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VI. DECLENSION. PRONOUNS. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. the nominal a- declension, are that 1. in the singular they take -d instead of -m in the nom. and acc. neut.; the element -sma- in the dat., abl., loc. masc. and neut.; the element -sya- in the dat., abl, gen., loc. fem.; the suffix -in in the loc. masc. and neut.'; 2. in the plural they take -e for -as in the nom. masc.; s for n in the gen. before -m. 1. The inflexion of tá- accordingly is as follows: I. m. Sing. N. m. sá-s², f. sá, n. tá-d. A. m. tá-m, f. tá-m, n. tá-d. ténă³, f. túy.7. D. m. n. tá-smai, f. tá-syai. Ab. m. n. tá-smit, f. tá-syas. G. m. n. tá-sya, f. tá-syās. L. tá-smin+, sá-smin (RV.), f. tá-syām. Du. N. A. m. tá, táu, f. té, n. té. I. m. f. tá-bhyams. Ab. m. tá-bhyām. G. m. n. táyos. L. m. táyos. P1. N. m. té, f. tắs, n. tả, tắni, A. m. tấn, f. tắs, n. tắ, tấni. I. m. n. té-bhis, táis (AV.; Kh. II. 10¹), f. tá-bhis. D. m. n. té-bhyas, f. tá-bhyas. G. m. téşam, f. tá-sām. L. m. té-su, f. tá-su. a. The stem tá is frequently used in derivation, especially that of adverbs; e. g. tá-thā 'thus', tá-vant- ‘so great, tá-ti (AV.) ‘so many', and in the compound ta-dis- 'such'. b. The neuter form tád is often used as the first member of a compound; thus tád-anna- having that food"; tád-apas ‘accustomed to that work'; tad-id-artha- 'having just that as an object'; tád-okas- 'delighting in that'; tád-ojas- possessing such power'; tad-vasá- 'having a desire for that'; tad-vid- (AV.) 'knowing that'. 301 2. Two other demonstrative pronouns are formed from tá-. a. One of them, etá-, formed by prefixing the pronominal element e-6, means 'this here'. It is inflected exactly like tá- and is of common occurrence. The forms which occur are: 2 m. Sing. m. N. eşás or eşá ² esá² A. etám. A. etám. I. eténa. D. etásmai (TS.). Ab. etásmāt (AV.). G. etásya (AV.). -— Du. N. etá, etáu. - Pl. N. eté. A. etán. I. etébhis, etáis (AV.). D. etébhyas. Pl. f. Sing. N. eşá. A. etám. I. etáyā. L. etásyām. N. etás. A. etás. I. etábhis (AV.). L. etásu (AV.). n. Sing. N. etád. - Pl. N. etá (+VS.), etáni. a. The stem used in derivation and composition is eta-; thus etá-vant- ‘so great'; eta-dýs- 'such'. Du. N. eté. b. The other secondary demonstrative, tyd-, is derived from tá- with the suffix -ya7 and means 'that'. It is common in the RV., but rare in the later Samhitas. It is used adjectivally, being nearly always accompanied by its substantive. It is never found at the beginning of a sentence except when followed by u, cid, nú, or sú. The forms occurring are: 10 m. Sing. N. syá ¹0 (+VS.). A. tyám. G. tyásya. - Du. N. tyá. - Pl. N. tyé. A. tyán. I. tyébhis. f. Sing. N. sya. A. tyám. I. tyá (for tyáya). G. tyásyās. - Du. N. tyé. - Pl. N. tyás. A. tyás. - n. Sing. N. tyád (+TS.). Pl. tyá, tyáni. 393. The demonstrative which appears as ayám in in the nom. sing. masc. and means 'this here', employs the pronominal roots a- and (in various modifications) i- in its inflexion, the latter being used in nearly all the This suffix is once found in the RV., in the form of -min, attached to yādŕš- ‘having what appearance', though the stem ends in a consonant, of Nomes MLV 2 On the Sandhi of sá- and eşá- see 78. 3 The Pada text always reads téna. 4 sásmin occurs nearly half as often as tásmin in the RV. 5 In IX, 66² this form (f.) seems to have a loc, sense; see LANMAN 3434. 6 According to BRUGMANN, KG. 495, 6, note 3, originally loc. sing. of a-. 7 Cp. BRUGMANN, KG, 401 and 495, 2. 8 It occurs two or three times also in B. 9 Cp. GRASSMANN, s. v. tyá-. 10 sya and tyá- are often to be read with Vyuha.