva-, yuva-, yuşma-; e. g. má-vant- ‘like me', asma-drúh- ‘hating us’, tvá-vant- 'like thee', tvá-yata- 'presented by thee'; yuva-yú- 'desiring you two', yuvá-dhita- 'established by you two', yuvá-datta- 'given by you two'; jusma- yánt 'desiring you', yuşmá-ita- 'supported by you'; yuşmá-datta- 'given by you' ¹9. b. The forms mad-, asmad-, tvad- occur a few times as first member of compounds; thus mát-krta- 'done by me', mát-sakhi- 'my companion', mat-tás (AV.) 'from me'; asmát- sakhi 'having us as companions', asmád-rāta- (VS.) ‘given by us'; tvát-pity- (TS.) 'having thee as father'; tvád-yoni- (AV.) 'derived from thee', tvád-v.vācana- (TS.) ‘having thee as umpire'. c. aham-, mām-, mama-; asme-; tvām- are also sometimes found as first member of compounds; thus aham-uttará- (AV.) 'struggle for precedence', aham-purvá- 'eager to be first', aham-yu- proud'; mâm-paśyá- (AV.) ‘looking at me'; mama-satyá- 'dispute as to ownership'; asmé-hiti- 'errand for us'; tvám-kama- 'desiring thee', tvám-ahu!i- (TS.) 'offering to thee'. 2. Demonstrative Pronouns. 392. Tá- 'that', which also serves as the personal pronoun of the third person, 'he', 'she', 'it', is typical, in its inflexion, of the adjectival pronoun. It has the special peculiarity of using the stem sa- for the nom. masc. and fem. sing. and, in the RV., for the loc. sing. masc. and neut. The general peculiarities of the adjectival pronominal declension, as distinct from I Cp. GAEDICKE, Akkusativ 12-14. 2 On the formation of ahám cp. J. SCHMIDT, KZ. 36, 405 ff., All the nominatives of the personal pronouns are formed with am as also the N. sing. of the demonstrative ay- ám and the reflexive svayám. — 3 The unaccented forms of the personal pronoun (85) may be accompanied by accented words in agreement with them; e. g. te jáyataḥ 'of thee when conquering'; vo vrtábhyaḥ for you that were confined'; nas tribhyák "to us three'. 4 mád is two or three times unaccented in the AV. 5 CP. BARTHOLOMAE, ZDMG. 50, 725. 6 This seems to be the only nom. form (VI. 55¹) occurring in the Samhitās. The nom. in the SB. is avám, in the AB. āvām; the acc, in the ŚB. is āvam. The form vám must be an abbreviation of avám. 7 The AB. has āvābhyām. 8 The SB. has āváyos. 9 asman and yuşmắn are new formatives according to the nominal declension; cp. BRUGMANN, KG. 519, 2, note. 10 asmákam and yuşmakam are properly acc, n. of the possessives asmáka-, yuşmáka-; cp. BRUGMANN, KG. 524, 4. 11 Occurs only in I. 173¹0. 12 asmásu is a new formation according to the inst, asmá-bh s. 13 tvám must often be read as túam. 14 te, originally only loc., is used as dat. and gen.; similarly me; the loc. asmé is also used as dat. 15 Cp. BARTHOLOMAE, loc. cit. 10 Originally *yūš-ám where y was substi- tuted for the sibilant owing to the influence of vayám; cp. BARTHOLOMAE, op. cit. 726, note; BRUGMANN, KG. 513 and note 3, 518, 17 yuşmán is a new formation according to the nominal declension (like asmán). 18 The inst. was originally in all probability yuşmá (likẹ tvá), which later became yuşmābhis (like asmábhis). 19 This compound may preserve the old inst. A