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I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. nom. and acc. forms, the former in the other cases. The acc. sing. masc. and fem. starts from i-m', the acc. of i-, and is followed by the nom. acc. du. and pl., all these forms having the appearance of being made from a stem ima. The nom. sing. fem. is formed from i-2, and the nom. acc. sing. neut. from i-d (the N. A. n. of ż-), both with the suffix -am added. The nom. sing. masc. is formed from a- with the suffix -am and interposing The remaining cases formed from a-3 are inflected throughout like tá-. The inflexion of this pronoun is accordingly as follows: -y-. 302 Sing. N. m. a-y-ám, f. i-y-ám, n. i-d-ám. A. m. im-ám, f. im-ám, n. i-d-ám. I. m. e-ná ³, f. ayá4. D. m. a-smái 5, f. a-syái. Ab. m. a-smắt, f. a-syás. G. m. a-syá7, f. a-syás. L. m. a-smín, f. a-syám. Du. a-bhyám. N. A. m. imá, imáu, f. imé, n. imé. D. m. ā-bhyám (RV¹.). Ab. m. G. m. a-y-ós (RV.)8. L. m. a-y-ós9 (RV.). Pl. N. m. imé, f. imás, n. imá, imáni. A. m. imán, f. imás, n. imá, imáni. I. m. e-bhis, f. a-bhís ¹0. D. m. e-bhyás, f. a-bhyás. G. m. e-şám, f. a-sám. L. m. e-şú, f. a-sú. 10 394. The corresponding demonstrative employed to express remoteness, 'that there', 'yon', appears in the nom. sing. masc. fem. as asáu. The pro- nominal root employed throughout its inflexion is a-, but always in an extended form only. The fundamental stem used in every case, excepting the nom. sing., is a-m, acc. masc. of a-; this is extended by the addition of the particle u to amu-, which has become the stem in the oblique cases of the sing. (with long u in the acc. fem.); in the plur. amú- is the fem. and amí- the masc. stem (except the acc.). The nom. sing. forms are quite peculiar. In the masc. and fem. the pronominal root a- seems to be compounded with sa- extended by the particle u: a-sá-u and a-sa-u"; while the neut. has the pronominal -d extended with the suffix -as: a-d-ás. Only one dual form has been noted, and several plural case forms are wanting. The forms found in the Samhitãs are the following: m. Sing. N. asáu. A. amúm. I. amúnā (VS.). D. ami-smai. Ab. amú- ṣmāt (AV. TS.). G. ami-sya ¹. L. amú-şmin (AV.). — Pl. N. ami¹³. A. amún (AV.). D. amíbhyas (AV.). G. ami-şām. f. Sing. N. asáu. A. amúm. I. amuya ¹4. D. ami-syai (VS.). G. amú- syās (AV.). Du. N. amú (AV.). — Pl. N. amús. A. amús. — n. Sing. N. adás. - Pl. N. amú (AV.). — 395. A defective unaccented pronoun of the third person meaning 'he', 'she', and in the AV. it', is e-na-¹5. It occurs almost exclusively in the ¹ Cp. BRUGMANN, KG. 495, 10. 2 From - is also formed the acc, i-m and the neut. i-d, both used as particles, 3 The Pada text always reads end (the unaccented ena occurs twice). This and all 9 Seems to be wrongly read as āyós in other oblique cases formed from a-, when the Pada text; cp. LANMAN 344³. used as nouns may lose their accent; see 10 abhís occurs ten times in the RV.; it is 85 63; cp. GRASSMANN, s. v. idám. On ayám thrice accented ábhis and thrice unaccented: see BRUGMANN, KG. 498, 3. cp. note 5 • 6 The abl, according to the nominal de- clension, ắt, is used as a conjunction. 7 The form imásya also occurs once, 8 To be read as āyós, 4 This inst, is fairly frequent in the RV.; instead of it anáyá occurs twice (1X, 65¹2. 27), being probably a later correction to obviate the hiatus, Otherwise no forms of ana- (anéna, anáya, anáyos) occur in the Sam-origin cp. IF. 18, 64, note. hitas. But anena (n.) occurs in Kh, 111, 167. 5 asmai and asya are accented on the first syllable, the former four or five times, the latter about ten times, when specially em- phatic at the beginning of a Pada in the RV. 11 Cp. BRUGMANN, KG. 495, 6; 498, 4. 12 This is the only instance of -sya being added to any but an a- stem. 13 This form is Pragṛhya (70). On its 14 Used adverbially, with shifted accent, 15 The same e- (loc. of a-) as in é-ka- 'one', e-vá 'thus'; cp. BRUGMANN, KG. 495, 6.